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11-02-2006, 02:19 PM
This guy from Belfry walks into a bar and sits down beside a guy from Pikeville.
The Belfry guy leans over and says, "Do you want to hear a funny joke about Pikeville football?"
The Pikeville guy says, "Hey, I'm 6'1 220 lbs and I played SS on the '89 State Championship team. The guy beside of me is 6'3 260 lbs and h eplayed MLB on the '88 & '89 State Championship teams. And the guy beside of him is 6'5 285 lbs and he started on the line for all 3 of Pikeville's Championship teams."
"So," says the guy from Pikeville, "do you still want to tell that joke, funny guy?"
The guy from Belfry takes a drink of beer, smiles and says, "Nah, if I'm gonna have to repeat myself three times it isn't worth telling."
Just playful fun guys....have a good laugh, throw one back if you want. But lets keep it civil.:Thumbs:
The Belfry guy leans over and says, "Do you want to hear a funny joke about Pikeville football?"
The Pikeville guy says, "Hey, I'm 6'1 220 lbs and I played SS on the '89 State Championship team. The guy beside of me is 6'3 260 lbs and h eplayed MLB on the '88 & '89 State Championship teams. And the guy beside of him is 6'5 285 lbs and he started on the line for all 3 of Pikeville's Championship teams."
"So," says the guy from Pikeville, "do you still want to tell that joke, funny guy?"
The guy from Belfry takes a drink of beer, smiles and says, "Nah, if I'm gonna have to repeat myself three times it isn't worth telling."
Just playful fun guys....have a good laugh, throw one back if you want. But lets keep it civil.:Thumbs:
11-02-2006, 02:22 PM
Lol this was a good one made me laugh....liked it
11-02-2006, 04:33 PM
The tamahawk chop a popular thing. In Atlanta it means go Braves. In Florida it means go Noels. And in Pikeville it means 1st and 10 Belfry lol.
11-02-2006, 04:39 PM
Belfry Wins Wrote:The tamahawk chop a popular thing. In Atlanta it means go Braves. In Florida it means go Noels. And in Pikeville it means 1st and 10 Belfry lol.
LOL...Good one!!!
11-02-2006, 04:50 PM
Here is a little Johnny joke.
On the first day of school the 1st year teacher walks into the classroom wearing all her Pikeville Panther gear. Gleefully, she asks how many children in the class are Pikeville Panther fans.
All of the children raise their hands, with the exception of one. "Well", says the teacher, "just what team might you be a fan of?"
Lil' Johnny says, "Mam, I was born and raised a Belfry Pirate, and I'll be that way until the day I die!"
The teacher shoots back, "why in the world are you a Pirate fan anyway?"
Lil' Johnny says, "My grandparents are Pirate fans, my dad & mom are Pirate fans, and when I have kids they are going to be Pirate fans, too."
So then the teacher says, "Well, do you think that if your parents were Panther fans that you would be one?"
"Heck no," says Lil' Johnny, "I'd be a moron!"
On the first day of school the 1st year teacher walks into the classroom wearing all her Pikeville Panther gear. Gleefully, she asks how many children in the class are Pikeville Panther fans.
All of the children raise their hands, with the exception of one. "Well", says the teacher, "just what team might you be a fan of?"
Lil' Johnny says, "Mam, I was born and raised a Belfry Pirate, and I'll be that way until the day I die!"
The teacher shoots back, "why in the world are you a Pirate fan anyway?"
Lil' Johnny says, "My grandparents are Pirate fans, my dad & mom are Pirate fans, and when I have kids they are going to be Pirate fans, too."
So then the teacher says, "Well, do you think that if your parents were Panther fans that you would be one?"
"Heck no," says Lil' Johnny, "I'd be a moron!"
11-02-2006, 05:43 PM
these are pretty good they all made me laugh

11-02-2006, 06:26 PM
lol Nice.
11-02-2006, 06:34 PM
Those a really good one Boondock.

11-02-2006, 09:18 PM
tee hee
what is this? rip on Pikeville day? lol
what is this? rip on Pikeville day? lol
11-02-2006, 11:21 PM
hahahaha my ribs hurt lol
11-03-2006, 06:52 AM
Just wandering why all these jokes are about Pikeville/Belfry? Shouldn't they be about Belfry/Sheldon Clark? Speaking of which, A Belfry man is eating in a restaurant when he suddenly starts to choke. The waiter rushes to the mans aid and says " are you alright? Tell me whats going on." About that time another man runs up and says he's fine he just had a little SC Card Soup.
11-03-2006, 10:41 AM
Why do they call Phillip Haywood "Moses" in West Virginia?
Cause they always see him leading Matewan players across the tug river.
Cause they always see him leading Matewan players across the tug river.
11-03-2006, 10:59 AM
A single mother of 11 children from the Virgie area decided she'd had enough of her mean and unruly children. She decided that she was going to take all of them to a Shelby Valley football game and run off and leave them there. She piled all the kids in her car and took them to the game. After the rowdy bunch was seated she told them she was going to get them all something to eat and that was when she made her break
to the car. As she was walking to her car she heard the announcer say over the PA system"Would the lady who left her 11 children in the stands please come back and get them. Theyre beating Valley 14-0"
to the car. As she was walking to her car she heard the announcer say over the PA system"Would the lady who left her 11 children in the stands please come back and get them. Theyre beating Valley 14-0"
11-03-2006, 11:03 AM
HAHAHAHAHA the Phillip Haywood joke is a good one
11-03-2006, 11:50 AM
PantherPride68 Wrote:A single mother of 11 children from the Virgie area decided she'd had enough of her mean and unruly children. She decided that she was going to take all of them to a Shelby Valley football game and run off and leave them there. She piled all the kids in her car and took them to the game. After the rowdy bunch was seated she told them she was going to get them all something to eat and that was when she made her break
to the car. As she was walking to her car she heard the announcer say over the PA system"Would the lady who left her 11 children in the stands please come back and get them. Theyre beating Valley 14-0"
That one is great!!!
11-03-2006, 11:51 AM
bigpun Wrote:Just wandering why all these jokes are about Pikeville/Belfry? Shouldn't they be about Belfry/Sheldon Clark? Speaking of which, A Belfry man is eating in a restaurant when he suddenly starts to choke. The waiter rushes to the mans aid and says " are you alright? Tell me whats going on." About that time another man runs up and says he's fine he just had a little SC Card Soup.
No offense, but that was pretty lame.
11-03-2006, 11:57 AM
bigpun Wrote:Just wandering why all these jokes are about Pikeville/Belfry? Shouldn't they be about Belfry/Sheldon Clark? Speaking of which, A Belfry man is eating in a restaurant when he suddenly starts to choke. The waiter rushes to the mans aid and says " are you alright? Tell me whats going on." About that time another man runs up and says he's fine he just had a little SC Card Soup.
Wow, lol.
11-03-2006, 12:14 PM
PantherPride68 Wrote:Why do they call Phillip Haywood "Moses" in West Virginia?
Cause they always see him leading Matewan players across the tug river.
I heard the joke but it was all of West Virginia, not just Matewan.. Guess this is shorter version of it......
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
11-03-2006, 12:38 PM
BoondockSaint Wrote:No offense, but that was pretty lame.
I am with you Boondock. Is there more to the joke? Maybe I am just to dumb to get the punch line.
11-03-2006, 01:14 PM
PantherPride68 Wrote:Why do they call Phillip Haywood "Moses" in West Virginia?
Cause they always see him leading Matewan players across the tug river.
11-03-2006, 03:02 PM
lol they are all pretty funny not bad not bad pretty good IMO
11-03-2006, 04:25 PM
A kids parents was in court getting a divorce. The judge said son who do you want to live with? Do you want to live with your mom? No the boy replied, she beats me. The judge says well how about your Dad? No the boy said, he beats me to. Well the judge said, who do you want to live with? The boy replied, I want to live witht he Pikeville Panthers they dont beat anyone haha.
11-03-2006, 04:25 PM
By the way Im just playin Pikeville fans all in fun. I hope you guys win state.
11-03-2006, 07:55 PM
Belfry Wins Wrote:By the way Im just playin Pikeville fans all in fun. I hope you guys win state.Im just playing as well.
11-03-2006, 08:04 PM
PantherPride68 Wrote:A single mother of 11 children from the Virgie area decided she'd had enough of her mean and unruly children. She decided that she was going to take all of them to a Shelby Valley football game and run off and leave them there. She piled all the kids in her car and took them to the game. After the rowdy bunch was seated she told them she was going to get them all something to eat and that was when she made her breakThis one wins.
to the car. As she was walking to her car she heard the announcer say over the PA system"Would the lady who left her 11 children in the stands please come back and get them. Theyre beating Valley 14-0"
11-03-2006, 10:53 PM
Panther#42 Wrote:HAHAHAHAHA the Phillip Haywood joke is a good one
It was, but thank God Hillard left Pikeville or we would have never got one from Matewan!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
11-04-2006, 12:56 AM
In Paintsviile, the train track is located on the east side of town. On a clear night, you can hear the train whistle at different locations in town. On the night that Johnson Central played Ashland a north bound train blew its whistle at the Greentown crossing. At the same time the football game was in the 2nd quarter with about 2 minutes on the clock. After hearing the whistle, Coach Matney thought it was halftime and took the Eagles into the locker room and three plays later Ashland ran a touchdown. :lmao:
11-04-2006, 02:16 AM
THOMCAT Wrote:In Paintsviile, the train track is located on the east side of town. On a clear night, you can hear the train whistle at different locations in town. On the night that Johnson Central played Ashland a north bound train blew its whistle at the Greentown crossing. At the same time the football game was in the 2nd quarter with about 2 minutes on the clock. After hearing the whistle, Coach Matney thought it was halftime and took the Eagles into the locker room and three plays later Ashland ran a touchdown. :lmao:
now that was funny!!! lmao good punchline
11-04-2006, 02:30 AM
PantherPride68 Wrote:Why do they call Phillip Haywood "Moses" in West Virginia?
Cause they always see him leading Matewan players across the tug river.
OMG!!!! That is HILARIOUS!!!!!! :lmao: :notworthy :Clap:
11-04-2006, 03:07 AM
THOMCAT Wrote:In Paintsviile, the train track is located on the east side of town. On a clear night, you can hear the train whistle at different locations in town. On the night that Johnson Central played Ashland a north bound train blew its whistle at the Greentown crossing. At the same time the football game was in the 2nd quarter with about 2 minutes on the clock. After hearing the whistle, Coach Matney thought it was halftime and took the Eagles into the locker room and three plays later Ashland ran a touchdown. :lmao:HA! best one by far!
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