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No one should ever....
Try to sing an EAGLES song.... on television... live.... No One does them justice... I don't care who they are or how famous they may be... some things should just be left alone.
Okay... give us the 411 snake.... who screwed up a legacy??? LMAO....
Carrie Underwood and Rascall Flatts and i totally agree
Well.... I didn't get to "hear" this... when and what channel was it on??? LOLOL....
The grammys on cbs
BCF is talking about the Grammys on CBS.
Oh well I was too slow
I just about turned it off. Man... it bout kills me to hear people murder certain "classic" songs... or "classic" groups. I like Rascal Flatts okay... Carrie Underwood is okay... but anyone other than "The Eagles" singing an "Eagles" song... is blasphemous.
I didn't get to hear it either.

What did they sing?

If anyone finds it on YouTube link me, I'd like to see/hear.

And my second post on the topic, I totally agree. MOST of the time, nothing is as good as the original. Sometimes it is cool for contemporary artists to do their own take on a classic but it just never turns out to be as good. It really does aggrevate me to hear a band/artist totally butcher a song that I love and is a classic. Punk remixes of songs are pretty cool but for an artist to cover a rock classic, that's just wrong.

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