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I'm confused as hell about 9/11
Well im sure they can test melting points better than humans being birthed.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Well im sure they can test melting points better than humans being birthed.
lol True
So we blew up the WTC.
WE flew a missle into the Pentagon.
And then we crashed a plane into an empty field?

You tell me, I know that a both of a plane's black boxes don't get too damaged to be recovered when a hijackers passport is laying on the ground. Also, look at some pics of the planes, one was a cargo plane, that took off from an american airport, with a missle attached to the bottom of it, which it fired right before impact.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:You tell me, I know that a both of a plane's black boxes don't get too damaged to be recovered when a hijackers passport is laying on the ground. Also, look at some pics of the planes, one was a cargo plane, that took off from an american airport, with a missle attached to the bottom of it, which it fired right before impact.
Remember a black box prob weights like 20 pds...A passport only weights like 1 pds
And you remember all the fires that were in the towers at the time right after the crash, how did that passport make it out, but boxes made of the toughest material they could, couldn't be recovered.
When the Crash happend it could have came out of the building then...I mean 100 things could of happend...You could sit here all day and think what really happend...Just think about what u know...A PLane went threw the towers
Do you known that they found more remains last week?

Have you been to ground zero?

I have and it is so massive that you really cant comprehend its size.

Remains found beneath ground zero road
Dec. 30, 2006 at 11:22AM
Most of the service road at New York's ground zero will be excavated for human remains after more than 200 remains were discovered there, city officials said.
The excavation may cost as much as $30 million, a deputy mayor said.
It has long been suspected remains from the World Trade Center's twin towers would be found under the asphalt service road, also known as the haul road, that runs along the western edge of the site, The New York Times reported Saturday.
The city has now dug a 5-foot-wide exploratory trench, 18 inches to 8 feet deep, down the middle of the road and sent debris to the medical examiner's office for analysis.
A bit more than three-quarters of the haul road will be excavated, the city said.
The announcement further frustrated victims' families advocate Sally Regenhard, whose son died in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
"Please stop this incremental torture that families are going through," she said. "Just dig up the entire haul road."
What? they found Remains...where in the world could they find them...I thought it was like Black topped now
No It is still a massive hole! they are still removing rubble, you cant comprehend its size till you see it..
Yea I cant even Picture how big it is...
It's a really moving thing to see. TV does nothing for it.
My aunt went to NYC once but I think she was in high school...she said the city itself was amazing. I'd LOVE to go but I don't have the time nor money and thanks to my wonderful major that takes FOREVER to complete it'll be a long long time until I have both of those.
IF (a BIG if) the government was behind the attacks, can you tell me who was behind it all? There is no way that Bush had time to plan such a thing and be able to cover it all up. He was only in office for like 6 months.
Beef Wrote:IF (a BIG if) the government was behind the attacks, can you tell me who was behind it all? There is no way that Bush had time to plan such a thing and be able to cover it all up. He was only in office for like 6 months.

I can tell you who caused 9/11............ "a bunch of pissed-off Muslims"
With any historical event, out of the woodwork crawls those who try to make a buck coming up with conspiracy theories.

Here is a link, if you take the time to read the independent study by Popular Mechanics is might rebuff your questions but I doubt it.
I watched the film and it does raise a lot of questions but I am still not convinced.
Beef Wrote:IF (a BIG if) the government was behind the attacks, can you tell me who was behind it all? There is no way that Bush had time to plan such a thing and be able to cover it all up. He was only in office for like 6 months.

Watch Loose Change........ it goes through how, apparantly, Bush didn't win the election, and how they rigged it to get him in office just so he could aid in the whole deal.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Remember this, Bush's brother was the head man over the WTC.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Remember this, Bush's brother was the head man over the WTC.

Really? That throws in a whole new dimension if it's true
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
It said it in Loose Change. So yes, it's true, if you believe that video. So yes, Bush had plenty of time to plan this out.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:It said it in Loose Change. So yes, it's true, if you believe that video. So yes, Bush had plenty of time to plan this out.

Even if it's true, that could be irrelevant. I don't know how much credibility to give this because I know that things can be editited with video, and stuff can look true when it's not, or they can place things or take things away. The only thing I can't explain as a camera trick or coincidence is the Pentagon, because I know that that's how it really looks.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:It said it in Loose Change. So yes, it's true, if you believe that video. So yes, Bush had plenty of time to plan this out.
Have you read the link from Popular Mechanics? Might want to read both sides of the story.

I believe in the originial way that things are believed to have happened. Even after watching Loose Change, I still didn't change my views. It shows nothing that didn't have a resonable explanation.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:It said it in Loose Change. So yes, it's true, if you believe that video. So yes, Bush had plenty of time to plan this out.
lol Yea he did it...Gaww what is wrong with u ppl
Doc Holliday Wrote:With any historical event, out of the woodwork crawls those who try to make a buck coming up with conspiracy theories.

Here is a link, if you take the time to read the independent study by Popular Mechanics is might rebuff your questions but I doubt it.

I just looked at all that, now I don't know who or what to believe.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Lets see an independent team of best investigators, and scientist that popular Mech could assemble to reveiw and dispored each major point of loose change, or a couple of guys who admit that they started a fictional film, and have made millions off of it.

The guys actually have the nerve to say that the call to family members from the flight 93 were faked. I really dont think all those family members were fooled by govt impersonators.
It takes the lowest form of life to attempt to stain those families and try to make a buck off it.
I know it made seem ignorant or make me look uneducated to say this. But I honestly don't question it.

I don't like Bush but from my standpoint I don't think he has the mental capacity to be in a scandal like that. (Layman's terms -- he's too stupid.)

I just go along and really don't try to figure out if it's a conspiracy or if so-and-so country really hates us... you'd drive yourself crazy if you sat around and thought on it. For those that believe Bush and his Republican cronies were in on it -- vote someone else in and see if things change. Theres no sense in dwelling on the past. Just know about what happened, when it happened, respect that it happened, and look forward to better things.
I'm looking toward to the 2008 elections. There will be some good debates on here!
twentythree Wrote:I know it made seem ignorant or make me look uneducated to say this. But I honestly don't question it.

I don't like Bush but from my standpoint I don't think he has the mental capacity to be in a scandal like that. (Layman's terms -- he's too stupid.)

I just go along and really don't try to figure out if it's a conspiracy or if so-and-so country really hates us... you'd drive yourself crazy if you sat around and thought on it. For those that believe Bush and his Republican cronies were in on it -- vote someone else in and see if things change. Theres no sense in dwelling on the past. Just know about what happened, when it happened, respect that it happened, and look forward to better things.

The way the story goes, he didn't have much of anything to do with planning it or anything, he just made sure that everyone was too caught up in it all to ask questions. I'm too confused though to decide who's lying
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life

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