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PCC Invitational
Knott Central beats P-Berg 62-51
This was a pretty good game from the second quarter on. KCC got out ahead fast with a 23-3 lead at one point. KCC did pretty good for it being their first game. They play Perry Central tonight and if KCC tries and doesnt get down on theirselves they should do alright. Prestonsburg looked good in spurts. #12 is a heck of a ball player and #21 can shoot the lights out.
Breathitt beats LCC for the second time in a week!
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KCC played PCC tonight and game up short. KCC actually led most of the game up until late in the 3rd quarter. KCC looks good when they play hard and together. PCC didn't know what hit them the first three quarters. Everyone looked good. A couple of girls have stepped up big for KCC in their first couple of games. KCC plays Belfry tomorrow at 5:30.
How did Belfrys girls look? Im anxious to see them this year they have alot of potential. I know they lost by one to a pretty good Breathitt team.
Good luck KCC. Your young and you will be fine by the end of the year.
LCC didn't look too strong today. Watched the Belfry game I thought they could've beat them by more than they did. The refs weren't too hot but it's 14th region what do you expect? I also seen sop. Jonda Whitt sitting on the bench I asked around and heard that just some things had happened and she had been starting/playing the most of the game before having to sit out this tournament that may have hurt them a little the night before.
did prestonsburg win their second game??? I forgot who it was against?
phsblackcats Wrote:did prestonsburg win their second game??? I forgot who it was against?

They played Letcher . And from the looks of the scoreboard when I came in the gym after the game had just ended someone allowed 96 Points!!! I don't know if that was from the score board being reset or what.
Letcher also beat them by the score of 96 to 47
What was KCC record in the invite?
pickin'_n_grinnin Wrote:What was KCC record in the invite?

KCC went 1-2. Got beat by a good Perry Central team and a good Belfry team. Must I mention against Perry Central, KCC led all the way through the game up until late in the 3rd quarter. KCC is going to do well this year. KCC just got tired against Belfry. They played 3 games in three days and the night before ran right with Perry. KCC is going to make some noise this year. Some girls have stepped up for KCC that people said would not do anything for KCC this year or years to come. If they keep their heads and up continue to play hard then they will do very well this year.
The Thomas girl for KCC has improved.
Benchwarmer Wrote:The Thomas girl for KCC has improved.

Alot of the girls for KCC have improved greatly over the summer. Everyone has stepped up and have started doing what they are good at. As for Thomas, Amburgey has started playing her where she needs to be playing. Which is the mixture of 1,2, and 3. I wouldn't be suprised if her and a couple of others start to step up and take the role in, hey you may take Megan away but you still have us as well. Amburgey has been playing Thomas at point here lately and according to the people I have spoken to about her playing point they have been disappionted yet.
How did Belfry look? I feel they could have a really strong team by the timet he season is over.
wymtsports96 Wrote:I also seen sop. Jonda Whitt sitting on the bench I asked around and heard that just some things had happened and she had been starting/playing the most of the game before having to sit out this tournament that may have hurt them a little the night before.

From what I heard, Whitt had quit earlier in the week at practice and showed a tremendous amount of disrespect to the new coach. And if what I heard is true, on the bench is where she belongs. A bad attitude and disrespect towards your coach and your teammates hurts a team more than helps.
I attended the Belfry vs. Knott Central. IMO Belfry has some very rude fans and players. At one point one of KCC girls was punched over nothing. All I seen was the girl from KCC which, was Kyrsten Conley, if I am not mistaking, and number 5 for Belfry, which I think is Shea Deskins??? Their arms got tangled up when Conley tried stealing the ball. Big deal no reason for Deskins to punch her. Nothing was done to either of the players which is clearly the refs faught. Belfry is a good team and has alot of talent but some things they do on the floor is questionable. Through out the game against KCC, while pressing KCC, Mosley would start to go by one of Belfry's girls and they would give cheap shots to Mosley. Sticking their knee out to trip her and then getting mad when they called a foul. Don't get me wrong I like to see games get rough to and extent but when the players start getting by with attempting to take players knee's out and hitting other players, there has to be a stopping point.
The Belfry players all need attitude adjustments, its a new coach and they have taken advantage of her as if it was Marc Gannon they wouldn't say a word and would show nothing but respect. It happens a couple of the girls have ran there mouth and found out that Whitt quit Thursday before a game at practice, but before then she has been doing good her temper she caught up with her and from what some people said she has been saying "she overreacted" and sitting out this weekend made her realize what a big mistake it was, whenever Belfry gets all their players in full force with good attitudes they will be unstoppable. Come March this team will be ready,mark my word.
I saw the Belfry and KC game. Seem both teams got their shots in. The tangle up of Deskins and Conley seemed just that, know one at fault just playing some hard ball and getting got up in the game. Both players were called for a foul. I think Mosley was a little fustrated due to Robinette staying all over her during the game. She didn't score much on Robinette. I all so seen the trip it was a little dirty but no more than push off with elbows. Over all it was a good game. Both teams hustled. I hate to see any player seat on the bench with an attitude. I hope Whitt's attidude gets better, and don't affect the team. Belfry is going to be a team to watch in the 15th region and KC will be right there at tourn time.
Both teams were a very hard playing teams. I think everyones temper catches up with them sometime or another. There have been a few attitudes at Belfry as well as any other school but things are looking up. Went up to the school today and talked to a few people Whitt is back practicing and is going harder than ever, she is going to help this team out a lot and they are going to be a real contender.
baller25 Wrote:I attended the Belfry vs. Knott Central. IMO Belfry has some very rude fans and players. At one point one of KCC girls was punched over nothing. All I seen was the girl from KCC which, was Kyrsten Conley, if I am not mistaking, and number 5 for Belfry, which I think is Shea Deskins??? Their arms got tangled up when Conley tried stealing the ball. Big deal no reason for Deskins to punch her. Nothing was done to either of the players which is clearly the refs faught. Belfry is a good team and has alot of talent but some things they do on the floor is questionable. Through out the game against KCC, while pressing KCC, Mosley would start to go by one of Belfry's girls and they would give cheap shots to Mosley. Sticking their knee out to trip her and then getting mad when they called a foul. Don't get me wrong I like to see games get rough to and extent but when the players start getting by with attempting to take players knee's out and hitting other players, there has to be a stopping point.
I was also @ this game and from what I remember the refs called a double foul on the 2 players, and after that they called things closer. Would you have rather them throw both players out and cost them an additional game as well. I think sometimes our 14th region refs get bad raps for not letting the players play a little, and when they do try to let them things like this happen, and then when they play down state they get beat to death and no fouls are called. You can't have it both ways. They either call to many fouls or not enough, but go to another region and see how the out of region teams are treated, you'd better be 20 points better from the opening tip to just win by 1, but when out of region teams come here they at least get a few breaks.
Official Legend14th Wrote:I was also @ this game and from what I remember the refs called a double foul on the 2 players, and after that they called things closer. Would you have rather them throw both players out and cost them an additional game as well. I think sometimes our 14th region refs get bad raps for not letting the players play a little, and when they do try to let them things like this happen, and then when they play down state they get beat to death and no fouls are called. You can't have it both ways. They either call to many fouls or not enough, but go to another region and see how the out of region teams are treated, you'd better be 20 points better from the opening tip to just win by 1, but when out of region teams come here they at least get a few breaks.

If that is what it is going to take for the players to learn how to be a good sport. Then yes I would have rather seen them get thrown out and suspended a game as well.

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