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Rules on Student Section?
As district play is beginning in a few days, are there ne rules that prohibit students from holding up signs, foam fingers, pom poms, posters, or nething of that nature? thanks
Well for the 15th region at the expo you can't bring in signs, but the school can come down and hang up signs along the expo walls.
so, ur not allowed to hold signs up, just hang them up?
Im sure there are rules that the student sections are sopossed to follow by, however i doubt if many of them do. Or at least i know the 56th district doesnt! lol...we got ourselves a wild
ya, we are like archrivals with rowan over here in bath, and we wanted to make sure we could bring posters and stuff to district
ashland people were winin at the game friday sayin it was against 64th district rules to hold up signs. we hold stuff up at russell though so i geuss its whatever the district says unless ashland is just a bunch of babies. but maybe its both.
Noisemakers are prohibited, throwing stuff onto the floor is USUALLY banned but sometimes they allow it once and count that as a warning before a T, and I think they do have bans against holding up signs during district tourney in the 59th. It is probably different from district to district, year to year, and venue to venue though.

bizmark Wrote:ashland people were winin at the game friday sayin it was against 64th district rules to hold up signs. we hold stuff up at russell though so i geuss its whatever the district says unless ashland is just a bunch of babies. but maybe its both.

That actually is a rule in the 64th district. No signs can be held by fans, not even dry erase boards. They say they put the rule in so other persons view of the game wouldn't be obstructed do to the signs.
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bizmark Wrote:ashland people were winin at the game friday sayin it was against 64th district rules to hold up signs. we hold stuff up at russell though so i geuss its whatever the district says unless ashland is just a bunch of babies. but maybe its both.

it is a rule that we're not allowed to hang up signs they announced it at school before the game that we wern't allowed to hold them up because of the KHSAA regulations
well too bad there were signs on the ashland side hung up on the walls behind the student section
yea they were hung up we wernt holding them up
o well cause he hid the best sign and held it up at the end. the huge state ring poster. ashland saw it at the tailgate when they started their "ashland football" chant and knew better then to try that one during the game. so we just hid it and held it up at the end of the game.
in the 15th region the principals do a very good job at enforcing the rules...No signs are allowed to be held...objects are not allowed to be thrown on the floor and as The Tribe pointed out normaly the first one results in a warning...Objects are often to be waved around...last season at district for 1st round we made these spinning wheels with swirls on them and we had wel had cardboard brick posters...second round we had all that and then noddles...
the 56th district is crazy .. if there was rules there then it would be hard to enforce
I know last year in the 57th, if you went out on the floor or broke any of teh rule the school was going to be fined by the KHSAA and at the schools discretion they could make you pay for it.
I dont think they should be any rules, the student section should get wild lol
agreed NYY it needs to b like it was in the 80s and 90s no rules no limitions its was survival of the fittest...they are placing to many stipulations now but i guess with the growing of nicer facilites and the rates of fights at sporting events it has to be done :-(
some places get carried away with their rules, but its still real hard for them to uphold them
You are allowed to hold up signs and hang them up.
I know one thing for sure! Air horns will get you in trouble quicker that I dont know what!!! lol

I have one at the 53 district tourney a couple years ago and a (Certain Coach) whom dislikes me, went and told the Police and they took my horn!
There is no difference than holding a sign up in the season than in District
LCC_Cougar Wrote:I know one thing for sure! Air horns will get you in trouble quicker that I dont know what!!! lol

I have one at the 53 district tourney a couple years ago and a (Certain Coach) whom dislikes me, went and told the Police and they took my horn!

last friday we had air horns and mega phones taken away from us. i geuss they dont want you to make very much noise.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:agreed NYY it needs to b like it was in the 80s and 90s no rules no limitions its was survival of the fittest...they are placing to many stipulations now but i guess with the growing of nicer facilites and the rates of fights at sporting events it has to be done :-(

yup, i agree with you
bizmark Wrote:last friday we had air horns and mega phones taken away from us. i geuss they dont want you to make very much noise.

Where was the game played when you had the noise makers taken???????????????
Dawggie Wrote:Where was the game played when you had the noise makers taken???????????????

This was at Ashland.
Noisemakers will be taken away from you almost anywhere you play.

thetribe Wrote:Noisemakers will be taken away from you almost anywhere you play.

Exactly. That is actually a KHSAA regulation. Artificial noise (noise makers, megaphones, speakers, radios, etc) are banned while the game is active.
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I have seen some fans who are louder than any artificial noise maker around.
baseballking Wrote:the 56th district is crazy .. if there was rules there then it would be hard to enforce
u got that right! lol
the goal of a studnet section is to intimidate and overwhelm the other team and thats being taken away, and thats not very fair... I know at college, certain games you are not allowed to use players names and such... so the rules stem beyond high school... but you still should be able to taunt and such...

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