Poll: Is Illegal Immigration ok??
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Illegal Immigration???
What do you all think?
I dont think its right at all but thats just me. I would arrest some of these people and send them back to Mexico or where ever there from. I know a lot of people thinks its mean or bad if the US sends them back or dont let them live in our Country. I think if your legal then ok, but if not get out.
Heck NO!

(More on this later. I can get really heated)
I don't think Illegal immigration is right...they get like all kinds of tax cuts and FREE HEALTH CARE! I mean really...I am all for Legal Immigration though.
NOPE! Send them everyone back!
I didnt understand that big rally they had this past summer. There were like 500,000 illegal aliens protesting, Why not just go in arrest them and send them back? I think its funny that all the big jobs in Mexico are moving away to China since they will work cheaper. Now Mexico wants US to jump in and try to stop them.
Estimated 11,100,000 illegal immigrants in the US in 06....... they come in, use all our benefits, don't pay taxes, use the taxes we pay to get their benefits....... it's wrong..........
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Point proven:

Quote: households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes in 2002.

That comes from http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...619AAvT0DL
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
No its just not right to the america citizens
Would the person who voted yes please explain their logic?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Would the person who voted yes please explain their logic?
I guess they were Illegal
BFritz Wrote:Would the person who voted yes please explain their logic?
You took my post right out of my head BFritz..I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!
I don't see where anyone said yes to Illegal Immigration. I said it wasn't right because they get all kinds of tax cuts and benefits and most importantly free healthcare but I said that I was all for LEGAL immigration, once they get their citizenship then I'm ok because they have to pay taxes and stuff like the rest of us.
they get tax cuts, all our benefits, free healthcare, housing...then why is it called illegal immigration? It personally just pisses me off. The whole idea of it. Im (like all of you) out there every day busting my *** to feed them and pay for their "illegal" way of life, and they get a free ride out of it. I actually agree with DT on the legal immigration, and I agree with everyone else on here...I say, balls up, pack them up on the same damn rowboat or makeshift raft they floated in here on, and send them back to where they came from. If they make it they make it, if they dont they dont. This ones on us, next ones on you. I do like the border patrol that Bush came up with. And that may rank up there with one of the greatest "go screw yourself ACLU and Human Rights Watch" statements of all time. Thats where the soldiers in Iraq SHOULD BE, patrolling our borders and say the hell with that bunch of idiots over there, but thats another thread..but not only do they get all the perks of being "illegal", their crime rate is unbelievable..
and BFritz you hit the nail on the head with everything youve posted. I totally concur:thumpsup:
I think that this is a very important matter that we as a nation must adress, I have no problem with people coming to our country, I have no problem with people wanting to become citizens of the United States. But we must filter this, and we must crack down on it before the jobs for legal Americans of any race lose more jobs, our government is already outsourcing enough jobs to foreign countries. But if someone wants to become a citizen of the United States, the government should help them.
I don't think it is right at all!! Get them out of here!!
Agree Meaty!!
These people Hiring them needs to be shut down and put in jail themselves.
OffTheHook Wrote:NOPE! Send them everyone back!
yea lol.
I can't believe 5 people voted Yes on here.
Still feel the same! Send them back!

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