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The Viking ship has sunk @ Rowan
Word has it players are quitting left and right over there the past couple weeks.
2 really good players have quit the past month, Kids who have busted their butts in the weight room for 2 or 3 years have all the sudden quit the team. Word has it Friday after the Pendleton loss a parent came down out of the stands and hit one of the Rowan coaches in the face with a pie(LMAO).:lmao:
What's happend over there to create such a bad atmosphere?
Word also has it that coaches are fighting among theirselves on game nights in front of the kids. Rowan has regressed 4 years since Preston left, I hope their happy over there, They got what they wanted, I know coach Preston is cause he's 9-0. Rowan will finish 2-8.:Clap: :argue: :moon:
hate to hear it for rowan
This is awful
thats terrible
Preston was a tremendous coach, He's proved that by making Rowan the leading rushing team in the state last year. I'll tell you what kind of coach he is, At the Fort Harrod bowl some of his ole rowan players were there, After they beat North Laurel 49-7, He took his ole Rowan players out to dinner with his Western team and treated them like they were still his players and he was still their coach, Now that's class.
He got Rowan headed in the right direction, I can't figure out how it's got back in the shape it's in.
Thats aweomse what the coach preston did...wish them the best hard rowan championships are won in the off-season
I hate quitters!
I'd just like to know why these kids are quitting.

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