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Belfry 78 Magoffin Co. 59!!!
Congrats Belfry! Congrats to Magoffin and to their seniors AJ, Brittany, and Michaela good luck in the future with your college careers, and dont hang your heads girls you were part of a team that made school history, that's something to be proud of.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
Try being sick and taking breathing treatments before the game, with your lungs not doing well, you try running and playing as hard as Ashley J. or Brittany does!!!! Congrats to these fine ATHLETES for MCHS. They have done the copmmunity PROUD!!! No one knows the pressure every player on MC swuad had on them this year. They did a great job all year and in their HS career. Thank You for letting me share some time and memories of you 3 seniors. The future for all of you is bright!!! May the Lord Bless and Watch over all of you. Believe in him and anything is possible! Love All of the MCHS team!!!!
hootie Wrote:Bottom line is that Ashley was about 60%! SHe was the key. Has she been conditioning? She looked like she was out of shape sucking air most of the night. They couldn't push the ball like they wanted too. COngrats BHS on a huge win.

Ashley was sucking air but not b/c she is out of shape. She had Bronchitis and had been to the doctor prior to the game and had IV fluids ran, breathing treatment, and a shot. She also took a breathing treatment in the locker room. She couldn't breathe b/c she was sick!
Major factor when your key player is sick and still playing her heart out! At least she never quit! Great job girls and dont let anyone tell you any different!
Congrats Belfry!!!
Congratulations Belfry! To has been a pleasure watching you this year!
hoopfanfav07 Wrote:Ashley was sucking air but not b/c she is out of shape. She had Bronchitis and had been to the doctor prior to the game and had IV fluids ran, breathing treatment, and a shot. She also took a breathing treatment in the locker room. She couldn't breathe b/c she was sick!
Major factor when your key player is sick and still playing her heart out! At least she never quit! Great job girls and dont let anyone tell you any different!
If she was sick and not doing good, she should have been set down. It's not a crime to have a bad night. There were other girls ready to get in and didn't get the chance. I blame Pup for this loss, not the girls.
I just want to say congratulations to belfry! and mc im sorry your season ended last night! i was rooting for you all to win that game! but you know things happen! and ahley jade and brittany keep your heads up you have a whole life ahead of you! and im sure you will do great things at college! good luck to belfry go and beat pike central
I'm not a Magoffin fan either but I feel for the seniors because I remember my last game a couple years back.It's a sad way to go out especially when you are considered the best for so long.I must admit I became a huge fan of Michaela Howard and Manns. That team was really fun to watch good luck at the next level.
StillAnMCfan Wrote:If she was sick and not doing good, she should have been set down. It's not a crime to have a bad night. There were other girls ready to get in and didn't get the chance. I blame Pup for this loss, not the girls.

I don't see why someone who calls themselves "stillanmcfan" wants to criticize either the players or the coach-They all did everything they could to win came up short. I would hope all true fans would focus on this teams [coaches included] accomplishments. They have done what no other sports team in MCHS histoty has done and for that we all should be extremely grately.
mcfan1 Wrote:I don't see why someone who calls themselves "stillanmcfan" wants to criticize either the players or the coach-They all did everything they could to win came up short. I would hope all true fans would focus on this teams [coaches included] accomplishments. They have done what no other sports team in MCHS histoty has done and for that we all should be extremely grately.
I'm not critizing the other players. The person posting above was saying that AJ was sick and I was told last night by the bus driver that Brittany was sick also. What I said was he should have set them down some. He never gave them a break, they played almost the whole game. There were other players that could have come in and helped. Did you notice how many times Ashley Hall was defending the other board by herself? Her against 3-4. How much playing time did he give the Adams girl? What I was telling the poster was if AJ and Brittany were so bad off, why didn't Pup sub more. The Minix girl got in for what, maybe 30 seconds total? Pup didn't coach last night and everyone knows it. It has nothing to do with being an MC fan or not, if someone messes up, telling the truth don't make you any less of a fan. If I thought the coaching was off, BEING an MC fan gives me every right in the world to voice what I think was wrong as well as what I thought was right. No matter what those girls did to help MC ball in no way takes away my privlege as an MC fan to tell what I think went wrong in a game. It wasn't the girls fault, it was the coaching. Nuff Said!!
Congrats to Belfry. When you lose by 19 you blame the coach? The one guy that has done more for MC than any other coach has. Apparently he thought they had a better shot winning with those girls sick than playing his bench. You only have one shot this time of year. You gotta have your best players on the floor if at all possible.
Baller3 Wrote:Congrats to Belfry. When you lose by 19 you blame the coach? The one guy that has done more for MC than any other coach has. Apparently he thought they had a better shot winning with those girls sick than playing his bench. You only have one shot this time of year. You gotta have your best players on the floor if at all possible.
Baller, if your best players are to weak to hardly move and aren't doing so good, why not try other players and see what happens? If your losing anyway, what can it hurt to rest your best and try a different plan? It's over, it really doesn't matter.
hornet_gurl Wrote:I'm sorry i think Magoffin still should have won.. yes they had a horrible night but the refs were crap.. I only wished we could redo it..but whatever..

Look, I was cheerin for Magoffin to win, but refs have nothing to do with Magoffin shootin 19-77 from the field.
Looks like this means a rematch of the district title game.
A big congrats to Belfry on a BIG win!
Congrats to MC on a great season and career, I never thought it would end this way but things happen!!! I know that it was hard for AJ and Brittany playing with all they could and couldnt hardly breathe they both brouth their breathing machine with them and used them before the game. But any shot that the hornets put up just wouldnt fall right for them, the refs were horrible as expected and were more harder aganist MC than Belfry but that dosent have nothing aganist losing byy 19 points free throws and sickness were also a factor this game. As for Brittany and Ashley Jade I cant wait to see you too play at Berea with Calloray again and for Michaela I'am right here with you to where ever you decide to go to college.

And for Belfry good game, and I hope youns beat PCC and I think everyone in MC thinks that to I know that I for one will be there rooting on Belfry you bunch of girls have earned my respect more than PCC. Youns show better class and g/l.
Redneck Wrote:Look, I was cheerin for Magoffin to win, but refs have nothing to do with Magoffin shootin 19-77 from the field.

For real????? That is 25%! That is terrible.
Coach Miller just got out coached. All he is worried about is looking in the crowed to make sure everyone is looking at him. It's a joke.

Good luck Belfry in the finals.
congrats Belfry, you girls played a great game.
People...let's get to the facts. Yes, congrats to Belfry on the win. But when Magoffin shoots 27% from the field and Brittany and Ashley Jade both have strep throat/bronchitis and are having breathing treatments at halftime, no wonder you won! But let the good luck go to your Pirate head...
What is it about Magoffin County players and IV's? Do they take a Dr. on the bus with them and hang them on the overhead emergency exits? Magoffin County loses, both boys and girls teams, they are all sick and all on IV's. Other teams get sick, they take tylenol cold and flu.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:What is it about Magoffin County players and IV's? Do they take a Dr. on the bus with them and hang them on the overhead emergency exits? Magoffin County loses, both boys and girls teams, they are all sick and all on IV's. Other teams get sick, they take tylenol cold and flu.
BBOF, the teams have already been congratulated. It was obvious the girls were in bad shape health wise. If you've saw them play before the Belfry game you would know that something was wrong the other night. And yes, they do have a Doctor that were treating both the boys and girls for strep and bronchitus. Tylenol doesn't fix that. Hopefully no other tems members contacted it through them. I've never made excuses for them, it was just bad timing on sickness. Ask the Belfry coach and players if this was the same girls team that played her last time. Ask BMR if that was the same team he played the week before. Pikeville and Belfry have great teams and they are coming in at the perfect time. Magoffin has great teams and they were getting ill at a bad time. I am making no excuses, both MC teams had a bad time at Regionals and that isn't a time to be down. My hopes are now both Belfry and Pikeville to win it all, because they took down two good teams. Magoffin fans, quit making excuses for the losses, they are done for the year and were taken out by two good teams.
Creeker Wrote:For real????? That is 25%! That is terrible.

Yes, Magoffin hit 19-77 fg for .246%. Belfry shot 27-54 fg for 50%.
Awesome win by the Lady Pirates.

Now don't celebrate too much, you still have to take care of business tonight.

Go get em girls, bring home that trophy to Pond Creek and then go represent well at State.
StillAnMCfan Wrote:If she was sick and not doing good, she should have been set down. It's not a crime to have a bad night. There were other girls ready to get in and didn't get the chance. I blame Pup for this loss, not the girls.

Its the regional tournament... so when it comes down to it you dont want one of ur key players to be setting ashley jade is tough she played fine i thought...they had an off night thats all brittany was off her game completely, it happens to the best of ppl just happened in regionals...pup did an excellent job coaching i have never seen him been out coached the girls just couldnt buy ne thing. Still anyway you put it MC was the better team they were 28-3 i think going in.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:What is it about Magoffin County players and IV's? Do they take a Dr. on the bus with them and hang them on the overhead emergency exits? Magoffin County loses, both boys and girls teams, they are all sick and all on IV's. Other teams get sick, they take tylenol cold and flu.
as a matter of fact they did have a Dr with them and giving them breathing treatments up until gametime but no excuses are to be made Belfry and Pikeville where the better teams
If Moon and Deskins has Bronchitis and strep throat, do you think they would be playing their regular game?
All_Sport#1 Wrote:If Moon and Deskins has Bronchitis and strep throat, do you think they would be playing their regular game?

I am so tired of reading about who was sick Belfry just out played Magoffin. I was at that game and what I saw was TWO of MC girls just walking up and down the floor many times when MOON AND DESKINS would get by them to make the easy layup. What is #15 for Belfry name anyone know?
TRUETIGERMAN Wrote:I am so tired of reading about who was sick Belfry just out played Magoffin. I was at that game and what I saw was TWO of MC girls just walking up and down the floor many times when MOON AND DESKINS would get by them to make the easy layup. What is #15 for Belfry name anyone know?

well if your tired of reading it dont log on to this thread and have you ever played a sport while you was sick especially basketball??? its not that easy!!!

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