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Patterson chomps UK !!!
#31 now lists Florida as one of Lucas's choices. Maybe he and Patrick will go to Florida as a package deal? Can Tubby survive at UK without landing Lucas and Patterson? He's whiffed on so many now, these two just may be his undoing.
alfus21 Wrote:What has he been right on, and what have his message board "sources" been right on. He's just posted a bunch of hearsay thus far.

So you're saying all those 'Tubby Firsts' I posted were just heresay?? Good one, alfus...Smile ......and the Denver Post article stating the 'Tubby buyout' was heresay?? Yeah, right.
Well, for one thing it looks like Patterson will be going to Florida, so that seems to be right, whether u or any other "True Blue UK Fan" wants to believe it or not. We all will find out soon enough. Im actually kinda tired of talking and arguing about it on here, let the season end (when UK gets beat out in the first round of the NCAA tournament) to see what happens. Hopefully at that time, Tubby will be gone when that time comes. Personally I wouldnt mind if he took his junior class with him.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:So you're saying all those 'Tubby Firsts' I posted were just heresay?? Good one, alfus...Smile ......and the Denver Post article stating the 'Tubby buyout' was heresay?? Yeah, right.

I never denied those were facts. What I am questioning is all your so called "secret" sources and never posting links to anything. Like I've said before just because it was posted by someone like you on a message board doesn't make it true. You post things such as "Patterson is 70/30 to Florida" and then say you saw him wearing a "Go Gators Pin" at the game only to be exposed and later say you were kidding. You post things that Patterson hasn't even said, and you say it's from your sources that Lucas is leaning towards Maryland even though it isn't being said anywhere.
SportsFan80 Wrote:Hopefully at that time, Tubby will be gone when that time comes. Personally I wouldnt mind if he took his junior class with him.

....or that stellar sophomore class he recruited too. Smile Smile
No no alfus.....I said Lucas was 70/30 to Maryland, not Patterson to Florida. Sheesh! Go back and check post #25. You seem to be the one 'making things up' here.
Alfus.....I explained to you last night the 'Go Gators' pin was a joke. Surely you didn't think otherwise?? If so, I've got a somewhat large piece of land about 90 miles south of Miami I'll be willing to sell rather cheap.....and also a big statue in NY.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:No no alfus.....I said Lucas was 70/30 to Maryland, not Patterson to Florida. Sheesh! Go back and check post #25. You seem to be the one 'making things up' here.

Same thing. Tell me where you got this information? How exactly do you know Lucas is 70/30 Maryland? His dad was up cheering for UK during the Georgia game. Lucas gave high fives to the ERUPPtion Zone. Does that mean nothing? Or is it only Patterson that can do something like that which in turn is an automatic commitment?
alfus21 Wrote:Same thing. Tell me where you got this information? How exactly do you know Lucas is 70/30 Maryland?

Sorry bud, but can't do it. If I did, then you'd be almost as smart as me. Smile
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Sorry bud, but can't do it. If I did, then you'd be almost as smart as me. Smile

Exactly the answer I expected. Probably a Maryland message board. Thanks for responding to my Lucas/Patterson logic and how it makes no sense that when Patterson chomps at Florida he is an automatic commit. But when Lucas' father cheers for UK at the games and Lucas gives the fans high fives it means nothing.
Give it up alfus.... Either take what I'm saying and learn to live with it, or just forget it. Your arguments are getting old. You're the kind of guy that would go to church and argue with the preacher and demand a link proving that Moses actually parted the Red Sea.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Give it up alfus.... Either take what I'm saying and learn to live with it, or just forget it. Your arguments are getting old. You're the kind of guy that would go to church and argue with the preacher and demand a link proving that Moses actually parted the Red Sea.

Once again, you failed to argue my Lucas/Patterson logic by trying to joke your way out of it. Typical. Thanks again though for not answering and getting personal with me.....again.
Alfus....It's clearly obvious you refuse to be convinced that any statement I make concerning UK basketball and Tubby Smiff has any merit to it. Fine. Let's leave it at that. I'm getting tired of this childish crap. No more petty bickering over links and proof of where I get my info, OK? Either choose to believe it or choose not to. You decide.....and please, NO MORE BICKERING! It's way past getting old.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Alfus....It's clearly obvious you refuse to be convinced that any statement I make concerning UK basketball and Tubby Smiff has any merit to it. Fine. Let's leave it at that. I'm getting tired of this childish crap. No more petty bickering over links and proof of where I get my info, OK? Either choose to believe it or choose not to. You decide.....and please, NO MORE BICKERING! It's way past getting old.

I wasn't bickering just questioning your information. You said Lucas was 70/30 to Maryland and I just wanted to know where you got it. You said Patterson was Florida bound, and that he loved Billy D's style of play. I questioned where you heard it. Simple as that man. Be prepared to back up your statements if you're going to dish em' out. Especially saying that Patterson was going to Florida because he chomped yet when Lucas gave high fives to students it didn't mean anything.
........this is getting ridiculous. :igiveup: I'm outta here.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:........this is getting ridiculous. :igiveup: I'm outta here.

Smile Alright then. I didn't expect surrender but I'll take it.
Nope.....not a surrender at all, but if I posted what I really felt about your constant attacks towards my postings, (which has to be violating some sort of rule here) it would break every rule in QQ's rulebook. Can't you just go somewhere else and play?
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Nope.....not a surrender at all, but if I posted what I really felt about your constant attacks towards my postings, (which has to be violating some sort of rule here) it would break every rule in QQ's rulebook. Can't you just go somewhere else and play?

I was joking about surrender. White Flag = Surrender. Smile Second of all, I never attacked any of your "postings" but rather called them into question and really wanted you to answer me about your logic on Patterson/Lucas commitments. I'm going to continue to question the validity of your posts because you state them as fact and not opinions and I along with any other member can call any post of yours into question if they appear to be questionable. I'm not playing here, but just trying to have civil conversation in which I have never resulted in attacking your posts. Feel free to PM anyone with your complaints but do not address them in the forums again.

If you have nothing else to say about this subject then please do not respond. If you have anything else to say that has nothing to do with this thread feel free PM me or anyone else about what you think.
alfus21 Wrote:I was joking about surrender. White Flag = Surrender. Smile Second of all, I never attacked any of your "postings" but rather called them into question and really wanted you to answer me about your logic on Patterson/Lucas commitments. I'm going to continue to question the validity of your posts because you state them as fact and not opinions and I along with any other member can call any post of yours into question if they appear to be questionable. I'm not playing here, but just trying to have civil conversation in which I have never resulted in attacking your posts. Feel free to PM anyone with your complaints but do not address them in the forums again.

If you have nothing else to say about this subject then please do not respond. If you have anything else to say that has nothing to do with this thread feel free PM me or anyone else about what you think.
I would also like for Gks to explain how he knows all this.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:So you're saying all those 'Tubby Firsts' I posted were just heresay?? Good one, alfus...Smile ......and the Denver Post article stating the 'Tubby buyout' was heresay?? Yeah, right.
You realize that the dude from the Denver Post got his "inside information" from that professor who tried to put an add in the school newspaper. I could email the guy and tell him i know tubby smith and that he says he is not going anywhere and would be just as credible.
It is cracking me up how big everyone thought getting patterson at first was such a big deal and what a player he is, and now that he is almost certain to go to Florida and Tubby "ONCE AGAIN" missing out on another big recruit that it isn't such a big deal now!
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Nope.....not a surrender at all, but if I posted what I really felt about your constant attacks towards my postings, (which has to be violating some sort of rule here) it would break every rule in QQ's rulebook. Can't you just go somewhere else and play?

No he cannot go somewhere else and play as you put it. He has as much right to be on here as you do. Just because he has a different point of view does not mean that he should go somewhere else. He enjoys a healthy debate and does so without resorting to petty jabs at ones character.

Questioning the validity of your posts is within any rule that has been written. That is what a discussion board is for and he has questioned the validity of your posts in a very mature and professional manner. Never have i seen him call you kid and make personal jokes about you. Keep that kind of talk out of the boards. If there is any issue with this then feel free to PM me but do not bring it up again in the public forums.
I didn't want to start a whole thread about this, but here is a video of UK commitment AJ Stewart. It's a little outdated but it's worth watching.

Stewart Video
I loved his last dunk from the free throw line. Man this young man has his head on his shoulders and you can understand him even when he talks. Great pick up.
Tubby was in attendance tonight to watch Patterson play Cabell Midland.

He signed autographs and took his picture with several fans. Fans chanted his name during the game.

Yea I saw that. hummmm
True fans don't continually bash there teams. I hope Patterson goes to Florida. I have seen him play several times and I think he is def over-hyped. Sometimes he can't even hardly catch the ball. Looks like another Sheray Thomas to me lol.
moofer Wrote:True fans don't continually bash there teams. I hope Patterson goes to Florida. I have seen him play several times and I think he is def over-hyped. Sometimes he can't even hardly catch the ball. Looks like another Sheray Thomas to me lol.
are you a true fan ? seems to me you are trashing Sherray he is a part of this team
Old school Dawg Wrote:Alfus are you and me the only ones who knows Patterson is not as great as advertised?
I know this... he has terrible hands
I am not bashing him, but its no secret that he hasn't been as good as anyone had hoped. I love UK and everyone on the team, but not all players are as good as others.

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