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Have you seen PI?
Who's seen this movie? It came out in '98 and I love it.
I haven't seen it.. But i've been wanting to watch it forever.. I thought it just came out not to long ago though.
I've been wanting to rent it, but noone ever has it on dvd.
I dont tihnk I've ever seen it for rent anywhere..
Is that the name of the movie, PI.
Yeah like 3.14 mario..
Yea as in the number.
Um, i havent heard of that movie. I thought maybe that PI stood for something...but i guess not. what is the plot? and junk.
They have a pie eating contest on March 14 in math class....gahh it gets crazy.
Hahah 4leaf. that's funny lol

Someone finds a pattern in the PI code. Mario..
I haven't seen this movie, but I want to.

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