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Tubby on PTI
Tubby Smith was on ESPN's Pardon the Interruption today. He made comments about how being the coach at UK is hard because no matter if you win 34 games or 20 games u get critized. They asked him if his recruiting had gone down and he said that its hard to recruit when most players stay a couple years and leave likje Azabukie and Rando.
Ill have to agree with him about them leaving like that, i mean, when u spend so much time getting somebody, and they leave after their sophmore year, you really dont plan for that. But he should be getting better players, not just players he can mold into the player he wants them to be.
Just the way it is with Kentucky Basketball and like they mentioned..he knew what he was getting himself into when he took the job!
If he's not happy then hit the road and stop the crying. You tell me that Texas and Ohio St. are having tough times because they're going to be losing there freshman stars after this year. I use to really pull for him but now the only thing I can say is he's full of it. Hasn't been the same since everyone picked on Saul and knew better than to let the youngest come to UK.
CatDawg Wrote:If he's not happy then hit the road and stop the crying. You tell me that Texas and Ohio St. are having tough times because they're going to be losing there freshman stars after this year. I use to really pull for him but now the only thing I can say is he's full of it. Hasn't been the same since everyone picked on Saul and knew better than to let the youngest come to UK.

Where did it say Tubby was unhappy?
I just watched it, and this was one of the better Tubby interviews I've seen. He handled himself well and represented UK well. If anybody wants to see it here it is..>>>>
I didn't say it said he was unhappy only that if he isn't then hit the road or if he can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Thats UK basketball always has been and always will be. I just think its funny other than locally you would never see the man anywhere. I mean he would very rarely even give the halftime interview in nationally televised games and when he did you could tell he didn't like it. But now that the seat is getting hot he's on every sports show that will have him pleading his case. I really pulled for him at UK even into this year because while I was looking threw those rose colored glasses and thinking that they only wanted him out due to skin color he has either continued to bring the program down due to coaching ability or what I think is a loss of desire on his part. I still think most want him gone due to skin color and not the W's or the L's. But even you have to admit we have a major problem right now and maybe its not his fault but I'm sure he isn't the solution. And yes I think he won and deserves the national title. Pitino had even better players the year before when he lost to Arizona.
I have to agree a real good interview. I just hope he can turn it around.
CatDawg Wrote:I didn't say it said he was unhappy only that if he isn't then hit the road or if he can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Thats UK basketball always has been and always will be. I just think its funny other than locally you would never see the man anywhere. I mean he would very rarely even give the halftime interview in nationally televised games and when he did you could tell he didn't like it. But now that the seat is getting hot he's on every sports show that will have him pleading his case. I really pulled for him at UK even into this year because while I was looking threw those rose colored glasses and thinking that they only wanted him out due to skin color he has either continued to bring the program down due to coaching ability or what I think is a loss of desire on his part. I still think most want him gone due to skin color and not the W's or the L's. But even you have to admit we have a major problem right now and maybe its not his fault but I'm sure he isn't the solution. And yes I think he won and deserves the national title. Pitino had even better players the year before when he lost to Arizona.

I'm no fun of Tubby, but he done a great job on this interview handling himself and the pressure. He could have ripped into the fans but praised them for filling up Rupp Arena and even said how much he loves Kentucky. He wasn't complaining about the pressure at UK, and he never said he couldn't handle it so I don't know where you see that. He just said it comes with ANY job.

As far as Tubby never being on National Shows, this is 3 years in a row he has been on PTI. They always talk to most coaches around this time.

I think the program needs a new direction as well but I can't say a bad word about how he handled himself on PTI today.
I was impressed with Tubby's sentence structure. It's obvious someone has been working with him on this. He spoke in complete sentences and didn't ramble as he does in his post game interviews. Tubby complained about recruits leaving the program after a couple of years and how it impacted his teams. Seems funny that UNC and other top programs have players leave and they don't miss a beat. I don't buy Tubby's argument on that one. Tubby's inability to recruit the top players, mainly because of his style of play, is to blame for the situation he's in today. Nothing else.
Best interview I have seen or heard this year.
I thought Tub handled it extremely well. Very classy interview.
I saw the interview and it was a very good interview for Tubby, but I don't think it will change anyone's opinion on him.

Now, in response to the heat Tubby is getting, Rick Pitino made a comment about how he thinks the pressure Tubby is getting in undeserved. I found this much more interesting, particularly how he said that it's only a few UK fans that want Tubby to change something or leave. IMO, the majority of people I have spoken to want Tubby out of Kentucky.
OTS is a man of integrity. OTS knows the game
of basketball. OTS is a good enough bench coach.
OTS is not as eloquent as some other coaches.
Yada, yada, yada. If a person is hired as
the CEO of a company, and ten years into their
tenure, the company has slipped from where it
was previously, does that CEO keep his job? Is
the men's coaching job at UK a "bottom line"
type of job? Are there things beyond Tubby's
control that we should consider? Or, is the
theme "the buck stops here," and the standard
at UK is excellence without excuses, defined as
in the hunt to win the SEC every year; appearing in
the top ten every year; mentioned as a FInal Four
possibility most every year; almost NEVER playing
on the first day of the SEC tournament; consitently
in the hunt to sign a few of the top 50 seniors every
year......these kinds of benchmarks?
I did think Tubby sounded better on PTI than on Mike and Mike. This still intrigues me though. I think TLT has planned his work and is working his plan. Tubby hates the media, but by appearing on all these national shows and promoting himself as the "guy" for UK may be brilliant. He gets national attention, looks like the good guy, talks himself up in front of the country. Its all part of his plan. There is no way the University can get rid of him even if we lose the first game of both tourneys and don't get Patterson or Lucas. UK and the Athletic Department would look to bad. I hate to say it, but he is here to stay for another year now.
PredatorsFan Wrote:IMO, the majority of people I have spoken to want Tubby out of Kentucky.

Two of Lexington's TV stations ran an online poll about Tubby and on BOTH polls around 70% of the responding fans wanted a change at UK. Pitino is wrong. The majority DO NOT want Tubby to continue coaching at Kentucky, but what else do you expect the guy to say? Pitino hired Tubby as an assistant and he's not going to say anything negative no matter if Tubby never wins anothere game the rest of his career.

Also, it was obviously clear that Tubby has had some sort of 'coachng' lately on how to address the media. His answers on PTI were definitely scripted. He actually used complete sentences...something he hardly ever does.

It's rather funny also that Lee Todd has instisted that Tubby become more 'visible to the media and public' just as the season started, but other than one PTI interview a few months ago, he's never appeared on any major broadcasts. Now that his job is on the line, he's on quite frequently defending his job. Maybe now we'll see more of Tubby on tv.
This was an awesome interview, Tubby handed himself very well.

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