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Betsy Layne 64 Prestonsburg 55
BL defeats Pburg... I forgot the Final though.

Bobby Hughes got into some foul trouble early in the 3rd quarter... Jordon Hall hit about six 3's... and #4 for BL had a real big game... Congrats Bobcats
Congrats to the Bobcats
Poor officiating on BOTH sides, great physical game
Blackcat's made a major inprovement from past games and scrimmages. I must say I'm proud of our boys -- but we've got to play some defense without constantly staying in foul trouble.
But congrats to the Blackcats for stepping up and playing better! I believe Jackie Day would be proud of the improvement!
Get ready for AC this Friday guys - come on we need a big District win!!
Man... I went to sleep and didnt get to go to the game... that sucks. Was it a blowout or what?
nah, we only lost by 9
Finel Betsy Layne 64 Prestonsburg 55. I've never seen two teams with big men, and the teams shoot so many 3 point shots. I guess you put up 500 and 25 or 30 have to fall. I do have to say that when Patton and Witt were in the game at the same time that Patton did control the boards. Wow still alot of work to do for both of these teams. Oh, say a prayer for P'burgs' Coach Crisp, his mother died this afternoon. He was not at the game, Donald Compton coached the Blackcats and did a good job. It's just the players have to do what a coach tells them to do. The Coach cant play the game for them.
My prayers are with Jackie's Mother.
Bobby Hughes and Taylor clark both fouled out, P'brug had 5 fouls with 3 1/2 mins. to go in the first quarter. Im not saying they were bad calls, Im just saying that the 2nd half P'burg had 23 fouls and Betsy Layne had 3. P'burgs "D" was all over the place at times one guard that shot alot didnt act like he knew where he was supposed to be at times. Or who he was to be guarding.
Betsy Layne did alot of the same stuff too. as I posted before both of these teams need to take a hard look at how they play and how their coachs ask them to play. Because this aint school yard ball. To many "Hero" want a bee's in the 58th.
For P'burg Hughes and Patton could use some help from the rest of the guys, not that the players didnt play hard, they didnt play smart. And I think alot of the chemestry problem is because this was only the third game of the season. For Betsy Layne Brennan Case goes 1000 miles an hour, and sometimes out of control, Justin Collins and Sam Keathly what can you say when your hot your hot, but how many "3's" do you have to shoot before you get there. Trai Whitt plays like a short guy in a tall body, If no ones on him he can make em. James Lafferty played pretty unselfish passing the ball and not shooting alot of poor shots. Two teams that need to pay more attention to their Coach's, and not to the scorebook and how many points "I" got tonight. A team wins and a team Looses. Not one player.
THUNDERCHILD Wrote:Bobby Hughes and Taylor clark both fouled out, P'brug had 5 fouls with 3 1/2 mins. to go in the first quarter. Im not saying they were bad calls, Im just saying that the 2nd half P'burg had 23 fouls and Betsy Layne had 3. P'burgs "D" was all over the place at times one guard that shot alot didnt act like he knew where he was supposed to be at times. Or who he was to be guarding.
Betsy Layne did alot of the same stuff too. as I posted before both of these teams need to take a hard look at how they play and how their coachs ask them to play. Because this aint school yard ball. To many "Hero" want a bee's in the 58th.
For P'burg Hughes and Patton could use some help from the rest of the guys, not that the players didnt play hard, they didnt play smart. And I think alot of the chemestry problem is because this was only the third game of the season. For Betsy Layne Brennan Case goes 1000 miles an hour, and sometimes out of control, Justin Collins and Sam Keathly what can you say when your hot your hot, but how many "3's" do you have to shoot before you get there. Trai Whitt plays like a short guy in a tall body, If no ones on him he can make em. James Lafferty played pretty unselfish passing the ball and not shooting alot of poor shots. Two teams that need to pay more attention to their Coach's, and not to the scorebook and how many points "I" got tonight. A team wins and a team Looses. Not one player.

Amen to that! Lets get it together guys - we're just starting this season lets end it like last year.
Well I think Prestonsburg did really well. Jordan Hall had quiet a few 3's, and Patton had a lot of rebounds! BL had a really good night, P-burg didn't give up though. The refs were horrible on both sides though. Good luck Friday Blackcats against Ac. Give us a district win.
The Cats have got to exicute the play's. Taylor Clark plays hard "D" but the shot's just not falling for him yet. Alot of the shots on the inside from several players were just thrown up towards the goal, hopeing they would get close. Patton doenst look for the the shot enough under the goal when he gets the chance. They went to him two or three times in row to start the 3rd quarter and he scored each time. then the 3's started flying again. If you work the ball to get the good open shot inside or outside you control the tempo of the game. The whole first half was running from one end of the court to the other and shooting it as quick as possible. I wish the Blackcats good luck Friday against the Reb's. Congrats to the Bobcats on the win and good luck in your next game as well. Again, both teams still have alot of work to do over the break.
Like becoming a "Team".
Well from what I saw i think Mason Vance and Jordan Hall gave a great effort and helped the Blackcats on both D and O...they both hit big 3's to boost the Blackcats...they both played a great game...I think the Blackcats will be alright give em a few more games and they will be right there with everyone else...they need a big win on Friday night against AC to get them on the ball...keep playing hard boys and it will come...GOOD LUCK ON FRIDAY.....beat those Rebels
billy boy Wrote:Well from what I saw i think Mason Vance and Jordan Hall gave a great effort and helped the Blackcats on both D and O...they both hit big 3's to boost the Blackcats...

That's true, I don't have a exact count of how many 3's were shot by each player, but I still say work the ball in the half court and control the tempo of the game. Hall need's to be a little more in control on "D", move the feet and play smart, Vance goes with everything he's got all the time. If the shot's not there, dont shoot just to shoot, set it up and start your "O" again. Control, and be in control. G-Nat needs to play big, spread those legs and get position for the bound. I mentioned moving the feet earlier, most of the players need to move their feet and stop reaching and jumping at the first head fake. The Blackcats did alot better tonight getting thru the press. Both teams are going to get better, just listen to your coaching staff guys. Believe it or not they DO know more than you do, and can help you become a better team player.
The Blackcats need to go inside, IMO, to Trevor Patton more often. Then once the D collapses, Hall, Hughes, and Clark need to knock down the shots. Jordan Hall played a great game tonight, keeping the Blackcats in the game and the outcome could have been different if Hughes had not got in foul trouble. There were many horrible shot selections by the Blackcats but they have improved tremendously. Congrats Betsy Layne and keep getting better Blackcats.
Hall hit some 3's when the team needed them, that doesnt mean he had a good game. He had a better game than the last. Still gotta be willing to listen an exicute what the Coach sets up. Not saying he didnt. As a "Team" they need too. Looking busy doesnt mean your working. Play smart.
Who had a good game then ThunderChild? Jordan Hall showed me alot of guts and Trevor Patton dominated the boards tonight.
I would very happy to be able to say the "TEAM" had a better game tonight Irish#1. A better game than the last game. And I truly hope the next game get's better and continues to where the "TEAM" has a great game. Players that are willing to sacrifice their own stat's for the good of the "TEAM" impress me.
I saw the game tonight, and I have to agree with alot of what thurnderchild says. But I think alot of the Blackcats problems are simple. Inexperience, Hughes has the most experience of the team and then Hall. These guys are still finding their place, or roll I guess on the team. Betsy Layne plays hard and when the shots are falling or there's not a big man in the game Whitt can score and they have a shot at winning. But both teams remind me of the old saying live by the 3, die by the 3. congrats on the win Bobcats and good luck this season. good luck blackcats too.
I didnt attend the game but i'd say the outcome of this game would have been different if coach crisp had been at the game tonight for the blackcats.
Here is my take on tonight's game. Betsy Layne is very well coached and they deserved to win tonight. They hit the shots when they needed them. As far as the Blackcats go they are totally out of control. This is going to be tough, but someone needs to say it. Mason Vance-completely and totally out of control, Taylor Clark-could not put one in the Big Sandy River, Jordan Hall-would not pass it to his mother, Trevor Patton-good d, great rebounding, but does not look for the shot enough-needs to go to the hole until someone stops him,now he is no offensive threat, Bobby Hughes-Plays hard, but overplays at times by forcing, N. Stephens-turn toward the goal sometimes and make a move, Chase Martin-time to step up and do something. This is a team of individuals, there is no chance of them winning until they "settle down" and become a team. When you shoot 40 three's a game you will shoot no freethrows-pure and simple. Cardinal rule of basketball, "you must establish the inside game, then the outside game will happen". All in all there was improvement tonight, but you guys are better than you are playing; its time to suck it up and make it happen. You have nothing to loose.
congrats to BL
Good District win for BL, they played good enough to win tonight. I think both team are continuing to grow and learn how to play together as BL returns 1 or 2 starters from last year and Pburg returned no starters and very little varsity experience. This was Pburgs 3rd game they will come around. They have some good players that will get better with time on the floor. Right now Pburg shoots a little to much outside and with time will get good inside play. What I saw tonight was Stephens not even looking at the basket when he got the ball and Patton getting pushed of the block when he attempted to post. A few times when he got the ball he was 8 feet from the basket. He did look a lot better rebounding tonight and avoided foul trouble. More time on the floor and a better understanding of what posting up is these kids will be good post players in in the months to come. Hughes is just pressing right now and he will settle down and become a great leader for this team. Clark is also just pressing to much right now and will settle down with more games. Hall and Vance I thought played pretty good games tonight, although at times took a couple of bad shots, with more games will continue to improve. I am sure these Blackcats will get it together and as the norm for the Blackcats past will get better as the season goes on.
Congrats to Betsy Layne on the victory, but it sounds like Pburg is improving a little bit each game....might be a team to watch for out of the 58th.
Congrats BL.
BeaverCreek Connection Wrote:As far as the Blackcats go they are totally out of control. This is going to be tough, but someone needs to say it. Mason Vance-completely and totally out of control, Taylor Clark-could not put one in the Big Sandy River, Jordan Hall-would not pass it to his mother, Trevor Patton-good d, great rebounding, but does not look for the shot enough-needs to go to the hole until someone stops him,now he is no offensive threat, Bobby Hughes-Plays hard, but overplays at times by forcing, N. Stephens-turn toward the goal sometimes and make a move, Chase Martin-time to step up and do something.

That's a little harsh, but the truth hurts. Honestly though, you could tell this was team's what, 3rd game? They need a nice dose of chemistry.

There were some positives:
Patton had 11 rebounds by our count and played well inside against Witt.
As Thunderchild noted, Hall hit 3's when they needed them.
12 or so turnovers, that's not bad considering other teams we've seen.

This team will be better by the season's end and surely they will cut down on taking 35 shots from the outside and work the ball around better in the halfcourt.

Bottom line, Betsy Layne is just a little ahead of Prestonsburg right now and the Bobcats were expected to win.

Nice game for Keathley shooting from the corner and Case is like "white lighting", just needs to finish. He had 5 or 6 assist.
Work hard Blackcats as a team, and you can rise to the top.
Congrats Betsy Lane
23 fouls...gaw!!
Congrats Betsy Lane
I was at the game with the Betsy Layne pep club and watched the game and i think BL is finally getting things together. Congrats to BL and P-burg your making some improvments keep working hard and you will be a tough team to beat.

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