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Betsy Layne
bball fan Wrote:Coach Rose is a good coach....keep him!! The problem at Betsy Layne isn't the coach!!! But if you do screw him out of better jump all over Brian Hall. He is a great person and coach!!

Sounds like bballfan has a personal issue with Coach Tackett I think all 3 can and would be a good choice but who ever it is we need to support them.
just my thoughts and if bballfan has bad blood for coach T he or she should talk to him hes a good guy!
Harold is a good guy but not a good coach. But I do agree like him or not if he gets the job everyone that are bobcat fans should support him. but he will be with a few less players that will not play for him but that will be their choice and support the ones that do play.
harold tackett would be the worst decison bl could ever make the whole rule was made so that harold tackett could coach on promises to let the board members son play if brent rose cant coach then brian hall would be a good choice or a local hero to betsy layne junior newsome who coached bl to 2 regional titles in 76 and 80 he is in his 60's now but shows intrest in returning to coach the bobcats
whodey85 Wrote:harold tackett would be the worst decison bl could ever make the whole rule was made so that harold tackett could coach on promises to let the board members son play if brent rose cant coach then brian hall would be a good choice or a local hero to betsy layne junior newsome who coached bl to 2 regional titles in 76 and 80 he is in his 60's now but shows intrest in returning to coach the bobcats
Harold Tackett would be a terrible decision, Jr. Newsome-great decision but surely wouldn't want to get back in it. YOU HAD BETTER GRAB BRIAN HALL IF AVAILABLE!!!
I think its a good thing that Rose is leaving he has no idea on how to use talent. Also if Tackett gets the jobs i wish him good luck for the season.
I think Coach Tackett would be a good choice for Betsy Layne he's on the staff and he's had 3 years at BLE coaching (ABC county champions)
some on here may have played for Coach T or been in his class at school (maybe not enough playing time or maybe a bad grade in class) so some times you need to read between the lines on the post.He knows how to coach and he's been the school for 5 or 6 years with a lot of improvements to all the athletic programs. He's a true BOBCAT
and would do a good job at Betsy Layne.
What about nick samons from allen central he taught there for a little while does anyone know if he is interested
Does anyone have any idea when a decision will be made as to who will coach the bobcats?
I heard that their games were canceled for the rest of the week. These kids need to be the center of all the attention not who will be the coach next year. I know thats not what this thread is about, its about "who will be the coach next year", but i hope the players don't end up being the victums of this situation, as is usually the case!
If they become the victums it will be sad but it will only fall on one person on the BOe and everyone knows that.
I would love to see Junior Newsome come back, he retired in what 1997? He defiently has had the most success as Betsy Layne coach with those 2 regional titles, but I agree with bball fan, I dont see him getting back into it after being out for so long, but sometimes retirement can make a coach restless after a while and that itch to coach comes back. Maybe Junior wants to pull a Hubie Brown.
Grand Slam Wrote:What about nick samons from allen central he taught there for a little while does anyone know if he is interested

Nick has been on the sideline w/ AC and Coach Martin this summer. He usually coaches JV or Freshmen at ACHS.
I know Rady Martin is very interested in the job. I think he would make a good coach next year for the bobcats. He would be especially good at working with the big kid.
I'd like to see Rady get the job. I would think he learned a lot assisting good, championship winning coaches such as Johnny Martin and Barry Hall.
I am sorry to let everyone know that Brian Hall will be the next coach, he has previous head coaching experience, Rady martin has no head coaching experience.
I thought maybe the SBDM would have some influence on who will be coaching if indeed the actions taken by the BOE stands up in court. I also know the ultimate decision is that of the Principal. If Coach Rose is not back then I could see Brian or Rady as very capable of taking Betsy Layne to good things in the future. I have talked with both and of course they are very interested but both have said they did not want to get involved if Brent was going to have a chance of getting back.
Rady teaches special education and there are no jobs up there for special education, I don't see how he can even apply......
He is in Special Ed but also teaches PE and Health. I also know that BL has some social studies open if I am not mistaken.
I hope that somehow this ruling somehow gets thrown out. I just think it should be left up to the individual school if they want their principal coaching or not. This whole situation is a rough'un for sure.
I know what would solve everything,,,,keep Coach Rose and tell the rest of the applicants they can be an assistant
I think they already have assistants at Betsy Layne that would stay in place if Coach Rose remains there. If they do hire someone else then that coach would probably want their own choice as the help they get.
betsylayne fanatic Wrote:I am sorry to let everyone know that Brian Hall will be the next coach, he has previous head coaching experience, Rady martin has no head coaching experience.

Neither did Coach Rose before he was hired at BL, or did Henry Webb have before he was hired at SF!
I agree Luke that a coach has to start somewhere. Both Henry Webb and Brent Rose started in the lower grades and were moved along. How much does experience play in heading up a program? There are many things that go without anyone knowing about in running a team beyond the X's and O's. I have observed that having talented players come along is probably the biggest help in winning. I think Coach Booher at Shelby Valley does an excellent job but he did not go down into the lower grades when this young team was not playing in high school and practice them everyday as he did his varsity. They were winning when they hit the court. Betsy Layne will be hurt by the decision as well as South Floyd in losing their coaches which brought about all of these names being mentioned at BLHS. Time will tell shortly about what will eventually happen with this mess. I think that Betsy Layne has a good group of kids playing and this goes beyond their ability to perform on the court. They are the one's that have already missed out on a pretty good camp at Pikeville. SF was hurt also but did continue to play however there was not the same environment when Coach Marson was not there. It did not help either school with the board decision. I know I got off track a bit but this is what brought about the thread to begin with. Brent nor Joe or the kids at both schools deserved it.
I agree 110% the only people hurt in all of this is the kids and then for the BOE to say it is for the kids is just wrong. I like Coach Marson and he has gave for about 15 years in coaching and now when he fianally has the chance to spend time coaching his own son it is took away from him. I hope he and Coach Rose get a good lawyer and are allowed to coach. for the board to tell them what they can do on their own time is a ture sign of people's power going to their heads and that they are not in it for the right reasons.
Thorn67 Wrote:I think its a good thing that Rose is leaving he has no idea on how to use talent. Also if Tackett gets the jobs i wish him good luck for the season.

couldn't agree more thorn Mr. rose does not know how to play talent and never did look at all the good players he has had in the past and went no where with them
Well I think BL will not even be in the top of the district without coach Rose next season. talent statement must be a personal one against coach rose you sure your not on the BOE
I agree absolutely with the other two about Rose not knowing where the talent is on the Betsy Layne team. Year after Year with Rose it was the same story. He has had loads of talent on that bench, but don't have the guts or backbone to mess up the rotation. He gets set on 6 maybe 7 and don't experiment any with the rest of the 10-11 guys on the bench. He had Newman last year, but never started him one game, and he was easily deserving of a starting spot. Then the year before last he could have been playing in the sweet 16, had he gone with his bench some during the season. Come tourny time, he had noone to put in for Thacker after he fouled out except Case, and then after Case wasn't hitting anything, he had noone to go to. JMO on Rose, but what happens happens, so Good Luck to Betsy Layne next season. IMO they'll still win the 58th, and according to how Newman does, could make some noise in the 15th!
Sweet sixteen they could not play, Thacker was not that good. but sweet sixteen and coach rose was the one that got Newman to play. good Luck to the Bobcats
Does anyone know anything about the boe meeting held last night. I just wondered if this subject came up at all?
meganwillis10 Wrote:Sweet sixteen they could not play, Thacker was not that good. but sweet sixteen and coach rose was the one that got Newman to play. good Luck to the Bobcats
Well they had the team that won it that year on the ropes before Thacker fouled out, then Rose had noone to go to but Brennan, and we know how that went. Just like Rose had the team that won it last year on the ropes as well, but Rose couldn't finish em off, once Newman fouled out. A team is only as good as they finish, and Rose couldn't finish games when it counted.... Thacker wasn't great but he was the floor leader for that team, and Case played like a bat out of he**! You're doomed if you don't have a leader on the court. As for Newman, last year was his first year going to school at BL since he had been home schooled. He would have played no matter who the coach was.

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