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Belfry 71 South Floyd 62
Congrats Belfry, and congrats to South Floyd on a great season!
good game i must say from listing to it very physical i was right on this one
SF cut it within 2 but just couldn't do anything.
Just talked to a friend who was at the game and said SF shot the ball poorly, and didn't play a good overall game.
Congratulations Pirates on the win and Good luck in the finals.. Congratulations on a great season. Nothing to hang your heads about..
Congrats Belfry and to South Floyd on a great season.
SF had poor shot selection
YESSSSSSS !!!!!!!!

Way to Go Pirates !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am proud of you guys !

=D> PDT_002 Alcooliqu: Banane35.: Banane05.: wav.gif Banane29.:
No surprise here to me....I can't wait to see what some of the Raider faithful have to say about this one...
Way to go Belfry congrats on a great game... Good luck in the tourny.

SF u have nuttin to hang ur head about u did more this season than anyone expected... Good season. Proud of u guys.

my thoughts on the game.... SF didnt rebound as well as they usually do. gave a lot of second chances to Belfry and they scored on em. SF got down early and had to fight back, which they did but couldnt get over the hump. Refs didnt do too bad a job tonite except for that young one who cant call his way out of a paper sack. missed calls on both ends. Belfry couldnt miss tonite either.
Well all this Hi-Hat Crazy is goin to say that South Floyd has no reason to hang their heads and that they had an outstanding season! I am very proud of you boys!! COngrats to the Pirates and good luck in the next game!
Thanks Raider_Girl
As a player, we did great this season, I'm proud of our seniors because they are the best of influences on me and my teammates. I love my teammates to death and we'll see who will be the best next year. But as for this year, I can safely say for all you South Floyd critics, YOU ALL GOT RAIDED!
I've seen SF play a lot better than they did tonight but they never gave up..They cut it to 2 but then couldnt take over.. congrats to Belfry on the win and SF on a good season
Congratulation Raiders and company on a great season, you guys made it a lot further than than a lot of people thought you would, like VV said, nothing to hand your head about, great job guys. Congrats to the Pirates on the win and good luck the rest of the tournament.
belfry is surprising me with there nice play in the playoffs....south floyd was prolly the most underrated team in the region
this coming from a raider I have to say WHAT A YEAR it was a up and down seaon but when u had to play hard u for as tonights game the shoot was just not there for us we fight back but was just to tired to take it over good play by belfry this is for all the pople that put was down on here.....SOUTH FLOYD RAIDERS ALL A CHAMPS AND DISTRIC CHAMPS Big Grin
This game went as I predicted. It was too fast paced for South Floyd's big men. Plus it didn't sound like anyone was hitting anythign tonite.. But congrats on a good season SF.. And congrats to Belfry on the win..
sf played over there head during the district but still a good win for belfry
I expected this one to go the other way with all the momentum South Floyd had on their side, Prestonsburg should have tried to run them to death in the district, still puzzles me why they didn't, and if you are a Raider you have nothing to be ashamed of, great season to all of you all, and congrats to Belfry.
Belfry came out to play...that it, plain and simple
dont get me wrong SF has a very talented team but Belfry played good down the stretch winning this game
very good game to watch, or even listen to on the radio
"hard work 24/7" Wrote:sf played over there head during the district but still a good win for belfry
u got to be kiddin me.... over their
no the other teams just looked past them and they shouldnt have. beatin BL by 20 on their home floor then cominb back from a 12 point lead to beat P burg. thats playin over their head though. man just cause u may not like SF doesnt mean u should take pot shots... Belfry got a good win tonite over another GOOD team. like Von Wafer said SF was underrated all year. they were better then people expected i guess thats why u say they was over their head.
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:belfry is surprising me with there nice play in the playoffs....south floyd was prolly the most underrated team in the region

How were they underrated? Their fans claimed they were #1 in the region after the all A tourny up until just a couple weeks ago, and people still said they were 2nd or 3rd best....If anything they were overrated...The record shows it, and this 1st round defeat shows it...
Congrats Belfry way to play ball. SF didnt play a bad game I just think the pace of the game was to fast for them and that was a large reason why the shots didnt fall cause we have a very athletic team. But SF had a good team and had class. The run they made in the 4th showed alot of heart. That run was good and it showed they werent going to give up their season easily. But Belfry didnt want to neither and they hang on to win.
"alfus21" Wrote:
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:belfry is surprising me with there nice play in the playoffs....south floyd was prolly the most underrated team in the region

How were they underrated? Their fans claimed they were #1 in the region after the all A tourny up until just a couple weeks ago, and people still said they were 2nd or 3rd best....If anything they were overrated...The record shows it, and this 1st round defeat shows it...

I have an observation or 2 that I would like to discuss. Most deal with you alfus I saw you battle eastridge and sided with you on that other site. because it just seemed they had it in for you, But I have sat back and watched and read all of your cute comments torward the Sf faithful and I have seen a bitter person who has a problem. Its not that everyone picks on you, you bring it on yourself. Tonight you do the same this time a little barb at those who lost, Yes SF was elated that they won the region in the all A and won a game at state while you had to hold your comments to when they lost. When SV played Lex cath they did better than what SF did. So I guess my question is a simple one, did someone from Sf take your girlfriend or sister? Because it appears you may have a few isssues to work out. LOL

As far as the game Sf just couldnt get over the hump. Great season for the Raiders and Good Luck to The Pirates.
Great accomplishment by the raiders this season
Congrats to Wes Hall and the reast of the Seniors.
Good Luck Pirates
"alfus21" Wrote:
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:belfry is surprising me with there nice play in the playoffs....south floyd was prolly the most underrated team in the region

How were they underrated? Their fans claimed they were #1 in the region after the all A tourny up until just a couple weeks ago, and people still said they were 2nd or 3rd best....If anything they were overrated...The record shows it, and this 1st round defeat shows it...
Not all of the Raider fans said they were the best in the region and somewhere you have got a problem with South Floyd and not only with one team but seems all of them. Paintsville had SV beat the other night and with luck SV got away with a win. Not everyone on here that is a SF fan said anything about that and Paintsville was not supposed to be close in that game according to some from SV, but not all of the SV fans were included in those statements. Shelby Valley treated us great last night and their staff was extremely hospitable to our team. I appreciated that and applaud the effort that they are putting forth in running a great tournament. I will be for ever which team goes to the state tournament from our region and until Prestonsburg finishes their season will be rooting them on because they are from my District and I have lots of friends there that would have done the same for us if we were still in it. If Valley goes to Rupp I will be for them all the way, not against them because a few from the posts try and take pride in their school and team and maybe brag a little when they have the oportunity to do so. Valley was in the same region that SF was in the ALL A and didnt win it but I dont believe I came on here and downgraded them for losing out in the first round to Sheldon Clark. It's easy to blast 11,12 and 13 year olds for posting their feelings about a middle school team or high school. Belfry beat us last night and deserved to do so. Their kids play hard and are well coached. Randy does a wonderful job there and has put his time in to get where he's at. He is truely a fine person and I think his team reflects that in the way he has them playing. Best of luck to all of our teams from the 15th and congratulations to the ones that have fallen after getting as far as you did.
Congrats to the pirates and to the sf raiders, great season for u raiders u did more this year than anyone else in the 15th can say you were the 58th district and the 15th regon all a champs and won a game in the state tourney which hasnt been done in over 30 yrs, you seniors have nothing to feel bad about you did more this year than what u were expected to do you all are tremendous athletes and are all class acts u left it on the court last night juss like a team suppose to, the shots wasnt falling for sf but they battled throughout the game just couldnt pull it off, great season to STEVEN STANLEY, BURNETT LITTLE, WES HALL, AND JOE OSBOURNE the hi hat crazies are pround of the greatness you brought to us this season and keeping up the tradition alive and we all are going to miss you, its been fun this year watching you all play and hope to get to see you al play in the collegate form next year but untill then you young raiders come back next year and have a great year,
congratulations belfry. you all played a great game last night. you could tell that you wanted to game more.

south floyd looked like they were having an off night last night. i dont think that they were rebounding as well as usual.

during the last 2 minutes of the game it got very physical on both sides and the refs just let them go at it. it was crazy. it you watched inside the paint all you would see was elbows flying and pushing and etc. just any means they could find to get the rebound.

congrats south floyd on a nice season.
Very good game to watch. At the beginning of the game, SF pounded it into their 2 big men and the score was close. But then they stopped doing that and Belfry turned up the tempo and started to run away with it. Then in the 4th quarter, the Stanley kid, I believe he's the one, started getting the ball again and Belfry started missing foul shots and South Floyd got back into the game. Stanley fouling out may have been what won the game for Belfry. That boys like having Shaq on your team..he should at least touch the ball every time.
As for Belfry, Bruce Young looked nervous and played a bad game. Doug Howard played for the most part within the offense and let the game come to him..he had a good game. Matt Maynard had a great game. And David Jones was awsome on the boards, 16 rebounds I believe. He came up with alotta big rebounds and loose balls at the end of the game. Belfry, as well as South Floyd, both showed alotta heart tonight. Hats off to both teams.

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