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RUMOR---Starns Resigns!!
Coach Starns of Johnson Central resigned today. This explains why he wasnt at the game between Johnson Central and Pikeville tonight. I would imagion that Assistant Coach McKinzie will lead the Golden Eagles for the rest of this season with a new coach being named at a later date. A new coach at Johnson Central next season along with a new coach at Paintsville due to Coach Runion retirement after this season is over. The 57th is going to be shaken up for next season.
Wow, I am shocked by this, I really thought after Starns won region last year he was the guy.
Omg, cant believe Im reading this!
I'll keep everyone posted on this one. Give me about an hour and I'll have the full story. Don't read much into this just yet. I'll explain later, but this is going to shock a lot of people.
WOW! Oh Well. Same ole Same ole. Gonna make it even harder on the Eagles to finish the year.
The radio said he was sick. He was at the Pikeville/East Ridge game last night in a Johnson Central outfit scouting Pikeville.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Like I said don't read much into this... I'll keep you posted!
Yeah man keep us updated, this is pretty shocking news if its true.
it's true.
I thought he was the GOLDEN boy!!! If this is true so much for having patience with a program.
Shocking for it to come during the season. Why not wait it out? Who knows maybe Tommy can get something done with the boys.
BIGBLACK Wrote:Shocking for it to come during the season. Why not wait it out? Who knows maybe Tommy can get something done with the boys.

Yeah, it would have been much better for his resignation to wait till after the season, but right in the heat of the season he leaves like he did, he has some explaining to do mainly to the players.
Warlock Wrote:Coach Starns of Johnson Central resigned today. This explains why he wasnt at the game between Johnson Central and Pikeville tonight. I would imagion that Assistant Coach McKinzie will lead the Golden Eagles for the rest of this season with a new coach being named at a later date. A new coach at Johnson Central next season along with a new coach at Paintsville due to Coach Runion retirement after this season is over. The 57th is going to be shaken up for next season.

I wouldn't count on BMR retiring at the end of THIS year! Wait and see. I don't think it will happen.

As for JCHS, not surprising that Starns resigned (if this is true). However, it does surprise me that he did so prior to the end of the season. It was not a secret that he wasn't thrilled to be here and I think that many Eagles felt the same way about him.
Starns resigning is to be considered RUMOR until substantiated.
I have spoken to several people from the Paintsville area and no one will go on the record.

Be very careful with this thread. You are messing with a teams season and a persons career. Again, be very careful and think twice before posting false, rumored, or slanderous information.
Okay, as of right now and I stress RIGHT NOW, Starns is still the coach of JCHS. The radio did say he was sick today, but my sources say he was meeting with someone about another coaching position, and its not high school related. I will dig deeper into this situation and let everyone know. Also, please know that I am posting only facts here, nothing false so please bear with me while I work on getting the info. I want to caution those who are in the know at JC to double check all their info because only a few ppl know about this situation. I'll post more when it becomes available.
Somebody call somebody; Call the mayor, call the judge, call the law! somebody has to know something. Uh, just kidding. All joking aside, I hope this is not true. This would be devestating to the JC Players.
I don't see that it is a big deal either way. If he hasn't resigned, then I'm sure he will finish the season and then whatever happens at that point will happen. If he has resigned, the Eagles should be in as good a shape as they are going into the remainder of the season. They can't never be counted out, but aren't favored to do well. And if he has resigned, then I'm sure the JC administrators will find a suitable replacement.

IF TRUE, it is just puzzling about the timing!
I hope its not true for the kids sake. Sure you may have a few knot heads, every team does, but I do not think its right for an adult to just leave the situation completely and wipe their hands clean of them. A coach has to be a role model for their players, if in fact he did leave it makes him classless. With success you have to be willing to take your bumps and it seems as if he wasn't willing to do the other.
If its true, guess his patience ran out pretty quickly.
Well lets not judge until we know for sure AND know the facts. There are SOME reasons that could justify a coach leaving in the middle of the season so to speak (although I doubt that they would apply here). But until we know for sure, lets just wait and see. But either way, I don't see the Eagles being any worse over it. JMO.
Was Coach Starns on the hot seat?
mcfan1 Wrote:Was Coach Starns on the hot seat?

Not really, he has however, given the administration many signs to believe he didn't want to be there. If true this is very classless of him and the fans and student athletes of JC should be very upset at the timing and handeling of this situation.
If he did leave the program he belted like the Colts did from Baltimore. He left when the players and fans were no where to be found due to their game in Pikeville. In my opinion if you do not have the guts to tell the players why you are leaving and fail to thank the Board of Education, Site Base Coucil, and who ever else was involved in the hiring for the opprotunity, it makes you a coward.
BIGBLACK Wrote:If he did leave the program he belted like the Colts did from Baltimore. He left when the players and fans were no where to be found due to their game in Pikeville. In my opinion if you do not have the guts to tell the players why you are leaving and fail to thank the Board of Education, Site Base Coucil, and who ever else was involved in the hiring for the opprotunity, it makes you a coward.

I totally agree! :Thumbs:
I have heard in the past that he and the administration never really clicked, I know if this is true it is a very unclassy move. Like BIGBLACK said, it is cowardly, abandoning a team that worked their tail off for him would be cowardly. Last year someone from over hear in Magoffin County asked someone from JC what they thought about their new coach, their response was, " Well....he's different."
mcfan1 Wrote:I have heard in the past that he and the administration never really clicked, I know if this is true it is a very unclassy move. Like BIGBLACK said, it is cowardly, abandoning a team that worked their tail off for him would be cowardly. Last year someone from over here in Magoffin County asked someone from JC what they thought about their new coach, their response was, " Well....he's different."

By the sounds of the way they said he was different, looks like they wasnt a big fan of him.
Or they wasnt very confident in the way he coached.
Well I'd love to know if this is true or just a rumor...
Lets get some facts from you eagle fans on here, if there is any known at this point..
WOW that is crazy, but hey...good luck with the Golden Eagles the rest of this season...I doubt it will affect them much....
Is this what kinda guy and coach Starnes is, when things aren't so great just give up, quit. As most of you know, I'm definately not an Eagle fan but I feel for those boys who have gave up ALOT for this guy, now he is turnin his back on em. That's a damn shame. Tommy will make a hell of a coach.

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