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Barry Bonds
What is everyones opinion going to be when he breaks Hank Aarons hr record? Is it tainted? I don"t think so, i don't care how strong you are, you still have to hit the baseball.
Well he will eventually break it, but when he gets 756, it should have an asterick(sp?) beside it. For example, Barry Bonds: 756*
Barry Bonds WILL break the all-time HR record. When? I'm not sure. But one thing I will say is this...this guy was an amazing player at Arizona State, and was a 5-tool player in Pittsburgh. Now I don't know that he used some sort of substance, but this guy would have been one of the all-time greats WITHOUT them. He could hit for average, hit for power, play the outfield, and had excellent speed. It's a shame that his career has come down to controversy and "asterisks."
Barry Bonds officially became the king son of a bitch after he left Pittsburgh following the '92 season. He was just unlikeable as a Pirate, lol. I, being the devout die hard Pirates fan can say that he was a great player before all of this substance use came to the forefront, and yeah he's accomplished some pretty amazing stats since all of it. However, Im all in favor of an asterisk too, just solely because he's Barry Bonds. I dont care if they cleared him of all of it, that he's played the game drug free all of his career (which is hysterical), just because he's Barry Bonds, he should have an asterisk beside of the 756. He's the most selfish, arrogant bastard thats ever put on a baseball uniform, and to me, if Pete Rose cant get in the HOF because of betting ON HIS OWN TEAM, then by God, Barry Bonds dont deserve to have a tarnished record to his own. Thats what pisses me off..
I hope he breaks it....steroids don't improve hand-eye coordination. And heck, they haven't even pinned it on him yet.
Id love to see everybody intentionally walk him every single AB for the rest of his career when he gets to 754, that or somebody bean him with a 95mph fastball and crack the helmet on his big fat pumpkin head..
SEKYscout Wrote:I hope he breaks it....steroids don't improve hand-eye coordination. And heck, they haven't even pinned it on him yet.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Id love to see everybody intentionally walk him every single AB for the rest of his career when he gets to 754, that or somebody bean him with a 95mph fastball and crack the helmet on his big fat pumpkin head..

well, to each his own opinion! haha
SEKYscout Wrote:I hope he breaks it....steroids don't improve hand-eye coordination. And heck, they haven't even pinned it on him yet.

No, steroids don't improve hand-eye coordination, but they sure as hell make you hit the ball farther.

You can't make that argument. Basehits have everything to do with hand-eye coordination. Homeruns, which are caused by jacking a ball 400+ feet, are all about strength.

Honestly, I hope Bonds breaks his arm in some freak accident. I really don't want to see him break this record.

Hank Aaron has stated that he won't be in attendance to watch him break it and could care less. There is also a pretty good chance that Bonds will get more BOOS than Cheers that night.
I'm not sure that steroids has had as much a factor in his homers than the size of the new ballparks. Most these new parks are so small a routine flyball is now a homer.
If Bonds does take roids, who's to say the pitcher doesn't take roids. Does it make them throw harder, thus making it much more difficult to hit the ball??????
Sure hope barry bonds dont break the record. This is the one guy in the MLB that i do not like.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Id love to see everybody intentionally walk him every single AB for the rest of his career when he gets to 754, that or somebody bean him with a 95mph fastball and crack the helmet on his big fat pumpkin head..
I would to that would make my year
Once again, I agree with TidesHoss on this. Barry Bonds is the all time a**hole and no one likes him but maybe his family, and that may be a toss up right there. I would love to see him get nailed in the head with a ball or get walked every time up to bat. Also, great point about Rose, I couldnt agree more. Rose has gotten the shaft ever since that gambling crap happened.
think about what you all are saying every time you watching him on tv you alll are watching the best player of the past decadeand steriods don help you hit a 90mph fastball

Bonds is my hero
Haha, you need a new hero then.
And, in no way is he the best player of the last decade.
I think Bonds will break the record, but I don't think it really matters because before it's all said and done, Alex Rodriguez will be your MLB All-Time HR King. This guy is 17 away from 500. He is averaging 35 homeruns per season in his 14 year MLB career (including this season), and he's just 31 years old. Whether or not Bonds breaks the record (which I'm sure he will), Rodriguez will be your all-time leader before his career ends.
StrikeoutKing Wrote:I think Bonds will break the record, but I don't think it really matters because before it's all said and done, Alex Rodriguez will be your MLB All-Time HR King. This guy is 17 away from 500. He is averaging 35 homeruns per season in his 14 year MLB career (including this season), and he's just 31 years old. Whether or not Bonds breaks the record (which I'm sure he will), Rodriguez will be your all-time leader before his career ends.

I think so too.
yep, and the thing is, that Albert Pujols, if he can stay healthy, will probably break A-Rods not too long after that..but I agree totally with you that he'll have that record in 6 or 7 years..
StrikeoutKing Wrote:I think Bonds will break the record, but I don't think it really matters because before it's all said and done, Alex Rodriguez will be your MLB All-Time HR King. This guy is 17 away from 500. He is averaging 35 homeruns per season in his 14 year MLB career (including this season), and he's just 31 years old. Whether or not Bonds breaks the record (which I'm sure he will), Rodriguez will be your all-time leader before his career ends.
As bad as I hate to agree with this and as much as I hate A-Rod, u are all right. The man looks like he barely swings the bat when he hits a homerun, and you can look at him and tell he has never taken steroids. Maybe if he would get out of New York, I would like him more. But that is a big MAYBE on that, as I havent been a fan of his since he left Seattle for that ridiculous contract he got from Texas and then left them to join the EVIL EMPIRE. I like players that are loyal to the teams that drafted them, like Chipper and Andruw Jones of Atlanta and Craig Biggio who has been with Houston his entire career.
I would love to see Bonds break the record, I like watching him but I would love to see Adam Dunn be the all time leader when its said it done.As long as he playin its either HR or strikeout so he'll be hittting them for the upcoming years.
rallo316 Wrote:you still have to hit the baseball.

Exactley. Barry Bonds still had to swing the bat. I will support him when he breaks the record.
blackcat_student Wrote:Exactley. Barry Bonds still had to swing the bat. I will support him when he breaks the record.

No shit Sherlock, but Bonds is trying to break a record which requires that you HIT THE BALL OUT OF THE FIELD, thus a homerun. You DO need strength to do that. I don't care if you are the most hand-eye coordinated person in the world, if you don't have the strength, you won't hit the homeruns. Some of you honestly need to just read what you're saying and think about if it makes sense or not.

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