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Lou. Brown 56 Johnson Central 54
The Eagles will be fine, it was a 4 hour bus ride and they was worn down. The reason McCarty had 30 was because his team needed him to score because no-one else could.
Congrats Brown. Work harder JC you will be fine. Games like this happen.
rooster Wrote:I seriously doubt that, but I would say that he is for sure shooting over 60% of the shots being taken.

Smile As for the comments about the internal workings at JC, something has to be up. I had no idea that Starnes even applied for the Ashland coaching position. When a newly hired coach is trying to leave the job after one season something has to be wrong for him to look elsewhere.
BIGBLACK Wrote:Smile As for the comments about the internal workings at JC, something has to be up. I had no idea that Starnes even applied for the Ashland coaching position. When a newly hired coach is trying to leave the job after one season something has to be wrong for him to look elsewhere.

To my knowledge Starns didn't want anyone to know he applied but it somehow came out. As for the internal happenings, if I were Starns I would just flat out tell my team if they didn't like how I was running things they need to go home. He is the boss, not the parents, not anyone. People forget how he cleaned up Les Trimbles mess. BTW, I'm not going to say anyone's name but as of right now, one of JC's starters is off the team. He was upset about being suspended by Starns' and quit. Was told his dad was going to talk with the coaches about the situation and this is why I said what I said earlier in the post.
eaglehoops Wrote:To my knowledge Starns didn't want anyone to know he applied but it somehow came out. As for the internal happenings, if I were Starns I would just flat out tell my team if they didn't like how I was running things they need to go home.

Excellent post eaglehoops.:thumpsup:
Good Grief people JC is 2 and 1 and lost their first game of the season (granted a game that they should have won) and everyone is wondering what's wrong, (internal problems, one man show, Coach leaving, Coach running for public office etc.). All Coach Starnes did was come in his first year with a different style of basketball and take a team that lost 3 starters from the previous year and win the 15th region title. This years team is young and inexperienced they lost Rice, Fannin, Whitaker all starters and Music who started a few games and then throw in the loss of Blanton who started a couple of games and played a lot of minutes. That leaves McCarty and Meeks that have any amount of playing time and then add Crum who has to learn a new system. All these kids need is experience and that comes with time, sure they will have to take their lumps in the process.
eaglehoops Wrote:To my knowledge Starns didn't want anyone to know he applied but it somehow came out. As for the internal happenings, if I were Starns I would just flat out tell my team if they didn't like how I was running things they need to go home. He is the boss, not the parents, not anyone. People forget how he cleaned up Les Trimbles mess. BTW, I'm not going to say anyone's name but as of right now, one of JC's starters is off the team. upset about being suspendedHe was by Starns' and quit. Was told his dad was going to talk with the coaches about the situation and this is why I said what I said earlier in the post.
Was wondering when someone was going to bring that up. I guess I didn't know what I was talking about, did I? Two technicals in 3 games and two suspensions. What's new? This problem should have been handled and taken care of a long long time ago.
LOL, come on guys it isn't hard to figure out, especially when I heard on the radio lastnight on my way home from Wal-Mart that the kid got another technical. Why not just go ahead and say his name.
Unbiased Wrote:[QUOTE=rooster]

You have to ignore BrokenCard he hangs with the basketball coaches at JC and thinks that he knows something about basketball. So, what he sees I can guarantee is not his own thoughts but he must have heard someone else say it.

First of all you couldn't be more wrong! I think it is hilarious just how stupid people look when they start assuming things. :thatsfunn You know what they say

about about people who assume things! I have never had nor will I ever have

any type of relationship with the coaches. I am just a fan who enjoys the

game and by the way I do have my own opinions. As far as Jamie McCarty, I

have nothing against him or anyone else on the team for that matter! I think

Jamie is a good kid and he deserves everything he gets because he works

hard for it! He is a senior and he has earned his right to be where he is and

to get the recognition that he gets. You guys just try to stir the pot! Get

over yourselves!!!!
brokencard Wrote:[QUOTE=Unbiased]

First of all you couldn't be more wrong! I think it is hilarious just how stupid people look when they start assuming things. :thatsfunn You know what they say

about about people who assume things! I have never had nor will I ever have

any type of relationship with the coaches. I am just a fan who enjoys the

game and by the way I do have my own opinions. As far as Jamie McCarty, I

have nothing against him or anyone else on the team for that matter! I think

Jamie is a good kid and he deserves everything he gets because he works

hard for it! He is a senior and he has earned his right to be where he is and

to get the recognition that he gets. You guys just try to stir the pot! Get

over yourselves!!!!

You do know that you don't have to hit the ENTER button to skip to the next line don't you.
Redneck Wrote:[QUOTE=brokencard]

You do know that you don't have to hit the ENTER button to skip to the next line don't you.

LOL...must be a typewriter....Smile Smile Smile
rooster Wrote:Was wondering when someone was going to bring that up. I guess I didn't know what I was talking about, did I? Two technicals in 3 games and two suspensions. What's new? This problem should have been handled and taken care of a long long time ago.

This problem you speak of was taken care of quickly. He picked up a technical in the first game because he was kicked and he pushed the boy. If I had been playing I would have kicked back! He was and should have been suspended because anyone who knows anything about coach Starns knows he is a displinarian and won't stand for kids losing their cool. But still their isn't anything going on internally with the team, coaches, or anyone at JC for that matter. Come out and see for yourself Friday. Not trying to sound mean or anything btw, I just know these things first hand.
eaglehoops Wrote:This problem you speak of was taken care of quickly. He picked up a technical in the first game because he was kicked and he pushed the boy. If I had been playing I would have kicked back! He was and should have been suspended because anyone who knows anything about coach Starns knows he is a displinarian and won't stand for kids losing their cool. But still their isn't anything going on internally with the team, coaches, or anyone at JC for that matter. Come out and see for yourself Friday. Not trying to sound mean or anything btw, I just know these things first hand.

Oh really? Try about 4 years to late. Yeah that's real quick. He's had this problem ever since he came to JC and the problem dated all the way back to grade school. Yeah disciplinarian, but to be fair there were a couple of players last year that got called for the same thing over and over and over. It was really nipped in the bud real quick then too wasn't it? They kept on playing and the only thing that ultimately happened was just compromised principals on Starnes part. Johnson Central probably was second only to South Floyd in technicals. In the end Starnes sold himself out when it came to charactor and principals for a chance to win.
rooster Wrote:Oh really? Try about 4 years to late. Yeah that's real quick. He's had this problem ever since he came to JC and the problem dated all the way back to grade school. Yeah disciplinarian, but to be fair there were a couple of players last year that got called for the same thing over and over and over. It was really nipped in the bud real quick then too wasn't it? They kept on playing and the only thing that ultimately happened was just compromised principals on Starnes part. Johnson Central probably was second only to South Floyd in technicals. In the end Starnes sold himself out when it came to charactor and principals for a chance to win.

I just think sometimes you give kids the benefit of the doubt. These are teenagers we are talking about not adults. They will make mistakes, heck I make plenty of mistakes. I commend Starns for keeping players around because if you were coach they would have been out getting into a lot worse trouble than getting a technical foul. Maybe some players do have bad attitudes at JC but what teen doesn't? The fact is the player we are talking about is a winner no matter how you put it he wants to win and maybe sometimes to badly. I don't know how Starns sold himself out, maybe you know more than me but like I said earlier if ppl don't like the way he runs the show then go somewhere else. Starns is a winner, plain and simple! He is for the kids and thats it. If he can do something to help a kid out he will. Coaches should be this way, they should give players the benefit of the doubt. I know when I played we had 2 players show up for a game with a hangover. Coach didn't kick them off the team, he run their guts out for about 2 weeks and we moved on. You don't know what goes on in practice at JC, trust me Starns is a disciplinarian and a strict one. BTW don't take any of this personally, this is just some friendly conversation over a situation I feel strongly about. I love the fact there is a place you can come to and discuss
situations like this one in a friendly manner:howdy:
eaglehoops Wrote:I just think sometimes you give kids the benefit of the doubt. These are teenagers we are talking about not adults. They will make mistakes, heck I make plenty of mistakes. I commend Starns for keeping players around because if you were coach they would have been out getting into a lot worse trouble than getting a technical foul. Maybe some players do have bad attitudes at JC but what teen doesn't? The fact is the player we are talking about is a winner no matter how you put it he wants to win and maybe sometimes to badly. I don't know how Starns sold himself out, maybe you know more than me but like I said earlier if ppl don't like the way he runs the show then go somewhere else. Starns is a winner, plain and simple! He is for the kids and thats it. If he can do something to help a kid out he will. Coaches should be this way, they should give players the benefit of the doubt. I know when I played we had 2 players show up for a game with a hangover. Coach didn't kick them off the team, he run their guts out for about 2 weeks and we moved on. You don't know what goes on in practice at JC, trust me Starns is a disciplinarian and a strict one. BTW don't take any of this personally, this is just some friendly conversation over a situation I feel strongly about. I love the fact there is a place you can come to and discuss
situations like this one in a friendly manner:howdy:
What you need to understand here hoops is the ultimate master gameplan. Make a name for your self and move on up to a greater plateau with a bigger limelight at whatever cost. Starnes is not one of us, and has no plans on ever being one of us. Him applying for the Ashland job after only one season speaks volumes about his commitment to these kids and a loyalty to Johnson Central High School. It just shows that there is no commitment whatsoever. In his mind this is only a stair step job. All of the Eagle pride and tradition stuff is all real nice , but the bottom line is Starnes has no way of knowing what it is to be a real eagle and the pride involved in putting on that Golden Eagle uniform. It's all an act and a show to try to gain student and community support. It's called politics and motivation. He has no plans whatsoever of being a part of Johnson Central tradition. When he has committed his life to making Johnson Central's programs something great like some of us have, then you can talk to me about some of the stuff you are talking about.Until then I will respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying. He has alienated almost everybody he has ever came in contact with and has no idea of how to communicate or to carry on a simple conversation with the average guy. Paper boxes have a better personality and can carry on a deeper conversation. I ask the same thing, dont take this personally as I feel just as strongly.
eaglehoops Wrote:I just think sometimes you give kids the benefit of the doubt. These are teenagers we are talking about not adults. They will make mistakes, heck I make plenty of mistakes. I commend Starns for keeping players around because if you were coach they would have been out getting into a lot worse trouble than getting a technical foul. Maybe some players do have bad attitudes at JC but what teen doesn't? The fact is the player we are talking about is a winner no matter how you put it he wants to win and maybe sometimes to badly. I don't know how Starns sold himself out, maybe you know more than me but like I said earlier if ppl don't like the way he runs the show then go somewhere else. Starns is a winner, plain and simple! He is for the kids and thats it. If he can do something to help a kid out he will. Coaches should be this way, they should give players the benefit of the doubt. I know when I played we had 2 players show up for a game with a hangover. Coach didn't kick them off the team, he run their guts out for about 2 weeks and we moved on. You don't know what goes on in practice at JC, trust me Starns is a disciplinarian and a strict one. BTW don't take any of this personally, this is just some friendly conversation over a situation I feel strongly about. I love the fact there is a place you can come to and discuss
situations like this one in a friendly manner:howdy:
Zach Seargent doesn't, but that is the type of kid that seems to get the short end of the stick all of the time. The utimate team type player that gives it every thing he's got every day, doesn't cause problems, knows how to conduct himself in public, isn't the type of kid that gets all consumed with reading his newpaper clippings over and over, is proud to wear the uniform, and is a great ambassador for what is right about Johnson Central basketball and the school. I would much rather play a kid like that and not worry about the perennial headcases, star status type players and cancerous elements. When is someone going to try to focus on these type of kids? Where is their benefits of a doubt?
rooster Wrote:What you need to understand here hoops is the ultimate master gameplan. Make a name for your self and move on up to a greater plateau with a bigger limelight at whatever cost. Starnes is not one of us, and has no plans on ever being one of us. Him applying for the Ashland job after only one season speaks volumes about his commitment to these kids and a loyalty to Johnson Central High School. It just shows that there is no commitment whatsoever. In his mind this is only a stair step job. All of the Eagle pride and tradition stuff is all real nice , but the bottom line is Starnes has no way of knowing what it is to be a real eagle and the pride involved in putting on that Golden Eagle uniform. It's all an act and a show to try to gain student and community support. It's called politics and motivation. He has no plans whatsoever of being a part of Johnson Central tradition. When he has committed his life to making Johnson Central's programs something great like some of us have, then you can talk to me about some of the stuff you are talking about.Until then I will respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying. He has alienated almost everybody he has ever came in contact with and has no idea of how to communicate or to carry on a simple conversation with the average guy. Paper boxes have a better personality and can carry on a deeper conversation. I ask the same thing, dont take this personally as I feel just as strongly.

I tend to agree with you rooster..It's really sad Starnes took this team to the State and then wanted to bail out. I know all the coaches that have been at Central have had a passion for that school but he just doesn't fit!!!
I have nothing but respect for JCHS sports and to all the fine young men who have participated. Our basketball program was a mess when Starnes got here. I simply boils down to the point that Starnes came in and cut out the good old boy network and over overbearing parents and did something that had not been done on a regular basis, go to state. When he was hired, I thought his job was to build the character of the young men who played for him and win games, not be popular or satisfy the good old boys or parents. Why would he need to be "one of us" if he gets the job done?
I lived in Louisville for 7 years and have never heard of Louisville Brown? Does anybody have a clue where that is in Louisville?
JC Cheer Fan Wrote:I have nothing but respect for JCHS sports and to all the fine young men who have participated. Our basketball program was a mess when Starnes got here. I simply boils down to the point that Starnes came in and cut out the good old boy network and over overbearing parents and did something that had not been done on a regular basis, go to state. When he was hired, I thought his job was to build the character of the young men who played for him and win games, not be popular or satisfy the good old boys or parents. Why would he need to be "one of us" if he gets the job done?

This program was a mess when Ratliff took the job,as well as Sturgill,Turner and Trimble and we can go on and on. Their could be a pattern Starn's probably got the better end of the deal than most coaches who have started here. He was loaded with talent. I don't blame Starn's for looking elswhere. He sees the issues with this program.
rooster Wrote:What you need to understand here hoops is the ultimate master gameplan. Make a name for your self and move on up to a greater plateau with a bigger limelight at whatever cost. Starnes is not one of us, and has no plans on ever being one of us. Him applying for the Ashland job after only one season speaks volumes about his commitment to these kids and a loyalty to Johnson Central High School. It just shows that there is no commitment whatsoever. In his mind this is only a stair step job. All of the Eagle pride and tradition stuff is all real nice , but the bottom line is Starnes has no way of knowing what it is to be a real eagle and the pride involved in putting on that Golden Eagle uniform. It's all an act and a show to try to gain student and community support. It's called politics and motivation. He has no plans whatsoever of being a part of Johnson Central tradition. When he has committed his life to making Johnson Central's programs something great like some of us have, then you can talk to me about some of the stuff you are talking about.Until then I will respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying. He has alienated almost everybody he has ever came in contact with and has no idea of how to communicate or to carry on a simple conversation with the average guy. Paper boxes have a better personality and can carry on a deeper conversation. I ask the same thing, dont take this personally as I feel just as strongly.

I tend to agree that Starns applying for another job really hurt his credibility. This is what I said in an earlier post. My thing however is sometimes it's good to bring in an outsider IE. Jim Matney, he had no association with JC whatsoever. He doesn't know what it's like to wear the black and gold but still he is for the kids and committed to making things right. Starns has no choice but to get things right at JC, especially (sp) if he wants to move up the coaching ladder, and I'm all for someone trying to improve their own lives. I will say this though, he is one of the least liked JC coaches in a long time. Don't really know why, my only explanation is he is an outsider who is doing his own thing and most JC fans don't like this. Sometimes I don't like it. But the fact is he is the coach and as long as he is we need to support him and the team and leave it at that.
Eagle hoops I agree with you 100%. New blood is good for the system. Alot of EKY schools have politics involved in who plays or not and alot of good players are walking the halls. I am a Johnson Central fan all the way, but there always was the saying that JCHS had more good players walking the halls than were playing. A person should never recieve a job because they are a good old boy or next in line, they should get the job because they are qualified. As the saying goes, if a coach is looking over his back at the stands and looking for approval, he may soon be sitting there. The job is to run the program with class and win, not be popular.
[QUOTE=eaglehoops]To my knowledge Starns didn't want anyone to know he applied but it somehow came out. As for the internal happenings, if I were Starns I would just flat out tell my team if they didn't like how I was running things they need to go home. He is the boss, not the parents, not anyone. People forget how he cleaned up Les Trimbles mess. [QUOTE]

In this case half if not 3/4's of the team would go home. Les Trimble did have a huge mess I agree I watched him take a team of boys my junior and senior yr. That could have won the region both years, but instead the plays and things he let happen cost them to lose out once in districts and once in regionals i do believe. But if Starns is applying for other jobs then that is why JC has more players walking the halls than on the court. You can't expect kids to join your program if you do not care about the school or them!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
brokencard Wrote:[QUOTE=Unbiased]

First of all you couldn't be more wrong! I think it is hilarious just how stupid people look when they start assuming things. :thatsfunn You know what they say

about about people who assume things! I have never had nor will I ever have

any type of relationship with the coaches. I am just a fan who enjoys the

game and by the way I do have my own opinions. As far as Jamie McCarty, I

have nothing against him or anyone else on the team for that matter! I think

Jamie is a good kid and he deserves everything he gets because he works

hard for it! He is a senior and he has earned his right to be where he is and

to get the recognition that he gets. You guys just try to stir the pot! Get

over yourselves!!!!

Oh, I do know. After you started the thread bashing the elementary coaches last year, everyone researched who you are. Like I said "film man" or brokencard, you association is what I posted earlier. Learn something then you can post sensible.
[QUOTE=*SE04*][QUOTE=eaglehoops]To my knowledge Starns didn't want anyone to know he applied but it somehow came out. As for the internal happenings, if I were Starns I would just flat out tell my team if they didn't like how I was running things they need to go home. He is the boss, not the parents, not anyone. People forget how he cleaned up Les Trimbles mess. [QUOTE]

In this case half if not 3/4's of the team would go home. Les Trimble did have a huge mess I agree I watched him take a team of boys my junior and senior yr. That could have won the region both years, but instead the plays and things he let happen cost them to lose out once in districts and once in regionals i do believe. But if Starns is applying for other jobs then that is why JC has more players walking the halls than on the court. You can't expect kids to join your program if you do not care about the school or them![/QUOTE]

JC has plenty of capable players on the team. The only player that is not playing is the Blanton kid and that is just because he wants to play baseball in college and choose to devote all his time to getting better in that sport. Just because Starns wants to improve his life doesn't mean he doesn't care about his players and JC itself. When you think about it, was Starns' even JC's first choice? No, it was Phillip Wireman, Matthew Perry of Morgan County, then Starns. If he would want to leave and better himself good for him. That wouldn't mean he is bailing on his team or that he doesn't believe in their abilitites all that means is he is wanting a brighter future for himself and his But don't worry JC fans, Starns knew he wasn't getting the Ashland job and if he were offered he wasn't going anywhere, he just wanted to get his name out there like most coaches do without the publics knowledge.
rooster Wrote:What you need to understand here hoops is the ultimate master gameplan. Make a name for your self and move on up to a greater plateau with a bigger limelight at whatever cost. Starnes is not one of us, and has no plans on ever being one of us. Him applying for the Ashland job after only one season speaks volumes about his commitment to these kids and a loyalty to Johnson Central High School. It just shows that there is no commitment whatsoever. In his mind this is only a stair step job. All of the Eagle pride and tradition stuff is all real nice , but the bottom line is Starnes has no way of knowing what it is to be a real eagle and the pride involved in putting on that Golden Eagle uniform. It's all an act and a show to try to gain student and community support. It's called politics and motivation. He has no plans whatsoever of being a part of Johnson Central tradition. When he has committed his life to making Johnson Central's programs something great like some of us have, then you can talk to me about some of the stuff you are talking about.Until then I will respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying. He has alienated almost everybody he has ever came in contact with and has no idea of how to communicate or to carry on a simple conversation with the average guy. Paper boxes have a better personality and can carry on a deeper conversation. I ask the same thing, dont take this personally as I feel just as strongly.
This is my first post on here in about two months and I want to say that you really hit the nail on the head with this post. Starnes is using this school and this community as a stepping stone and it burns me up. I just wonder how many other jobs he applied for over the off season.
Golden Eagle Wrote:This is my first post on here in about two months and I want to say that you really hit the nail on the head with this post. Starnes is using this school and this community as a stepping stone and it burns me up. I just wonder how many other jobs he applied for over the off season.

:dontthink You people are amazing!!! How can you say these things about coach Starns? Can you really say you don't want people to better themselves?Coach Starns has came in and done a great job for you.If he applies for another job some where else why get mad!!! I'm pretty sure if you people making these post about the whole job thing were offered a better job you would take it.I say you guys should be happy knowing you have someone that knows what their doing.I think some of you should be ashamed of yourselves about what you have posted.I say coach Starns has been a breath of fresh air for JC.
Unbiased Wrote:[QUOTE=brokencard]

Oh, I do know. After you started the thread bashing the elementary coaches last year, everyone researched who you are. Like I said "film man" or brokencard, you association is what I posted earlier. Learn something then you can post sensible.

Apparently you don't know how to do research. Yes I did bash on the grade school coaches last ball season, I was not the one who started the thread though and I said nothing that I didn't feel wasn't true! At least I have enough guts to take up for the kids and stand by what I believe is right! Last time I checked I still had the right to my own opinion!!!! I am still not who you think I am and you are not as intelligent as you think you are! You should take your own advice about learning and posting sensibly. You should be careful on calling people out when you have no idea who it is!
Moe Wrote:Are you serious. Now people down state will definitly think the 15th region is weak, as if we haven't heard it enough already. Its hard to believe that the defending 15th region champ loses to the last ranked team in the 6th region...this is unbelievable. But anyway good luck to JC in their next game.:Thumbs:

Good point. But you can't draw to hard a conclusion from just one game. We'll see as the season goes on.
What do you guys expect?? You can't bring in an outsider and expect them to bleed black and gold as if they were raised here. Get real. Starnes, whether people like him or not, is the coach. And he has done a decent job. But I'm sure if he can find a better deal he will take it. For that matter, Matney probably would too. He left SC didn't he? And it wasn't because he is a devoted JC alum. Most coaches, EVEN ALUMNI, would not turn down a better opportunity. That is just the way it is, just like in college. So why make a big deal out of this at the beginning of the season?? If Eagle fans start attacking their own program at the beginning of the season, what kind of support can they expect??

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