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New Coach at Betsy Layne!
Well the debate is over. I heard from a school board member at Betsy Layne High School that Brian Hall was named the new boys basketball coach at Betsy Layne. Good Luck Coach, and the boys at BL!
good luck coach Hall
wooooooooo finnaly ...........bobcats can now rest easy that they have a good coach and better thank god they have him
Great hire!!
Good luck
wonder who that board memeber was. I really like Brian and hope him the best but I've know him a long time and he will not play players because of who their daddy is so might just make it one season. Good Luck Brian glad to see a young coach come back to the 58th. Your mom and Dad will not have to travel as much now. Good Luck. With the kids thinking about not playing if coach Rose did not come back will they change their mind since they got a good coach or not?
Yea i heard about this hire yestrerday its pretty much a done deal good luck to him and the cats next year
Is this the same Coach Hall from Jackson City last year and that coached Breathitt Co. a few years ago???
Yeah thats the one I believe.
Brian will do good things at BL. He is a good person and a good coach! Good Luck!
I would say the one from Breathitt County!
good luck bobcats
meganwillis10 Wrote:wonder who that board memeber was. I really like Brian and hope him the best but I've know him a long time and he will not play players because of who their daddy is so might just make it one season. Good Luck Brian glad to see a young coach come back to the 58th. Your mom and Dad will not have to travel as much now. Good Luck. With the kids thinking about not playing if coach Rose did not come back will they change their mind since they got a good coach or not?

as far as the kids not playin a couple that wernt gonna play for the option the board wanted board member wanted will play for brian hall
Congrats coach Hall...I know you wanted to come closer to home and we look forward to covering more Bobcat Basketball on WMDJ! Excellent choice. Good luck to Brent Rose as well...We will miss you and you gave it all you had on the sideline and against the Board.
Good luck to betsy layne!!
Heard today this was just a rumor for now. But if true good luck Coach hall
"Not a rumor! It's official!" This came from a BL school board member.
Was that a BOE member that stated this? I did not know the principal had selected anyone with the ongoing lawsuit in place.
coach rose cancelled ne law suit after the last board meeting becuase he cares about his players and dosnt want to for go this ne longer he wants them to have a normal season
congrats to Coach Hall

Maybe Rose can start blowing the whistle again the 15th could use a few new faces in stripes!!!
Betsy Layne has a nice team returning. Good luck.
Best of luck to Coach Rose and Coach Hall. I would like to see Coach Rose back in coaching one day. I also hope one day this ruling by the board is thrown out.
I think this changing of the guard has been long overdue, Good Luck Coach Hall you have a good group of young men coming your way, and I see good things down the road for this program.
I think Coach Rose done a wonderful job and I am sure Coach Hall will also do an exceptional job.
We definitely could use him officiating again! Good luck to Rose and Hall.
Why haven't we seen this in any area papers??
Congrats coach Hall and best of luck to the bobcats this season!!!
Congrats Coach Hall and good luck.
congrats coach hall
I heard he is already mixing around with the starters during the summer, and gaining some dicipline out of those boys along the way.

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