11-11-2006, 01:34 PM
The Basketball Eagles will be playing Portsmouth Clay tonight at JC.The game is scheduled to tip off at 7:30.Jaryd Crum should be making his debut as a Eagle.This could be the start of a great year for the Golden Eagles boys basketball team.IMO Zac Sergent,Jamie Mccarty,Jesse Meeks,and Justin Murray will be a very speedy,tough defensive minded bunch that will be hard to handle!!
GOOD LUCK EAGLES!!!!!!!! :1:
GOOD LUCK EAGLES!!!!!!!! :1:
11-11-2006, 07:14 PM
With that many players having names that start with the letter "J", Central had better know how to shoot a basketball.
Or at least throw elbows.
Or at least throw elbows.
11-12-2006, 12:12 AM
I was at Eagle Madness and saw Nick Vance sitting on the Eagle bench in a Central warm up. The announcer said that he was injured and would not be playing. Last year, as an 8th grader he played for Paintsville's high school baseball team and is from all reports a good basketball player. Wonder what happened, I thought he bled Tiger blue.
11-12-2006, 12:31 AM
Who won the game? Can you give a score and stuff?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
11-12-2006, 12:46 AM
How many new faces did JC have ?
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
11-12-2006, 12:51 AM
The Eagles played four quarters and reset the score each quarter. The first quarter the Eagles won by 16, second one by 4, third by 2 and fourth by 10 or 12 I think. Their JV played the second half.
11-12-2006, 02:08 AM
THOMCAT Wrote:I was at Eagle Madness and saw Nick Vance sitting on the Eagle bench in a Central warm up. The announcer said that he was injured and would not be playing. Last year, as an 8th grader he played for Paintsville's high school baseball team and is from all reports a good basketball player. Wonder what happened, I thought he bled Tiger blue.
RUMOR is he got run off pretty much...
11-12-2006, 02:58 AM
Wow i was really impressed with the eagles tonight
They looked like a totally different team from last year, alot qucker and defensive oriented.
I was really impressed with Jesse Meek and Justin Murray, they are alot better offinsively than i would have ever thought
Great job eagles good luck threwout your season
They looked like a totally different team from last year, alot qucker and defensive oriented.
I was really impressed with Jesse Meek and Justin Murray, they are alot better offinsively than i would have ever thought
Great job eagles good luck threwout your season
11-12-2006, 11:02 AM
*SE04* Wrote:How many new faces did JC have ?
Hard to tell. Justin Blanton and Joe Whitaker accepted their championship rings in street clothes and apparently are not playing. Also, several could not play due to the football team still being alive in the playoffs.
11-12-2006, 12:52 PM
THOMCAT Wrote:their championship rings.

What a JOKE??? You get rings when you win state, not region. It's not like they were the first JC team to ever win region. Is the school gonna gather all of the 2000 team together and get them rings for winning region, heck at least they won a game at Rupp.
11-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Well redneck,you must be the same person on bluegrasspreps...
Did it kill your soul to watch them boys get there rings last night, it is ashame that paintsville didnt win it last year, but the best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the show and stop being jealous.
There is always this year and next year, Great job EAGLES-EVERYONE loves the new rings
Did it kill your soul to watch them boys get there rings last night, it is ashame that paintsville didnt win it last year, but the best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the show and stop being jealous.
There is always this year and next year, Great job EAGLES-EVERYONE loves the new rings
11-12-2006, 01:09 PM
watchin-u Wrote:Well redneck,you must be the same person on bluegrasspreps...
Did it kill your soul to watch them boys get there rings last night, it is ashame that paintsville didnt win it last year, but the best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the show and stop being jealous.
There is always this year and next year, Great job EAGLES-EVERYONE loves the new rings
Afraid not my friend, I would NEVER give The Guru $10 for an account on that site, he is a P.O.S. I know personally. I wasn't there to watch them get there rings, I didn't even go watch Tiger Madness, why would I go watch Eagle Madness. Jealousy, not quite buddy, it just ridiculous that they got rings and all the past region champions didn't. How come Phillip Wireman and his girls of the past don't have rings? Or better yet, when the football team wins region this coming friday night is the school gonna get rings for ALL of the football players? Did the baseball team get rings a couple years ago when they made it to the FINAL FOUR in the state tourney?
11-12-2006, 03:03 PM
Paintsville Will Get The Real Rings This Year......sit Back And Enjoy Paintsville Basktball 2006-2007.
11-12-2006, 03:27 PM
EKYSPORTS Wrote:Paintsville Will Get The Real Rings This Year......sit Back And Enjoy Paintsville Basktball 2006-2007.
I wouldn't go that far EKYSPORTS, they got a long season ahead of them.
11-12-2006, 05:21 PM
Redneck Wrote:Afraid not my friend, I would NEVER give The Guru $10 for an account on that site, he is a P.O.S. I know personally. I wasn't there to watch them get there rings, I didn't even go watch Tiger Madness, why would I go watch Eagle Madness. Jealousy, not quite buddy, it just ridiculous that they got rings and all the past region champions didn't. How come Phillip Wireman and his girls of the past don't have rings? Or better yet, when the football team wins region this coming friday night is the school gonna get rings for ALL of the football players? Did the baseball team get rings a couple years ago when they made it to the FINAL FOUR in the state tourney?
As a matter of fact the entire football team is going to get rings after they win region
The reason the basketball team got rings and not the girls b-ball team and baseball team is because the school didnt buy them
The basketball team got donations and worked really hard for the money for the rings.
Oh and i wouldnt be jumping on the paintsvile bandwagon just yet its a long season and they havent proved they can get out of the first round or better yet....beat Shelby Valley
I do wish all teams in the region good luck on the season....
11-12-2006, 05:27 PM
EKYSPORTS Wrote:Paintsville Will Get The Real Rings This Year......sit Back And Enjoy Paintsville Basktball 2006-2007.
LoL..I here that every year.
11-12-2006, 09:52 PM
watchin-u Wrote:Oh and i wouldnt be jumping on the paintsvile bandwagon just yet.WHAT???? I grew up in, played for and graduated from Paintsville, how is that "Jumping on the Bandwagon"
11-12-2006, 09:57 PM
watchin-u Wrote:its a long season and they havent proved they can get out of the first round or better yet.
If you REread this page you would see that I have already said that to another poster after he/she predicted Paintsville to win it. I'm not gonna sit here and say Paintsville is gonna be better than anyone, on paper yes, but paper doesn't mean anything, they have to play the games. With the players they got back and the addition of Ferguson they SHOULD win it, but you never know when someone or a couple may get injured and be out for the season. I'm not predicting anything except game by game as they roll around.
11-13-2006, 12:58 AM
Redneck Wrote:RUMOR is he got run off pretty much...
Well....run off by who and why???
11-13-2006, 01:05 AM
Anyways, how do you guys think this teams chemistry was? I was impressed, I loved watching them together because they are so unselfish. Murray hit 3 threes, Mccarty played team ball and played hard on defense, Sergeant was everywhere and finished strong, Meek sparked them at the beginning and Crum is a very nice addition, he is alot of fun to watch. Good luck guys!
11-13-2006, 02:03 AM
Gatortater Wrote:Well....run off by who and why???
I don't know the whole story or even if it's true, that's why I said RUMOR. So I'm not saying a word until I know the true facts. Maybe some these JC kids that go to school with him could give a lil info.
11-13-2006, 02:53 AM
Hope to see JC play good basketball this season along with the rest of the 15th region. As for the rings....if they want to shell out that kind of money for them let 'em...but it's still doesn't mean the same as winning a state championship.
11-13-2006, 04:11 AM
Redneck Wrote:I don't know the whole story or even if it's true, that's why I said RUMOR. So I'm not saying a word until I know the true facts. Maybe some these JC kids that go to school with him could give a lil info.I do know at least most of the story....no...he was not "run off". He left of his own accord. Nick is a fine young man with a very bright future. He would be welcomed back, but very unlikely that he returns. Last time I talked to him he wasn't sure what the injury was, but possibly ACL. Happened first day of practice. His brother Luke is still attending Paintsville. His transferring had a lot of things around it, as his mom told me that he wanted to be in school with his closest friends that he hangs with most of the time, but the dirt that some are wanting, really isn't that much. His mom did tell me that the final straw was the semi finals baseball '06 in which he pitched innings 5 and 6, and they wanted him to pitch the 7th and get the save, but it didn't work out so his parents evidently had at least some to do with him leaving. But his leaving was in no way anything to do with anyone from Paintsville running him off.
I hope Nick the best!!
11-13-2006, 10:30 PM
Redneck Wrote:CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS??????![]()
What a JOKE??? You get rings when you win state, not region. It's not like they were the first JC team to ever win region. Is the school gonna gather all of the 2000 team together and get them rings for winning region, heck at least they won a game at Rupp.
I think it is a tradition that the last Regional Championship team members buy the newest one rings. Started back in the 70's with the first Reg. Champions and has continued.
We haven't had this opportunity very often, so I guess that is why it hasn't been noticed before.

I think the 2000 team got theirs also. I am not for sure though.

11-13-2006, 10:36 PM
jchsrulz Wrote:I think it is a tradition that the last Regional Championship team members buy the newest one rings. Started back in the 70's with the first Reg. Champions and has continued.
We haven't had this opportunity very often, so I guess that is why it hasn't been noticed before.![]()
I think the 2000 team got theirs also. I am not for sure though.
You hit the nail on the head
11-13-2006, 11:09 PM
jchsrulz Wrote:I think it is a tradition that the last Regional Championship team members buy the newest one rings. Started back in the 70's with the first Reg. Champions and has continued.
We haven't had this opportunity very often, so I guess that is why it hasn't been noticed before.![]()
I think the 2000 team got theirs also. I am not for sure though.
Pretty neat tradition if this is the case, but I still say save the rings for the "STATE" championship. I mean they did win the region and get the oppertunity to play on the floor at Rupp Arena. That is an accomplishment in itself, every boy grows up wanting to wear the Kentucky blue and play on that court...but it's not possible. I say take the trip to Rupp, play on the floor (if you get beat, who cares you still have a pass to the Greatest Show in Hoops) and live to tell about it. Great teams (i.e. State Champions) should get rings...means a whole lot more that way.
11-13-2006, 11:15 PM
Another thing, I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't started in order for people to criticize JC's rings, let it go. How about that guys? If they want rings, let them have it, I can remember Valley getting rings when they won it! It is very rare and something very special to the people at Johnson Central High School so stop raining on their parade. Now, back on topic, how do you think they played as a team?
11-13-2006, 11:36 PM
Guys lets keep it on topic!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
11-14-2006, 12:59 AM
champ Wrote:Another thing, I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't started in order for people to criticize JC's rings
How is this any differerent then JC fans changing the topic on threads about Paintsville?
11-14-2006, 01:11 AM
IRISH4 Wrote:Pretty neat tradition if this is the case, but I still say save the rings for the "STATE" championship. I mean they did win the region and get the oppertunity to play on the floor at Rupp Arena. That is an accomplishment in itself, every boy grows up wanting to wear the Kentucky blue and play on that court...but it's not possible. I say take the trip to Rupp, play on the floor (if you get beat, who cares you still have a pass to the Greatest Show in Hoops) and live to tell about it. Great teams (i.e. State Champions) should get rings...means a whole lot more that way.Some of you all need to really know what you are talking about on this subject before you start posting some of your expert opinions.
Since the school was formed in 1969 they have won the region now 5 times. Only Paintsville has more regional titles (7) in that same time span, so it has not been as rare as some of you all are making it out to be.
The fact is if you had to wait to win a state championship out of the 15th region before you got some type of a ring, then most might be waiting a lifetime, because it has only happened 3 times in 15th region history. Inez did it twice and Paintsville once.
Also it has NOT been a tradition for the previous regional champion to buy the next regional champion rings. There have only been two regional champion teams receive rings. The 2000 team and the 2006 team, and THOSE ARE THE ONLY TWO to ever receive them. But I do think that it is a nice gesture for the boosters to give a little something to commemorate something that a very select few will ever get the chance to experience.
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