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This Should Piss You Off!
As Reported on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, not to worry, your Federal Taxes are being spent well on the multiple past Congressmen who are now convicted felons and serving time in federal prisons across the country. Don't worry, yes they have lost their right to vote, but they are still receiving $60,000+ a year in federal pension.

If you ar convicted, shouldn't you lost your federal pension?
Our country's that stupid........ Everyone deserves rights, but you have to draw the line somewhere
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Our country's that stupid........ Everyone deserves rights, but you have to draw the line somewhere

Yeah I agree.
Thats crazy. I guess we should all try an be a congressman. lol
I think it takes some 60,000 to keep one person in prison for one year alone (clothes, food, medicine, cells, water, and paying the correction officers).
If they are on death row or lifers..I SAY HANG EM!
I'm not complaining about the fact that they get the pension plan, I think that they should for serving their county, but if they go to jail, then they should lose it!
Right...It is called consequences!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Right...It is called consequences!

Something this country takes WAY TO LIGHTLY! Slap them on the wrist and so be it. If someone steals, they need to chop a finger or hand off it caught...Drugs, chop a nose off so they can't snort anymore or an arm to where they can't shoot up anymore, get caught selling drugs, cut off a leg so they can't put money in there pockets..Rape/Murder/Abuse??? Torture to death! PLAYBOY5 for president in 08!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Something this country takes WAY TO LIGHTLY! Slap them on the wrist and so be it. If someone steals, they need to chop a finger or hand off it caught...Drugs, chop a nose off so they can't snort anymore or an arm to where they can't shoot up anymore, get caught selling drugs, cut off a leg so they can't put money in there pockets..Rape/Murder/Abuse??? Torture to death! PLAYBOY5 for president in 08!

Our juvenile justice system is one even a bigger joke than the adult justice system
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Need to redo all the laws/rules/consequences.....
Im a teacher, and lets just say we need to start young. Teachers get a bad name.. parents wonder what are we doing all day.. dont we know what our job is.. well from experience.. when a teacher gets a slap on the wrist for trying to enforce a consequence.. what does that teach children... to grow up and be adults who have no consequences as well
Well Didnt Knott Countys Judge Execitive go to jail for like 8 months but didnt lose his job
I'd go to jail/prison for 60,000 dollars a year. Cause once I get out I'll have plenty of money saved up.
Big Daddy #78 Wrote:I'd go to jail/prison for 60,000 dollars a year. Cause once I get out I'll have plenty of money saved up.
lol true...send me in right now, Ill take one for the team lol
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Something this country takes WAY TO LIGHTLY! Slap them on the wrist and so be it. If someone steals, they need to chop a finger or hand off it caught...Drugs, chop a nose off so they can't snort anymore or an arm to where they can't shoot up anymore, get caught selling drugs, cut off a leg so they can't put money in there pockets..Rape/Murder/Abuse??? Torture to death! PLAYBOY5 for president in 08!

Lets not go back to the Code of Hammurabi ... punishments like that, while they may seem fitting, are really too severe and inhumane. Justice does need to be served, but like Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

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