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Rick Pitino vs. Tubby Smith - The Numbers Don't Lie
Here it is folks, the current tally between Coach Pitino and Coach Smith while at UK. The numbers don't lie, sports fans. Tubby 'the great coach' falls far short in every category. Anyone who argues that UK is better of with Tubby Smith than Ricky P is plain nuts. If this isn't proof that Tubby Smith has severly tarnished the UK basketball program, then nothing will convince you. BTW.....please use an open mind while digesting the info and Tubby supporters please hide all sharp objects and weapons while reading.Smile

Percentage of games ranked in top 5:
Tubby 16%
Pitino 59% (53% if you include probation year).

Number of Home losses:
Tubby 19
Pitino 5 (7 if you include probation year).

10+ loss seasons:
Tubby 4 (in 7 years - soon to be 5 in 8 )
Pitino 0 (1 if you include probation year)

Average number of losses per year:
Tubby 7.9 (about to push that up over 8 )
Pitino 5.14 (6.25 if you include 14-14 probation year)

Number of games ranked in the top 5:
Tubby in 326 games ranked 54 games in top 5
Pitino in 269 games ranked 142 games in top 5

Games played as #1 ranking:

Pitino 10
Tubby 4

Games played as #2 ranking:
Pitino 44
Tubby 14

Games played as #3 ranking:
Pitino 33
Tubby 10

Games played as #4 ranking:
Pitino 18
Tubby 15

Games played as #5 ranking:
Pitino 37
Tubby 11

Total games with top 5 ranking:
Pitino 142
Tubby 54

Team Turmoils:
Tubby 2
Pitino 0

Transfers out of the Program:
Tubby 14
Pitino 7

NBA 1st round draft picks:
Tubby 2
Pitino 10

Rick Pitino’s 1st year 14-14 probation team averaged more than 10 ppg than ANY Tubby Smith team except 2. It averaged 8.9 ppg more than those 2 teams:

Rick Pitino - Points per Game
1989-90 88.82
1990-91 85.89
1991-92 85.72
1992-93 87.50
1993-94 86.88
1994-95 87.39
1995-96 91.44
1996-97 83.13

Tubby Smith takes over
1997-98 80.08
1998-99 75.41
1999-00 69.09
2000-01 79.79
2001-02 76.88
2002-03 77.28
2003-04 73.91
2004-05 73.62
2005-06 70.77
2006-07 72.32

Final Fours
Pitino 5 (3 at Kentucky)
Tubby 1 Final Four (a player that Tubby Smith has recruited has never been to a FF in his 16 year career at Tulsa, Georgia, or Kentucky)

Championship Games
Pitino 2
Tubby 1 (none with players he recruited)

NCAA Tournament Winning Percentage
Pitino 22-5 (.783)
Tubby is 23-8 (.663)


* Pitino beat 11 teams seeded 5th or higher in 6 NCAA Tournaments.

* Tubby has beaten 4 teams seeded 5th or higher in 9 NCAA Tournaments, and just one since his first season at Kentucky.

Hook. Line. Sinker.....great research and another great post by GKS...and for the record, ill take Ricks 14-14 overachievers (in which they were picked last in the SEC, picked to win 8 games, and had a grand total of ONE sportswriter around the country pick them to be at .500, he actually had them picked at 15-13, I remember reading about it in the Herald)....anyways, Ill take Rick's first team over this UK team by 10..that team would flat run this team to death. That was the greatest coaching job in the history of UK basketball.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Hook. Line. Sinker.....great research and another great post by GKS...and for the record, ill take Ricks 14-14 overachievers (in which they were picked last in the SEC, picked to win 8 games, and had a grand total of ONE sportswriter around the country pick them to be at .500, he actually had them picked at 15-13, I remember reading about it in the Herald)....anyways, Ill take Rick's first team over this UK team by 10..that team would flat run this team to death. That was the greatest coaching job in the history of UK basketball.

^ This man knows his baskteball! ^ :Thumbs:
I would trade Tubby for Rick anyday. I would love to see UK take Pitino from UL and then UL hire Tubby. Not that Tubby is a bad person or bad coach. He just doesn't have the style for UK, IMO.. Pitino's UK teams played with heart and enthusiasm. They seemed proud to wear "Kentucky" across their chest. They played hard and played an exciting brand of basketball. To be honest, all this ball line Defense Tubby emphasizes is getting old and boring. I want to see the 40 minutes of full court pressure that UK use to torment teams with, the run and gun offense Kentucky use to be known for, Pitino's teams were also in better shape.. They would wear teams down with the constant pressure and eventually the other team usually folded due. Even when they lost they were exciting to watch. I miss the old Kentucky brand of basketball. I think its time for a change at UK. I know Pitino isn't as successful at UL as he was UK.. But I honestly believe his heart is still in Lexington. I think Rick Pitino hire would relight that passion in the UK fans and in Pitino as well..

With all that said, Is there any possibility that UK would go after Pitino? We all know Pitino would come back if we offered..
Torqque. you took the words right out of my mouth

To be honest with you, I don't care for Tubby's style of basketball. I think he coachs the game similar to Eddie Sutton, I saw Rupps team push the ball, I saw Hall's team avg over 80 points a game with no 3 point shot. And then I watched Rick Pitino take it to a new level.

In all honesty I would have rather seen Kentucky hire someone with the stlye of Pitino or a Nolan Richardson who would bring some baggage but he would have brought "40 min of Hell" with him.

I actually thought that when Pitino's Cats, and Richardson's Hogs squared off, it was some of the best college games that you could ever ask for. They were fun to watch with pressure coming from both teams, and they put on a heck of a show.

Im not saying that Tubby isn't a fine man, and I think he's a good bench coach, however I dont feel he has maintained the program to the standard that we the spoiled UK fans don't expect but demand.

As far as coaching goes Im not sure Pitino would have won the National title in 98, but I would almost bet you any amount of money that a Tubby Smith team would never be able to comeback as Pitino's Cats did against LSU.
I'm glad you see UK basketball the same as I do, Torqque. I have never heard an argument about Tubby not being a great guy and hope I never do. Only a moron would put up such an argument, but it is clearly obvious that Orlando Tubby Smith has brought UK basketball down to a level only witnessed during the Eddie Sutton days. UK can be the top college basketball program in the country once again, but sadly enough, it'll never happen under Tubby Smith. The quicker the Tubby supporters realize this, the faster the UK fanbase will heal and Smith will be removed. It's clear that Tubby will not leave on his own. The removal process must begin in Mitch's and Lee's office. If UK finishes the season in a thud, I sincerelly believe those talks will take place. Let's all pray for a new coach by the start of the '07-'08 season and maybe this Tubby thing will just be a memory soon.
I honeslty dont see what this thread is proving, noone ever said Tubby was better than Rick. It was RICK who left Kentucky and Kentucky Hired Tubby. Atleast Tubby doesnt run off to the Nba when he was offerd jobs.
Super_de Wrote:I honeslty dont see what this thread is proving, noone ever said Tubby was better than Rick. It was RICK who left Kentucky and Kentucky Hired Tubby. Atleast Tubby doesnt run off to the Nba when he was offerd jobs.

Most people would have taken that money and you know that! 80+ million will make most people run!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
I so agree with everyone that has posted besides one! GREAT, GREAT research. If there is an argument to THE FACTS THAT HAVE BEEN RESEARCHED AND STATED, then go ahead and waste your time and waste the energy from your flangibles because that is exactly what it is going to be..A WASTE OF TIME! STATS DON'T LIE!
Some good numbers, I would have Pitino over Tubby any day as well.
Super_de Wrote:I honeslty dont see what this thread is proving, noone ever said Tubby was better than Rick.

You'd be surprised at the UK fans who still today argue that Tubby is the best coach Kentucky has ever had. As a matter of fact, I saw those exact words posted on a chat site just the other day. These 'Big Blue fans' have great difficulty in seeing through their blue tinted glasses. Tubby may indeed be the most 'moral' coach UK has ever had, nobody with an ounce of common sense would argue against that, but far from the best recruiter and bench coach....and the numbers prove just that. As arrogant as Pitino was while residing in Lexington and I admit I hated that arrogance, I'd go to Louisville today and personally help him pack his things if he'd come back to UK and coach the Cats....and I'm sure there's a great number of UK fans, even many here at BGR, that would help me. Tubby Smith would be an excellent coach for a second tier NCAA school, somewhere that winning and tradition isn't looked on as life and death like at UK. He just doesn't cut it in Lexington....and the numbers are all the proof one needs to see that. The very bottom line in my original post speaks volumes about Tub's success at UK. He's just not getting it done......not with 'his own' players that is.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:You'd be surprised at the UK fans who still today argue that Tubby is the best coach Kentucky has ever had. As a matter of fact, I saw those exact words posted on a chat site just the other day. These 'Big Blue fans' have great difficulty in seeing through their blue tinted glasses. Tubby may indeed be the most 'moral' coach UK has ever had, nobody with an ounce of common sense would argue against that, but far from the best recruiter and bench coach....and the numbers prove just that. As arrogant as Pitino was while residing in Lexington and I admit I hated that arrogance, I'd go to Louisville today and personally help him pack his things if he'd come back to UK and coach the Cats....and I'm sure there's a great number of UK fans, even many here at BGR, that would help me. Tubby Smith would be an excellent coach for a second tier NCAA school, somewhere that winning and tradition isn't looked on as life and death like at UK. He just doesn't cut it in Lexington....and the numbers are all the proof one needs to see that. The very bottom line in my original post speaks volumes about Tub's success at UK. He's just not getting it done......not with 'his own' players that is.

Such a great post.. I'll pay for the Uhaul to put Rick's things in! Heck I'll put every item he owns in it, and drive it myself!.. But on a more serious note, tubby is a great guy. But he isn't cutting it. Like GKS said, I live and die for UK basketball. I want a National Championship, and to be number one in the SEC EVERY year. Not a few games behind Florida, Tennessee, Bama, or whoever. Uk is top notch basketball, but with Tubby there, it is far from it.
I would take the 1996 Rick over Tubby any day but not the current Rick over the current Tubby. Rick has had time to straighten up the Louisville program, and if not for that win over PITT that would have been his 3rd NIT appearance.

I do appreciate what Rick did with Kentucky and it was amazing. No doubt about that, but he left and is no longer the coach he once was. Simple as that.
alfus21 Wrote:I would take the 1996 Rick over Tubby any day but not the current Rick over the current Tubby. Rick has had time to straighten up the Louisville program, and if not for that win over PITT that would have been his 3rd NIT appearance.

I do appreciate what Rick did with Kentucky and it was amazing. No doubt about that, but he left and is no longer the coach he once was. Simple as that.

I agree alfus that he was more successful at UK the UL. But I sometimes wonder if his heart is really at UL.. I think his heart is really at UK... He even said leaving UK was the biggest mistake he ever made. I wonder if returning to UK would rejuvenate that passion he once brought to UK.

What bothers me is Tubby keeps saying every year that they would play more uptempo. However, we remain stagnant..
^I don't know. I honestly think Rick is washed up as far as the old rick goes.

Tempo doesn't bother me at all. All that matters to me is winning games, and it wouldn't matter to me if that meant scoring only 50 and allowing 45.
alfus21 Wrote:I would take the 1996 Rick over Tubby any day but not the current Rick over the current Tubby. Rick has had time to straighten up the Louisville program, and if not for that win over PITT that would have been his 3rd NIT appearance.

I do appreciate what Rick did with Kentucky and it was amazing. No doubt about that, but he left and is no longer the coach he once was.
Amen and the Roman Empire of college baskeball is still packing them in around 23,000 every home game.
alfus21 Wrote:^I don't know. I honestly think Rick is washed up as far as the old rick goes.

Tempo doesn't bother me at all. All that matters to me is winning games, and it wouldn't matter to me if that meant scoring only 50 and allowing 45.

Yes, I would have to agree with that alfus.. Winning is the most important thing regardless of style. But IMO UK doesn't have the personnel to play that ball control tempo.. If we had a good 4 man to take some pressure off Morris then that style of play would probably be better for us. However, we are guard oriented. I think the uptempo game would be a better solution for this years team.. Create some turnovers off the press and gets some fast break bucketss.. Use pressure defense to create offense. I don't understand why Tubby doesn't at least experiment with this type of lineup and style of play. I mean really, what could it hurt. I honestly think the cats would be much better playing uptempo with our personnel.

Alfus, Do you think a 4 guard lineup would be more beneficial to us?
^I honestly think it would help in a lot of situations. Seeing as how it brought us back against Arkansas and always does well when we are behind, I believe it would help.

Tubby said something about a lineup change for today's game so we might see that more. It seems like even when we run with 4 guards and a forward we do better than with the traditional lineup of G,G,F,F,C.
This is retarded why don't u post Pitino's statistics now. His days at Kentucky are over why not compare the two now, the whole college basketball atmostphere has changed and who's evolved and who can't even get his team into the NCAA tournament. There is a wider variety of talented teams and players it's not all at a couple top schools anymore. The whole dang Rick Pitino crap is beyond old, get a new dang way to bash Tubby Smith. Pitino isnt that great in fact he is almost mediocre now.
alfus21 Wrote:^I honestly think it would help in a lot of situations. Seeing as how it brought us back against Arkansas and always does well when we are behind, I believe it would help.

Tubby said something about a lineup change for today's game so we might see that more. It seems like even when we run with 4 guards and a forward we do better than with the traditional lineup of G,G,F,F,C.

I hope your right.. I would love to see us come out with a 4 guard lineup today..
UKGIRL20 Wrote:This is retarded why don't u post Pitino's statistics now. His days at Kentucky are over why not compare the two now, the whole college basketball atmostphere has changed and who's evolved and who can't even get his team into the NCAA tournament. There is a wider variety of talented teams and players it's not all at a couple top schools anymore. The whole dang Rick Pitino crap is beyond old, get a new dang way to bash Tubby Smith. Pitino isnt that great in fact he is almost mediocre now.

Mediocre may be an understatement with Pitino now.

This is just another way to bash Tubby Smith.

Tubby's schedules are harder year in and year out than Pitino's ever was. The SEC was a joke year in and year out except for the Arkansas teams of the early and mid 90's and a fly by team every now and then that was decent. The SEC is now one of the most established basketball conferences in the nation, whereas it used to be a joke every season.

I agree with you 100%.
Excellent post, GKS! I would love to have Pitino back in Lexington! Just look what he did with Providence and what he has done with the program at Louisville. Smith has only disappointed UK fans since he's been here.
I agree with torqque, I believe Ricks heart is in Lexington with the Wildcats.
UKGIRL20 Wrote:This is retarded why don't u post Pitino's statistics now. His days at Kentucky are over why not compare the two now, the whole college basketball atmostphere has changed and who's evolved and who can't even get his team into the NCAA tournament. There is a wider variety of talented teams and players it's not all at a couple top schools anymore. The whole dang Rick Pitino crap is beyond old, get a new dang way to bash Tubby Smith. Pitino isnt that great in fact he is almost mediocre now.

I think he was just using Pintino to demonstrate the quality and past success of coaches compared to Tubbys success.

Ukgirl I respect your opinion. I for one am not a Tubby basher.. However, when someone is hired to do a job and they do not meet the expectations of that job then you find someone else that can. This could apply to any job. If I owned a company and hired an individual to be my project manager to ensure our projects were completed on time and up to expectations of the consumer, and he/she didn't deliver on those demands then that person would become a liability to everyone in the company. This person I hired could ruin the reputation of my company. I know this is only basketball and isn't a "real world" scenario. But Tubby gets paid lots of money to do a job. Sure he carry the job title Kentucky Coach. But does he meet the expectations?
I just can't stand the way they consistently look so "uninspired". It's hard to watch.
firetubbyplease! Wrote:I just can't stand the way they consistently look so "uninspired". It's hard to watch.

Do what I've don'e for the past few years....SWITCH CHANNELS and watch some good basketball. It'll definitely help the blood pressure.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Do what I've don'e for the past few years....SWITCH CHANNELS and watch some good basketball. It'll definitely help the blood pressure.
Try watching my Mountaineers grass knoll.They were going for their 20th win today with a complete new team,,talk about some great coaching
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Do what I've don'e for the past few years....SWITCH CHANNELS and watch some good basketball. It'll definitely help the blood pressure.

It's funny that you say that. Because I hadn't missed a UK game in the last 3 years. Today I turned off the TV and took a drive. I have to say I felt more much relaxed. Its one thing when a teams loses with heart and a desire to win. But to watch a team that lacks motivation and just stands around just really bothers me.. But look on the bright side. If we keep losing that should ensure Tubby is removed.
^ I dont like to see my Cats losing, but if it means tubby goes, Im all up for it!

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