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Same Sex Marriage
Should Gay People Be Allowed To Get Married? Don't say just yes or no, please explain why.
No!! Goes agains't everything we're suppose to believe in
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:No!! Goes agains't everything we're suppose to believe in
It’s against my religion.
I don't believe in it, but they deserve the same rights as everyone else, and one of those rights is being able to get married.
I think this is an argument that can go on for ages. The bible clearly states that it is wrong, homosexuality is the reason he destroyed sodom and gamorrah.

Now for those who don't believe the Bible, then you are pretty well free to think what ya please, however, homosexuals are a minority, and the vast majority of the population see it as wrong. Not just because they are homophobic either, but because it's what they believe. And until the homosexual population increases to more than a minority, I don't think we will ever see a legal homosexual marriage.
I do not believe homosexuals should be able to get married. I base my decision solely on my beliefs and moral values.
I dont believe they should be married nor be allowed to have civil unions.
You don't believe in everyone being treated equally 4leaf? What if everyone in the world was gay and being straight was the minority. Wouldn't you want to be given the same rights?
crazytaxidriver Wrote:The bible clearly states that it is wrong, homosexuality is the reason he destroyed sodom and gamorrah.

This is what i Believe in. SO NO!
I think it's nasty and shouldn't even be discussed. :lol:
Can any of you put yourselves in someone elses shoes even for a few minutes? What if the Bible said that heterosexuality was wrong and you weren't gay? How would you feel if your government said you have the same rights as the homosexuals?

This is the land of the FREE. Everyone deserves the same rights.
No....It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

Posted Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:39 am:

ComfortEagle Wrote:Can any of you put yourselves in someone elses shoes even for a few minutes? What if the Bible said that heterosexuality was wrong and you weren't gay? How would you feel if your government said you have the same rights as the homosexuals?

This is the land of the FREE. Everyone deserves the same rights.

Since the bible says the exact opposite that holds no weight with me. I don't agree with homosexuality, but it is part of life today. As long as they stay away from me with their private lives then it is not a issue with me....I don't want to particuarly hear about it or see it. I do not however believe they should be allowed to be married.
Just as you said, this is now an issue in our society. Just as slavery was once "not an issue", homosexuality now is also. To give a person the same rights just because they're different is wrong. That's exactly what happened during the 60's with the blacks. They weren't being given their rights just because they were a different color. I'm sure many people then also did not want to be associated blacks, just like right now, you say you don't want to be associated with a homosexual.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Just as you said, this is now an issue in our society. Just as slavery was once "not an issue", homosexuality now is also. To give a person the same rights just because they're different is wrong. That's exactly what happened during the 60's with the blacks. They weren't being given their rights just because they were a different color. I'm sure many people then also did not want to be associated blacks, just like right now, you say you don't want to be associated with a homosexual.

I never said I would not want to be assoicated with homesexuals but it is on a preofessional level. I did say I had no problem with them as long as they keep their private life way from me. I actually know some gay people, and they are good people. I did say that I didn't particualry want to hear about them and their lovers or see it going on. Now if it is a girl and her girlfriend that is a different situation. Please don't put words into my mouth. IF you, or anyone else, want to be associated with homosexuals beyond a profressional level then that is your/their choice, but I choose to keep it profressional.
Sorry, but that's just what I gathered from your post. And you talk about being "professional"

but how is being discriminatory professional?
ComfortEagle Wrote:Sorry, but that's just what I gathered from your post. And you talk about being "professional"

but how is being discriminatory professional?

I still don't see what you are saying CE. I stated that I have friends that are gay, as well as peolpe of different ethic backgrounds. What part of that do you not understand? I know you graduated from Pikeville High so obiviously you can read. Excuse me for not wanting to hear about two gay men in their private lives. I respect them as a person, but what they do behind close doors in their business and I don't see the need for me to hear about it. And by "professional" I mean being freinds with them. I didn't know any other way to put it on that subject.
I said that from your post, I gathered that you did not want to be associated with homosexuals. You stated otherwise in your thread. Therefore, I was saying SORRY for the misunderstanding.

It's fine if you don't want to hear about two homosexuals sex lives, but the point I am trying to make is why shouldn't they be able to get married. That is the whole point of discussion on this thread.

I don't see how someone can not believe in discrimination, yet, say that two homosexuals can not get married. That is not just directed at you, but everyone who stated they do not think homosexuals should be able to get married.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I said that from your post, I gathered that you did not want to be associated with homosexuals. You stated otherwise in your thread. Therefore, I was saying SORRY for the misunderstanding.

It's fine if you don't want to hear about two homosexuals sex lives, but the point I am trying to make is why shouldn't they be able to get married. That is the whole point of discussion on this thread.

I don't see how someone can not believe in discrimination, yet, say that two homosexuals can not get married. That is not just directed at you, but everyone who stated they do not think homosexuals should be able to get married.

Let them live together and be life partners and I do believe that they should be given some benefits such as joint insurance. Gay marriage goes totally against my religion plus a part of me thinks it is sick, and I do believe that it is wrong. Doesn't mean I don't like them or respect them as people but I live by the word of the bible...sorry if you don't see it that way but I would say you are in the minority but you are entitled to your own opinion.
I just don't understand how you can respect a person but not want them to have the same rights you have?
ComfortEagle Wrote:I just don't understand how you can respect a person but not want them to have the same rights you have?

I tell you what CE we both graduated from the same high school so I like you. Go to one of the local strip clubs and get some T&A put in your face and then we will talk about it.
I don't see what that has to do with this discussion. Check your PM's

Posted 23 Jan 2005 02:44 am:

Ah, I've said what I've needed to say here. My part in this discussion is over.
ComfortEagle If you respect them or not your going against your religion, so should the be able to get married no. and people who arent and are against same sex marriage dont dislike them cause of it jus pray for em that one day they will see it tha right way.
That is so feeble though. Everyone sins EVERYDAY. And, every sin is the same in God's eyes. This means in God's eyes speeding, eating too many french fries, and cussing carry the same weight as being a homosexual.

Posted 23 Jan 2005 04:05 am:

You may going against your religion by cussing but that doesn't mean your rights to talk should be taken away.
They should be happy they even let em go out morethen less take it to tha next level. all that you named can be changed in a matter of time but What homosexual you know would jus say Hey i dont wanna be gay nomore.
I've seen it happen. There was a story on the news of a church that welcomes gays and has support groups for them and about 20 of them turned from their ways.
ComfortEagle Wrote:That is so feeble though. Everyone sins EVERYDAY. And, every sin is the same in God's eyes. This means in God's eyes speeding, eating too many french fries, and cussing carry the same weight as being a homosexual.

Posted 23 Jan 2005 04:05 am:

You may going against your religion by cussing but that doesn't mean your rights to talk should be taken away.

You are correct in that we sin everyday, however, after we ask for fogiveness we are supposed to try not to do the same sin again. I personally do believe that homosexuality is a sin. So if one of them did ask for forgiveness, knowing that they were goin to go back out and be gay, then that defeats the purpose.

As far as rights go, I believe they shouldn't be able to get married, or joined in civil unions or whatever, but they shouldn't be discriminated against in anything else, cause they are people too. But by allowing them to marry and get the same rights as a man/woman couple would get, then it seems like a marriage isn't worth anything anymore. I mean people used to wait for marriage before they would even have sex or whatever, now people use marriage as an excuse to get a tax break, or cut in insurance. It's not what it used to be.
You really think allowing two homosexuals WHO LOVE EACH OTHER is going to dephile the idea of marriage? How about the countless celebrities who have had 134567890 billion divorces, and the stupid reality TV shows that ask America to pick who someone is going to marry?? You think that's a true, loving relationship? With a divorce rate of over 50% the idea of marriage has already been ruined.
ComfortEagle Wrote:You really think allowing two homosexuals WHO LOVE EACH OTHER is going to dephile the idea of marriage? How about the countless celebrities who have had 134567890 billion divorces, and the stupid reality TV shows that ask America to pick who someone is going to marry?? You think that's a true, loving relationship? With a divorce rate of over 50% the idea of marriage has already been ruined.

Yes, but that's just my opinion..

And I agree 100% with the rest of what ya say. This country has gotten away from its roots. People don't get married for love anymore, its all about money. And the whole bachelor/bachelorette thing is ridiculous if ya ask me. It's all about money.
Thats just my thoughts and beliefs CE. You can have yours and I wont say that they're wrong, there is no ultimate answer. But thanks for pointing me out.

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