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Magoffin 07 ??
will magoffin become an winning program this yr or is it a lilttle to earley for it????
i think maggoffin will do ok this year, last year they had came great strides from 2005 and if they keep working and lifting then they will have a decent, maybe winning season
They will do better than last year but maybe by only 1-2 wins.
Big Daddy #78 Wrote:They will do better than last year but maybe by only 1-2 wins.

I predict that you will be wrong.
If they hit the weights,speed training, have good spring/summer practices I think they could have a winning season
They will have a good season in 2007. Coach McCoy will continue to develop a program at Mag. Co.
im saying 7-4
I say 3-7
Tricky Wrote:I predict that you will be wrong.

Yea well I guess we shall see.
15thfan Wrote:Yea well I guess we shall see.

Yes, time will only tell. I look for a stronger, faster and more experienced Hornet team, to improve their record, by at least 2 to 3 games.
No not 2 or 3 games i see them shocking alot of people this year with like maybe 5 or 6 wins.
SaunHampt/PIE Wrote:No not 2 or 3 games i see them shocking alot of people this year with like maybe 5 or 6 wins.

I know my math isn't great, all the time.
But I said they would improve 2 to 3 games and you said "No, not 2 or 3", but that they would have 5 to 6 wins.

They won 3 games last year, so wouldn't an improvement of 2 to 3 games, also make them end with a 5 or 6 win season???????????????

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