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The Awful Truth
The Awful Truth puts some religious conservatives to the test.

It's funny how 31 people have opened this thread so far and no one has commented.
I don't want to watch a movie by Michael Moore.
Beef Wrote:I don't want to watch a movie by Michael Moore.

I figured beef would say something like that. You may not agree with Moore on his opinions, but he is very unbiased in that video. He bashes all politcal parties that where involved in the NAFTA deal. (Clinton and Bush). I thought the video was a really great, educated journalistic approach to this controversial issue. That's something beefs precious Fox News knows nothing about. Just look at how they recently trashed Kurt Vonnegut's life work, calling it "science fiction mumbo jumbo and "leftism". The man was one of the greatest artist of our time. The man doesnt agree with you so you bash him when hes dead. (I had to get my daily hit on "Fox Noise" in.)
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:I figured beef would say something like that. You may not agree with Moore on his opinions, but he is very unbiased in that video. He bashes all politcal parties that where involved in the NAFTA deal. (Clinton and Bush). I thought the video was a really great, educated journalistic approach to this controversial issue. That's something beefs precious Fox News knows nothing about. Just look at how they recently trashed Kurt Vonnegut's life work, calling it "science fiction mumbo jumbo and "leftism". The man was one of the greatest artist of our time. The man doesnt agree with you so you bash him when hes dead. (I had to get my daily hit on "Fox Noise" in.)

Ok now I feel like a complete idiot, although some people may already say that I am. I was watching another video, after watching the one in the link, and commented on it. Im just gonna post my thoughts on this video and forget this ever happened. I dont feel bad however on my shot toward fox noise.

Moore done a great job on this interview/journalism. I found it funny that all those politicians had the ten commandments in their offices, but no one could remember the commandments when asked. David Mcintosh a republican from Indiana, was preaching to reporters about moral law, when he himself has a criminal background, I say practice what you preach. I like how they all condone school shootings, which is now a big issue again, but they refuse to reform, or pass new gun control laws. Moore done a great job hammering the politicians on receiving PAC money. I loved how he quoted the bible when he stated that man can not worship man and god, but some politicians who are "Christians" believe god was wrong, you can worship
It just proved a point that the majority of the Republicans Party use the name "Christian" for the sole purpose of getting votes. It seems a lot of people think only those on the right are Christians, it's just part of the propaganda machine the republican party is spitting out. Hitler would be proud.
DevilsWin Wrote:It's funny how 31 people have opened this thread so far and no one has commented.

Sorry, I watched the video the other day and got distracted.

I found it funny that Congress shot down the gun control bill, the same day the passed the 10 Commandment bill.

Michael Moore does come off a little harsh when he interviews people, but that is because he comes in more prepared than the people he interviews.

I liked the video, but I think if the congressmen were told what Mr. Moore was going to talk about and given the same amount of time Moore took to prepare they wouldn't have looked as dumbfounded.
I love everything Michael Moore has done.He's done alot for the working man.His movies have opened up alot of peoples eyes,including mine.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:I like how they all condone school shootings, which is now a big issue again, but they refuse to reform, or pass new gun control laws.
Gun control laws would do nothing to stop violence in this country. Probably increase school shootings, IMO. Or at least how deadly they are.
Beef Wrote:Gun control laws would do nothing to stop violence in this country. Probably increase school shootings, IMO. Or at least how deadly they are.

How would controlling how many guns people buy and what type of guns they buy, increase the amount of school shootings?

Doesn't it make sense that if there is less access to guns, there will be fewer shootings?
ComfortEagle Wrote:How would controlling how many guns people buy and what type of guns they buy, increase the amount of school shootings?

Doesn't it make sense that if there is less access to guns, there will be fewer shootings?

Here is the research Moore discovered in making Bowling For Columbine. He doesn't really answer the question or take a stance. But he does a good job of letting the evidence speak for itself.

ComfortEagle Wrote:How would controlling how many guns people buy and what type of guns they buy, increase the amount of school shootings?

Doesn't it make sense that if there is less access to guns, there will be fewer shootings?
It is my belief, and only my belief, that killers want to go where their victims have the least amount of protection, ie. schools, malls, etc., where concealed weapons are usually prohibited. If we were to make laws stricter (instead of looser) then there would be more of these "gun free" zones where a killer could go and not have to worry about law-abiding citizens pulling a gun on him/her in an attempt to save their own life.

I know that this may sound crazy to some, but I don't think that a law or restriction is going to stop someone with the mindset to kill. But if people had a way to defend themselves and others around them, maybe the death toll would remain minimal. I read somewhere about citizens who had been able to pull their guns on a killer and stop him from causing anymore harm, either by scaring him into stopping or injuring/killing him.

Now I know that there should be limitations on guns such as no automatic weapons and you have to be 21 with a complete background check covering all aspects before you have the ability to buy a gun or carry a concealed weapon.

My favorite bumper sticker: "Criminals prefer unarmed victims"
I have to go with Beef on this one. Remember the saying "If guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns" I believe that wholeheartedly.

Criminals are going to get guns whether they are legal or not. That is why they are criminals. All we will do with stricter gun control laws is hurt the average Joe who keeps a gun in house for protection. The guy that was going to break in and rob him will still have his gun. Think about that.
no one or nobody will ever take my guns and gun control is not the answer need to put prayer and pledge back in school.
Gun control is part of the answer. The NRA wants you to believe that the crazy liberals are gonna take your guns away. There aren't enough crazy liberals to get that law passed. If you believed that crap in 2000 about Gore taking your guns, congratulations you fell for the NRA propaganda machine.

What Moore is really speaking to is the culture of fear that we in America are constantly being subjected to and how that fear is what drives the gun violence. If you weren't so afraid you wouldn't be so worried about your guns.
DevilsWin Wrote:Gun control is part of the answer. The NRA wants you to believe that the crazy liberals are gonna take your guns away. There aren't enough crazy liberals to get that law passed. If you believed that crap in 2000 about Gore taking your guns, congratulations you fell for the NRA propaganda machine.

What Moore is really speaking to is the culture of fear that we in America are constantly being subjected to and how that fear is what drives the gun violence. If you weren't so afraid you wouldn't be so worried about your guns.

I totally agree with you Devilswin. The NRA played their propanda perfectly by going for the hunting and gun owning crowd. No one ever wanted to take guns away, we just need to fix the system. People with mental issues, and criminal backgrounds are getting guns. Thats the problem.
The idea that people owning guns will stop killings is crazy. People have always had weapons, has that stopped killings, or wars, NO! If someone is going to kill they will, why worry if someone has a gun, most mass killings are ended when the killer kills themselves. We dont need to take away people's right to own guns we just need to control who can own them
Advance Eagles Wrote:I love everything Michael Moore has done.He's done alot for the working man.
How much more money has HE put in your pockets? Michael Moore can rip on politicians all he wants but they both are in the same buisness when all is said and done. They both take the working mans money. The only difference is the politician takes his on friday afternoon when you get your paycheck and see how much taxes are took out. And Micheal Moore takes his on friday night when you got the movies and pay $8 to watch his communist manifestos.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:The idea that people owning guns will stop killings is crazy. People have always had weapons, has that stopped killings, or wars, NO! If someone is going to kill they will, why worry if someone has a gun, most mass killings are ended when the killer kills themselves. We dont need to take away people's right to own guns we just need to control who can own them
Actually youre wrong. Somewhere in Europe(Finland I think?) All the citzens in that country are REQUIRED by federal law to keep at least one gun in theyre homes and the crime rate is virtually non-existent over there. Even in KY when the conceal carry law first took effect the crime rate dropped 25% in the first year alone. I do agree we need to control who buying the guns but I also believe we need harsher penalties for repeat offenders.
DevilsWin Wrote:Gun control is part of the answer. The NRA wants you to believe that the crazy liberals are gonna take your guns away. There aren't enough crazy liberals to get that law passed. If you believed that crap in 2000 about Gore taking your guns, congratulations you fell for the NRA propaganda machine.

What Moore is really speaking to is the culture of fear that we in America are constantly being subjected to and how that fear is what drives the gun violence. If you weren't so afraid you wouldn't be so worried about your guns.
America has always been driven by fear. Fear of tyrany and opression. If you lived under that like our forefathers did than it would scare the life out of you too. The NRA didnt have to fuel propaganda about Al Gore, Hillary, or Charles Schumer they did that themselves. During the 2000 presidential debates I listened to Al Gore say he wanted to "Change the constitution to make it fit the 21st century". So what did he want to change? well Al never elobrated. So my ? is still what did he have in mind. Did he want to take away free speech, unabolish slavery, make it to where searches and seizures could take place without a warrant, or IMO the correct answer he wanted to abolish the 2nd amendment. Just remember if your not ever watchful of your freedoms you could lose them in a blink of an eye.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:How much more money has HE put in your pockets? Michael Moore can rip on politicians all he wants but they both are in the same buisness when all is said and done. They both take the working mans money. The only difference is the politician takes his on friday afternoon when you get your paycheck and see how much taxes are took out. And Micheal Moore takes his on friday night when you got the movies and pay $8 to watch his communist manifestos.

This has to be the stupidest post I have ever read on BGR. Michael Moore is taking money from the working man on Friday night at the movies? Communist Manifesto? Apparently you know nothing about Capitalism, Communism or Michael Moore. I suggest in the future you educate yourself on a subject before posting.
ComfortEagle Wrote:How would controlling how many guns people buy and what type of guns they buy, increase the amount of school shootings?

Doesn't it make sense that if there is less access to guns, there will be fewer shootings?
No it doesnt to be honest. If they couldnt shoot them theyd use knives or bombs to kill even more people. The harsh reality is that if someone wants someone dead bad enough in this world theyre going to kill that person or people regardless of whether they have guns or not.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:America has always been driven by fear. Fear of tyrany and opression. If you lived under that like our forefathers did than it would scare the life out of you too. The NRA didnt have to fuel propaganda about Al Gore, Hillary, or Charles Schumer they did that themselves. During the 2000 presidential debates I listened to Al Gore say he wanted to "Change the constitution to make it fit the 21st century". So what did he want to change? well Al never elobrated. So my ? is still what did he have in mind. Did he want to take away free speech, unabolish slavery, make it to where searches and seizures could take place without a warrant, or IMO the correct answer he wanted to abolish the 2nd amendment. Just remember if your not ever watchful of your freedoms you could lose them in a blink of an eye.

The original bill of rights has been destroyed by the Bush Administration. Gore didn't have a chance to do anything because the Bushies stole his election in 2000. I'm still pissed at him for not fighting to the bitter end in Florida. Take a long hard look at the bill of rights. There are only 2 guranteed rights thanks to the Patriot act and other scams.

You have the right to bear arms and you don't have to give soldiers quarters on your property.

Hail Pikeville-
It is people like you that are destroying America. Your fear of terrorists has given Bin Laden the victory.
When you sacrifice freedom for security Al Qaida wins.

Confusedalute: I served my country with distinction. How about you? What have you sacrificed personally for the betterment of America? Besides your right to free speech, right to a fair trial, right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure and all the other rights we used to have in America. I believe in America, not a self serving Government.
DevilsWin Wrote:This has to be the stupidest post I have ever read on BGR. Michael Moore is taking money from the working man on Friday night at the movies? Communist Manifesto? Apparently you know nothing about Capitalism, Communism or Michael Moore. I suggest in the future you educate yourself on a subject before posting.
First of all you have no right whatsoever to come on here and call me Stupid or uneducated when the reply I posted wasnt even meant for you. Secondly I do know about capitalism and communism and It doesnt take a genius to realize which side Michael Moore is on. Do you or do you not have to pay to watch Micheal Moores movies? I was tyring to make a point that one person who makes money off the public by way of entertainment has no right to rip on a public official who makes money off the public as well. For the record I trust neither. Obviously this point went right over youre head. So I hope I explained myself better this time around. If you didnt get it this time Ill post with smaller words and try to put some pictures in it where youll understand it better.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:First of all you have no right whatsoever to come on here and call me Stupid or uneducated when the reply I posted wasnt even meant for you. Secondly I do know about capitalism and communism and It doesnt take a genius to realize which side Michael Moore is on. Do you or do you not have to pay to watch Micheal Moores movies? I was tyring to make a point that one person who makes money off the public by way of entertainment has no right to rip on a public official who makes money off the public as well. For the record I trust neither. Obviously this point went right over youre head. So I hope I explained myself better this time around. If you didnt get it this time Ill post with smaller words and try to put some pictures in it where youll understand it better.

1- I didn't say you were stupid. I said your post was stupid, and it still is.
2- I didn't say you were uneducated. I said you were uneducated on the subject matter, and you still are.
3- I don't care if it was meant for me or not.
4- You have a choice to make. Either you want to pay the fee to the movie theater or you don't. Politicians on the other hand take your money with taxes wether you like it or not, then they go vote themselves a pay raise. No choice here for the working man.
5- Every American Citizen has the right to rip on anybody he or she wants. That is what Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines Die For Sir!
6- You explained yourself perfectly the first time, and the conclusion is crystal clear.
DevilsWin Wrote:The original bill of rights has been destroyed by the Bush Administration. Gore didn't have a chance to do anything because the Bushies stole his election in 2000. I'm still pissed at him for not fighting to the bitter end in Florida. Take a long hard look at the bill of rights. There are only 2 guranteed rights thanks to the Patriot act and other scams.

You have the right to bear arms and you don't have to give soldiers quarters on your property.

Hail Pikeville-
It is people like you that are destroying America. Your fear of terrorists has given Bin Laden the victory.
When you sacrifice freedom for security Al Qaida wins.

Confusedalute: I served my country with distinction. How about you? What have you sacrificed personally for the betterment of America? Besides your right to free speech, right to a fair trial, right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure and all the other rights we used to have in America. I believe in America, not a self serving Government.
First of all GOD bless you for serving and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Second of all Im not trying to direspect you Im just disagreeing with you there is a difference you know and TAHT is what is destroying America. So far Ive been called
stupid,uneducated,and now Im whats destoying America. Ive been called this just because I dont agree with what youre saying. Its this division that is what Michael Moore and the people like him in the media FEED on and at the end of the day we will be the ones who suffer from it and THEY and I include politicians too. Will continue to get rich off of it. Good day to you now.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:First of all GOD bless you for serving and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Second of all Im not trying to direspect you Im just disagreeing with you there is a difference you know and TAHT is what is destroying America. So far Ive been called
stupid,uneducated,and now Im whats destoying America. Ive been called this just because I dont agree with what youre saying. Its this division that is what Michael Moore and the people like him in the media FEED on and at the end of the day we will be the ones who suffer from it and THEY and I include politicians too. Will continue to get rich off of it. Good day to you now.
So you haven't done anything to make America a better place. Good Job!:Thumbs:
DevilsWin Wrote:So you haven't done anything to make America a better place. Good Job!:Thumbs:
Well I vote, I pay my taxes, I work and I live how GOD wants me to. If thats not enough for you than I dont care. Just becuase you served and I didnt doesnt make you a better American than me. I didnt choose the service as a career but if called I WILL fight for my country and die if I have to. So congratulations you just came on here and showed youre rear end in front of everyone on here that you cant take it when someone disagrees with you and they werent even talking to you in the first place, so you feel the need to insult them and question theyre patriotism like a 3 year old.
Coach or Devils,
Could you explain what you mean when you want better gun control. I'm not sure what we are going to argue over here because there are somethings that I agree with but I want to see where you stand on who should/shouldn't have guns and what type/how many each person should have.

Thank you,
Beef Wrote:Coach or Devils,
Could you explain what you mean when you want better gun control. I'm not sure what we are going to argue over here because there are somethings that I agree with but I want to see where you stand on who should/shouldn't have guns and what type/how many each person should have.

Thank you,
I just want the laws we have now to be enforced. I am a gun owner and I feel it is a God given right to own a firearm. What I have a problem with is the NRA and their scare tactics. Not gun ownership.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Well I vote, I pay my taxes, I work and I live how GOD wants me to. If thats not enough for you than I dont care. Just becuase you served and I didnt doesnt make you a better American than me. I didnt choose the service as a career but if called I WILL fight for my country and die if I have to. So congratulations you just came on here and showed youre rear end in front of everyone on here that you cant take it when someone disagrees with you and they werent even talking to you in the first place, so you feel the need to insult them and question theyre patriotism like a 3 year old.
I Vote, Work, Pay taxes, and live the way God wants me too also. I never said that serving my country made me a better American. What kills me is all these so called conservatives who support the war that are of the age to serve and they don't. If you believe in this President and his call to arms so much why are you sitting in Pikeville talking the talk when you should be in the military walking the walk.

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