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Breaking News from Magoffin County!!!
Magoffin County High School locked down following threat.
Here is the link....

Scary times out there these days.
Thank god that they figured it out before anything bad happened. You just never know about school safety in this day and time.
Man school is getting crazy anymore
I heard about this earlier today... glad nothing bad happened
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

I read the story about it when I was in school of all places. Im glad nothing happened, but it still always makes me wonder if something like this will ever happen at my school?
Times are getting bad and things are hitting closer home!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
Thats real scary. But when if someone kept picking at the kid then you know theres gonna be problems with the kid mentally. But really glad that this was tooking care of.
This just goes to show you that this can happen anywhere its sad really, kids are put under to much preasure sometimes in my opinion! Atleast he was smart enough to get help b4 he mad a horrible decision.
Magoffin is on lock down all week. They will be lucky if any kids even show up. My brother is a senior there and my parents already said he would not be going.
Im concerding homeschooling my kids or puttin them in private school. Since all of the crazy things that have been going on in regular schools im almost afraid to send the children off to school
The same things that go on in public schools go on in private schools too it's just not heard of that much because they keepit underwraps. Home-schooling deprives kids of a social life outside of their parents and siblings...this hurts them in the long-run... could you imagine a kid being homeschooled all his life and then going away to college and being introduced to a completely different enviroment where they MUST be social with others...I imagine that kid would be devastated and although would succeed in the studies maybe but wouldn't succeed at the college life... I imagine they would be the ones who never spoke to anyone and sat in their dorms doing homework all the time and keeping to themselves OR the alternative...not be able to handle the peer pressure to drink and do drugs and TRY to fit in....neither would be healthy situtations with kids... my opinion... public school is the way to go that way the kids unfortunally are introduced to the stuff but know better and they can expand socially and have healthy friendships and relationships.... it seems better than them being sheltered all their life and then being thrown into in head-first instead of gradually being introduced to it.
Well I wouldnt let my kids go to school that week either...and they said they chekced all of the kids what if the kids brought the gun in the school several days prior to the kid calling the hotline and they hide the gun somewhere? And when they go back to school the boy goes and gets the gun and goes on a rampage? then what? too late to go back
But I am sure the officials has brought dogs in and checked the school over very good
Thats crazy, it just shows you that it can happen to us. Glad nothing got out of hand though.
Slamdown Wrote:Im concerding homeschooling my kids or puttin them in private school. Since all of the crazy things that have been going on in regular schools im almost afraid to send the children off to school
Thats sad but true, School should be one of the safest places for a kid to be but anymore its not. I'm like you a Private school is the way to go anymore.
This is why my daughters go to a private school but even there you just don't know what will happen!!

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