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Any good JV teams or players in easter KY this year???
For the love of Everything holy no one cares about JV right now...but if you have to know i believe that pikeville JV will not be any good in my opinion due to lack of skill, speed, and talent in the LINE
im gonna have to go with livepanther on this one i dont really see why anyone would want to even know about jv. varsity is way more important than junior varsity
honestly i think this thread should be deleted
I agree who cares about JV means NOTHING.
Thank You All........T_blankenship WE DONT CARE
srry livemaroon i called ya livepanther
its cool Pantheru4ia
People who play JV might care about it
YEA but they can wait til later in the season
The only thing that matters in JV is getting the underclassmen ready for Varsity football later on is their careers. The outcome of the games mean nothing.
Someone who understands me finally
The outcome of the game might not mean anything in terms of how good they will be, however its still a game that these kids practice and get ready for. So let's not belittle them into thinking that JV has no meaning. Cause to some people it does.
JV football means alot to us at Southwestern. Sure, the whole purpose is to prepare the kids for varsity. But you could not tell them it is meaningless. They play their hearts out just the same. We support them the same. We even go as far as to video their games and distribute game film to each for review and for posteriety's sake. Their efforts are meaningful to us.
I look at JV football as being extra pratice in football for the underclassmen. The main purpose is to get them ready for the varsity level and the playing experiece will help them get ready. I think that is very meaningful but I think the outcomes are meaningless. I would rather go 0-8 in JV and have the young kids get better playing against hard competition than to go 8-0 against weak competition and not show much improvement.
True you do want your jv kids playing hard competition but if you dont schedule at least a few easier games they might win it can become demoralizing. My whole jr high career all we played were great teams and we never won so even if we had a chance we already counted ourselves out.
I would say go with mostly hard games but a few easy games.
Ok i guess we can indulge a little on is a great way to let the younger ones into the feel of the game and the competiton of a heated football battle. it helps them learn the ropes and gets them better as scouts to help the varsity practice
plus sometimes you can tell who is gonna be good in a few years
Leave T-Blank alone. This is a FREE site and he is allowed to post things that are on his mind. There is no reason to delete this thread. If you don't want to read about JV......DONT COME IN THE THREAD. In the words of Napolean Dynamite......"Gosh!"

JV is important to some people, but not all, and those who want to talk about it should have the right to without getting badgered by the ones who don't care.
thank you eagle
JV is very cool....and as i remember correctly Live Maroon and two used to care a whole lot about JV when you played.......LOL
Yep as did you Panthermania. I believe we remeber those days quite well
So JV really does matter
we have all loved and played JV and some of us more years than other lol
i think he is reffering to the less talented Juniors and Seniors that still play JV like well i believe you know who i'm talking about
I see now....
my bad but i dont see how we can know if any teams are going to have a good JV if we dont even know how good or who is even starting in varsity
True Statement if you ask me..........Plus we'd be listing a bunch of no names as of right now anyway....Just wait till the season starts and they have their full roster of brand new freshman because at this time guys we dont even know who is playing
I guess your right

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