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Freak Accident at 6 Flags of Kentucky Kingdom
A young girl on the ride formerly known as the "Hell-a-vator" had both of her feet ripped off when the cord carrying the carts to the top snapped and struck her in the legs. This happend around 5 pm tonight and was transported to University Hospital.
Oh my god...that is horrible. I used to ride that all the time
#3 that my jaw has returned to it's normal closed position.....that's horrible.
This is horrible. I never thought that ride could possible hurt anyone but I stood corected.
OMG...that is awful....Rides anymore seems like they are becoming so much more dangerous as more and more accidents are reported. Thoughts and Prayers will go out for that little girl!
I'm shocked more people dont get hurt at these county fairs... the way some of these rides are put together in less than an hour is a complete joke IMO...
I saw this earlier on the news... I couldn't believe it... I feel so bad for her.
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FreakNasty Wrote:I'm shocked more people dont get hurt at these county fairs... the way some of these rides are put together in less than an hour is a complete joke IMO...

Most of the time the people you see working the county fairs are typically hell cats in trouble with the law all the time or the town drunks.
GRIZZ Wrote:Most of the time the people you see working the county fairs are typically hell cats in trouble with the law all the time or the town drunks.

:lmao: so true...
WOW. I have not had a ride on the Hell-a-vator at Kentucky kingdom but I do remember the mechanics of the ride and it is completely different from drop at Kings island. So I can not really picture how this happened. Anyways, this is a horrible situation and my prayers go out to the family.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:WOW. I have not had a ride on the Hell-a-vator at Kentucky kingdom but I do remember the mechanics of the ride and it is completely different from drop at Kings island. So I can not really picture how this happened. Anyways, this is a horrible situation and my prayers go out to the family.

My son has rode this ride on several occasions. It always freaks me out!!!

My prayers are with this young lady and her family.
I know money isnt even a concern but can u imagine how much they will get for this.. 6 flags will go bankrupt.
GRIZZ Wrote:Most of the time the people you see working the county fairs are typically hell cats in trouble with the law all the time or the town drunks.

I hate Carnies!
FreakNasty Wrote:I'm shocked more people dont get hurt at these county fairs... the way some of these rides are put together in less than an hour is a complete joke IMO...

I won't even ride the pieces of junk they drag out for Hillbilly Days, but I guess a tragedy like this can happen anywhere. Prayers also go out from me...

FreakNasty Wrote:I'm shocked more people dont get hurt at these county fairs... the way some of these rides are put together in less than an hour is a complete joke IMO...
This wasn't at a county fair. It was at 6 Flags.
This is horrible. I've been there several times and I don't understand how she got herself in that kind of mess, but my thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.
Yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to this little girl too...Its hard to think that summer is supposed to be a fun time for kids, and to spend a day of fun at 6 flags, then have something this horrible and tragic happen.
#18 heart aches for her....she and her family will definitely by in my prayers.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:OMG...that is awful....Rides anymore seems like they are becoming so much more dangerous as more and more accidents are reported. Thoughts and Prayers will go out for that little girl!
i agree trying to make rides to fast and more people are getting hurt or killed.
rallo316 Wrote:i agree trying to make rides to fast and more people are getting hurt or killed.

This wasn't really a "fast" ride. The outer limits ride at Kings Island is a lot faster than the Hellavator. All this ride was supposed to do was raise you up, then drop you right back down. I saw where the max speed on this ride was 54 mph. I would say that The Beast can match that if not go faster and it's quite a bit older than Hell-a-vator.

So I don't think it's a matter of trying to outdo themselves with awesome new fast rides. I think this lies solely on the Six Flags staff that are in charge of maintaining and inspecting the rides.
Beef Wrote:This wasn't at a county fair. It was at 6 Flags.

I know that....
A cable snapped and hit her legs as they started back down... a witness said the girl just sit there calm, in shock.
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I was on that ride the day before that happend.
I was thinking of a different ride in my earlier post. This ride is very similar to the drop zone at King's Island. I was thinking it was more like demon drop at Cedar Point where you are actually in a cart.

Now that I know that the mechanics were in fact similar...that does make me pause and think about riding drop zone again. I would probably still ride though. You have to take a risk on anything that you ride.

Sad sad situation. Prayers go out to the family.
I think King's Island shut down Drop Zone after this occurred... also I think some more rides at Kentucky Kingdom are shut down right now too
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

IMO, Kentucky Kingdom will go out of business, maybe not anytime in the near future, but I just don't see the draw of it with Kings Island so close.
thats so horrible...ive been to kentucky kingdom plenty of times and never thought anything like that could of ever happened...IMO all of the rides that are in any way like that should be either shut down or fully inspected...nothing like that should ever happen again!
ComfortEagle Wrote:IMO, Kentucky Kingdom will go out of business, maybe not anytime in the near future, but I just don't see the draw of it with Kings Island so close.

I hate to say it but I do agree. I have not been to Kentucky Kingdom in like 6, 7 years and I don't really want to go back when I got Cedar Point and Kings Island in the state above me. I would really hate that for the city of Louisville. Lossing a good place to take teens and groups to have a good time and get them off ot the streets.
i just seen in the paper the girl is in stable condition.

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