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Organ Donation?
What do you think about it?
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
I'm for it its for a good cause! My aunt had a transplant that saved her life!:Thumbs:
I believe that doctors would not have worked so hard to save my mom if in fact she had been an organ doctor. My grandparents and father said that they really pressured them into considering organ donation but I'm glad that they didn't comply. I honestly don't think that my mom would be alive today.

I understand that it does save lives and like Tomcat has already said, maybe it has saved your loved ones but mine might not have been so lucky.

yeh ive heard that to like if your in a bad accident and you have an organ donor sticker on you license they wont help you as much so theres bad and good!
Same here Tomcat. People for it will argue that it's not true and maybe it's not, I just know how I feel about it and that's just my opinion and mine alone. I personally would like to be buried with all of me in tact, as much as possible anyway. I do know that organs serve no purpose with me after death but that's just how I want it.

I'm for organ donation. I mean I don't need my organs when I go so why not try and save someone else's life? That's just me though.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
TOMCAT06 Wrote:yeh ive heard that to like if your in a bad accident and you have an organ donor sticker on you license they wont help you as much so theres bad and good!

I've heard exactly the same. My family knows I'm an organ donor if it honestly comes to that, but I would never have an actual organ donor card or have it on my license.
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All for it..My license is signed for organ donations..
I totally support organ donation. I think that most good doctors would attempt to save your life over just wanting your organs, but we all know that we also have some bad doctors. I know that I have a daughter and would want someone to help her if she was in need of an organ transplant. My license is mark and I will not need them after death. I also have been a blood donator in the past and I am currently signed up for marrow donation. Life is a precious thing to have and so many times life is short because there are not enough people to donate organs.

I do support a program that would compensate the family of the deceased when organs are harvested that could be used for the funeral expense. Some may disagree with this method, but more people would be willing to be organ donators if that was the case. I also support anyone that says that they don’t want to participate in organ donation, because that is a choice.
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Great post BelfryJustice!

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