Poll: Do you think the UK basketball program needs to go in a new direction?
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I want Tubby out threads...here
I think tubby has done enough for UK.. Time to bring someone in that can actually motivate and develop players and someone that is capable of coaching a up tempo game..
alfus21 Wrote:Think you're blowing that up a bit? One of the "hundreds" here? But I forgot, like someone posted on here before. UK is so dominating they put together 3 title teams since 1958. Dynasty right there right?

Kentucky made it to the final game 3 years straight. Who knows what would happened if Pitino would of stayed. Could of been 5 or 6 straight.. Either way, they were much closer to a dynasty under Pitino than Tubby. Pitino led the cats to like 8 or 9 top 10 finishes..

Alfus, don't you want better for the Cats?.. Honestly, do you think Tubby is an elite coach? Personally, I don't.. He doesn't seem to manage or recruit very well. His coaching style has become boring to watch.. 50 and 60 points a game.. Some high school teams are putting up 80 and 90 without a shotclock..

If they do keep tubby I really hope he changes his coaching philosophy. If not things will not get better for us..

I think his back is up against the wall. Id say he is gone if he don't lead the Cats on impressive NCAA tourney run.. 1st or 2nd rd flame out again and should be gone..
Forget Tubby recruited our wildcats.Wouldnt you all agree that only a very good coach could win 20 games and against one of the toughest schedule,s in america with this group?
You all could say the same about Duke.Should they fire coach k?
Old school Dawg Wrote:Forget Tubby recruited our wildcats.Wouldnt you all agree that only a very good coach could win 20 games and against one of the toughest schedule,s in america with this group?

I think I would of called him a "good coach" if he could of got this group of wildcats to beat a couple ranked teams..
Your not like alot of Ky fans are ya where you wouldnt ever say he was a good coach,,,no matter what.
calQlate Wrote:Kentucky made it to the final game 3 years straight. Who knows what would happened if Pitino would of stayed. Could of been 5 or 6 straight.. Either way, they were much closer to a dynasty under Pitino than Tubby. Pitino led the cats to like 8 or 9 top 10 finishes..

Alfus, don't you want better for the Cats?.. Honestly, do you think Tubby is an elite coach? Personally, I don't.. He doesn't seem to manage or recruit very well. His coaching style has become boring to watch.. 50 and 60 points a game.. Some high school teams are putting up 80 and 90 without a shotclock..

If they do keep tubby I really hope he changes his coaching philosophy. If not things will not get better for us..

I think his back is up against the wall. Id say he is gone if he don't lead the Cats on impressive NCAA tourney run.. 1st or 2nd rd flame out again and should be gone..

All I was saying is UK fans are spoiled because of what Pitino did. I appreciate what he did but we may never see what we saw in 96-98. And by saying that I mean no team will go to 3 title games in a row.

I also meant that UK is more in the fans' minds that what they really are. The only reason UK leads in wins all time is because of all the cheap wins vs. YMCA and High School teams in the early 1900's. 3 Titles since 1958 is not that superior to many other teams.

I do want better than what UK is doing right now but I think Tubby can lead us there. And I honestly don't care by what means he achieves this by. College basketball is made to win games not score big points to entertain the fans. That's what the NBA is for.

Things will get better with Tubby Smith. These last 2 seasons have been bad but I think next year could be very good with Patterson and Lucas. If not I'll join you in wanting him gone but teams, even with the caliber of UK go through 1 or 2 off years every now and then.
alfus21 Wrote:All I was saying is UK fans are spoiled because of what Pitino did. I appreciate what he did but we may never see what we saw in 96-98. And by saying that I mean no team will go to 3 title games in a row.

I also meant that UK is more in the fans' minds that what they really are. The only reason UK leads in wins all time is because of all the cheap wins vs. YMCA and High School teams in the early 1900's. 3 Titles since 1958 is not that superior to many other teams.

I do want better than what UK is doing right now but I think Tubby can lead us there. And I honestly don't care by what means he achieves this by. College basketball is made to win games not score big points to entertain the fans. That's what the NBA is for.

Things will get better with Tubby Smith. These last 2 seasons have been bad but I think next year could be very good with Patterson and Lucas. If not I'll join you in wanting him gone but teams, even with the caliber of UK go through 1 or 2 off years every now and then.

I'm a UK fan regardless of who is running the show.. I hope things change for the positive, regardless.. I know we are not going to be the top program every year. Thats unrealistic. I do think we could be a top 15 team every year..
Super_de Wrote:Whats new, why keep posting the same thread over and over again. It gets nowhere, people just starts posting arugements of why tubby should go and why tubby shouldnt. Even tho one of you all are going to say why did u even read this thread, But honeslty why keep makin the same threads. Everyone on this site should know that All of you all think tubby should go because they have been so many posts about it. I mean heck, tubbys coaching bad and the team isnt winning but what good is it to post over and over that *Tubby must go* for atleast till the seasons over why dont you all try to think of positive things about Tubby and Kentucky, They just played good vs a Georgia team and have a big game coming up. It isnt like they are under .500 or something, they won 20 games once again in this season. So just be positive.

The power of positive thinking, huh? Well, you can say, "I think we can," "I think we
can" all you want to, but the reality is the talent level is down, enthusiasm around the
program is down, regard nationwide for the program is down, recruiters from other
schools bash Tubby's style of play, great athletes want to play up tempo. So, I
hope you make it up that mountain...but I hear your wheels screeching and the
brakes are a burnin' up...
calQlate Wrote:I'm a UK fan regardless of who is running the show.. I hope things change for the positive, regardless.. I know we are not going to be the top program every year. Thats unrealistic. I do think we could be a top 15 team every year..

Same here
I think we should wait til the end of the season to see where UK ends up. In which by the looks of things, I dont see it ending well.
Times have changed.You dont judge a program by how many national championships a team has won!
Like someone has said duke ain't a top team we should fire coach K to right. Tubby Smith can't recruite but in the rest of the areas he is a good coach.
thecavemaster Wrote:The power of positive thinking, huh? Well, you can say, "I think we can," "I think we
can" all you want to, but the reality is the talent level is down, enthusiasm around the
program is down, regard nationwide for the program is down, recruiters from other
schools bash Tubby's style of play, great athletes want to play up tempo. So, I
hope you make it up that mountain...but I hear your wheels screeching and the
brakes are a burnin' up...

Great post, cavemaster. Glad to have you aboard. :thumpsup:
If we keep 'waiting' on Tubby to produce, his contract will expire.
Old school Dawg Wrote:Times have changed.You dont judge a program by how many national championships a team has won!

Question: circa March 2007, is UK in the same talent/prestige
pool with North Carolina? Duke? Florida? Texas? UCLA?
Kansas? And that probably isn't a list of all the programs
that now exceed UK in recruiting, consistent high seeding
in the NCAA's, and expectation of making a Final Four.
If you are willing to settle for UK not being a top tier program,
that's your business. But, I refuse to define loyalty as being
willing to settle for anything less than a top 5 program.
I agree with Super De on this about too many threads being made about this topic. But since we are on the topic again, I do want Tubby out the same as every other sane person. Anyone that cant see that hes destroying this program is blind. True, its not just him, its his players as well, but who recruits and signs these players? Thats right, Tubby and his coaching staff. Its also true that college basketball isnt the same anymore, and there arent any dominant teams, but this is not UK basketball. Aflus, everybody knows how many titles UK has, u dont have to keep reminding us, and its not expected for them to win one every year, we just want UK basketball back the way it was before he got here. When they didnt lose 10 games every other year and didnt have to worry about coming from behind or losing a lead. The bench was able to come in and play as good as the starters and keep the hopes of winning one alive. This team is far from that, the only reason they beat Georgia the other night is because Georgia is a mediocre at best team. They might win 1 or 2 more games the rest of the year, and it will be another 10 loss season for the kittens!!!!!
IF Flawida beats UK Sunday, it will make 6 straight wins over UK. The University of Kentucky has NEVER been beaten 6 times in a row by any SEC school in UK's storied history. Tubby could notch another 'FIRST' if his Mildcats can't pull off the win. Amazing....and to think there's still some out there who want Tub to coach the remainder of his contract. If that happens, no telling how many more 'firsts' he'll pile up. :mad:

BTW.....here's a list of Tubby's "Firsts" I posted earlier.
Gooooood Lord are you kidding me? Another thread? I mean seriously c'mon man. I understand you loathe Tubby Smith but can't you get it across in the Florida UK thread or something?
What does it take to get it through to the people that supports tubby that he sucks as a coach. It doesnt matter whether Tubby is here or not, Patterson and Lucas is not going to come to UK, if so they would have already signed. Who can blame them for not wanting to come here. They see the way he coaches and the way the players lag on offense and defense, it would be best for them to go somewhere where this crap doesnt go on. They dont need to be brought down by his coaching and dont need to inherit most of the current UK players laziness and lack of heart to play. I would love to see Patterson here, I dont know much about Lucas so I wont say anything about him. But the way I see it, as long as Tubby is here, UK wont get any great recruits. Go ahead and bash away at what I said alfus and all u other "True Blue UK Fans".
SportsFan80 Wrote:What does it take to get it through to the people that supports tubby that he sucks as a coach. It doesnt matter whether Tubby is here or not, Patterson and Lucas is not going to come to UK, if so they would have already signed. Who can blame them for not wanting to come here. They see the way he coaches and the way the players lag on offense and defense, it would be best for them to go somewhere where this crap doesnt go on. They dont need to be brought down by his coaching and dont need to inherit most of the current UK players laziness and lack of heart to play. I would love to see Patterson here, I dont know much about Lucas so I wont say anything about him. But the way I see it, as long as Tubby is here, UK wont get any great recruits. Go ahead and bash away at what I said alfus and all u other "True Blue UK Fans".

Patterson and Lucas...Since they've not committed here yet they're not coming right? I guess that means since they haven't committed anywhere that they're not going anywhere right? How does that make sense?

UK has gotten great recruits over the years, and with the exception of the current senior and sophomore class Tubby has done pretty good in my opinion and many others that see the glass half full and not half empty.
FBALL Wrote:Yes I think UK needs to change directions. But it goes deeper than just the coaching staff.

I agree 100 percent... Tubby is to fault, but the entire coaching staff has been subpar for two years now IMO, the players have had moments were it looked like there wasn't full effort as well....
This story has been making all the sports chat sites around the nation, including The CatsPause, KentuckySportsRadio, Dynasty Defenders and other major UK sites. Alan Cutler of WLEX just ran the story tonight on the 11 PM sports also. Seems as if UK boosters are set to donate whatever it takes to rid Kentucky of one Orlando Tubby Smith.

......from the article

As it turns out, the prominent Kentucky booster quickly wrote me, the boosters are furious and are willing to pass the hat to make it happen.

Whether Barnhart will actually listen and bow to boosters won't be known until later this month. That's because unless unranked Kentucky (20-9) reaches the Final Four, it will extend a drought to a school-record nine straight years. At 9-6 in the Southeastern Conference with a chance to finish fifth in the East Division, there is no run on Atlanta hotel rooms by Kentuckians for late March.

What's clear is that one of the premier coaching jobs in the land is in turmoil. Talking to prominent boosters and alumni this week, it's clear that Smith's fan base has eroded to the point of open hostility. A mob mentality is forming, and Barnhart didn't help Smith's nerves with Monday's vague statement that he understands the fans' concerns. He went on to warn fans not to evaluate the team until later this month when it "still can play up to its potential."

If I'm a coach, I'm not putting that statement on my résumé.

The complaints with Smith are numerous. Let's start with the numbers. Unless Kentucky runs the table and wins the national title, this will mark double-digit losses in a record five of the past eight years. This will also be only the second time Kentucky has finished third or lower in the SEC in back-to-back seasons.

The four consecutive losses to Vanderbilt mark the first time a Kentucky team has lost four consecutive to an SEC school since 1980. He has had 17 players leave in nine years. However, the intangibles are what are killing Smith. His current team is void of the kind of talent that has built Kentucky into the winningest program in history. It's last in the SEC in turnover margin, has no power forward and can't win close games.

CLICK HERE to read more from the article.
GKS, has it had enough?
alright about time
I thought this was known last week that someone stepped forward to donate big money? Either way you're still going to have more big boosters supporting Tubby such as Joe Craft and the people at courtside Wednesday night holding a "We Love Tubby" sign.
SportsFan80 Wrote:It doesnt matter whether Tubby is here or not, Patterson and Lucas is not going to come to UK, if so they would have already signed. Who can blame them for not wanting to come here. They see the way he coaches and the way the players lag on offense and defense, it would be best for them to go somewhere where this crap doesnt go on.

Exactly!! If they were really 'True Blue' they would have already signed with UK. They haven't and that alone speaks volumes. Patterson has made it known publically that he loves Florida and Billy D. Lucas just visited Maryland and was 'overwhelmed' by the fan support as they beat UNC during his visit.

Also, why on earth would Patterson and Lucas want to play for a coach that has already 'run off' 17 players in Tubby's 9 year tenure? Reckon they figure they may be #s 18 and 19?
Alfus.....I'm still waiting on that "Positive Tubby First" to be posted. Surely that's not so hard to do since you have the 'best coach in America' to get info from.

BTW.....the 'Negative Tubby Firsts' list just keeps growing and growing.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Exactly!! If they were really 'True Blue' they would have already signed with UK. They haven't and that alone speaks volumes. Patterson has made it known publically that he loves Florida and Billy D. Lucas just visited Maryland and was 'overwhelmed' by the fan support as they beat UNC during his visit.

Also, why on earth would Patterson and Lucas want to play for a coach that has already 'run off' 17 players in Tubby's 9 year tenure? Reckon they figure they may be #s 18 and 19?

So the fact that the haven't signed with anyone doesn't speak volumes, but it does speak volumes because they've not committed to UK yet.

Where has Patterson publicly expressed his love for Billy D. because I've never seen it.

Lucas enjoyed Maryland, but I guess you skimmed over the main front page of Catspause where it says "Lucas: Return trip to Rupp was intense" He loved his visit according to that article, and if you're a premium member I suggest you read it.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Alfus.....I'm still waiting on that "Positive Tubby First" to be posted. Surely that's not so hard to do since you have the 'best coach in America' to get info from.

I never said he was the best coach in America, and if I did go find it.

Also, as I have said to you multiple times now. It's nearly impossible to find a positive first for Tubby at UK since nearly everything was accomplished when he got here. Heck, it was all done before Pitino even got here. You would be hard pressed to make a list with anything about Pitino and positive firsts at UK.
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