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Paintsville54, Port St Joe, Fla. 52
Paintsville takes third place at the Gulf County Classic!
Great job representing the 15th region! Now get home safely!

And Merry Christmas!
The Guru Wrote:Paintsville takes third place at the Gulf County Classic!
Great job representing the 15th region! Now get home safely!

And Merry Christmas!

:thumpsup: Good job Tigers!!
Any stats? Who made all tourney?
firetubbyplease! Wrote:Any stats? Who made all tourney?
Don't have any yet, but I will post as soon as I find out.
Way To Go Tigers!
Congrats Tigers! Have a safe trip home & Merry Christmas!
I bet these kids enjoyed themselves in Flordia, playing basketball was just an added bonus...They have beaten some really good teams down there and held their own with a Great so congrats to the tigers on than, and oh yeah Be safe!
congrats P-ville
Congrats Tigers, wonder how much this tourney has helped their game come around??? Looking forward to the Hoops Classic next week.
Congrat's guys
Congrats Paintsville
Landon made all-tournament and J.D. played very well...None of the kids played bad...Good luck in the Tiger Hoops Classic.
How many did Landon have
Congrats Tigers! 2 outa 3, you represented us well. Great Job and have a safe trip home.
good job paintsville
Nice tournament for Paintsville.
Congrats Paintsville
Very nice. I'm extremely proud of you all!

Congrats Tigers!
Congrats Paintsville.
Congrats Paintsville.
Love seeing a Mountain team beat a Florida team/ Way to go TIGERS
Were there alot of college recruiters there?
congrads paintsville...that shows how good they can really be. good luck the rest of the year and merry christmas and get hoem safe
Port St. Joe was ranked #5 in Class AA in Florida.
wow..thats impressive...good job Paintsville
J. R. VanHoose Wrote:Port St. Joe was ranked #5 in Class AA in Florida.

Makes it even sweeter.
JR, do you know the ranking of the Rutherford team that Paintsville defeated in their first game down in Florida? I know someone had mentioned they were 8-1 heading into their game and they had several talented players on that team and one heading to play for U.S.A. for John Pelphrey.
IRISH4 Wrote:JR, do you know the ranking of the Rutherford team that Paintsville defeated in their first game down in Florida? I know someone had mentioned they were 8-1 heading into their game and they had several talented players on that team and one heading to play for U.S.A. for John Pelphrey.

All I know about the rankings came from the Pt. St. Joe head coach who I talked to before our game with them. He said Rutherford was unranked in Class 5A, and the other team we played, Olympia was unranked in 6A as well. Don't know why, but that is all I know!!
Congrats Paintsville.

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