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Can someone tell me the difference...
between BGR Point and BGR Cash?
I wouldn't mind knowing the difference myself.
yea im still yet to figure that out..
i think the cash might be used for something different. Like clothing or something. But who knows?
Too bad i dont have any cash..
I had cash then it was all turned to points but others have cash. I tried to get an answer but with no success.
Still no one knows?
I wish I knew also. I like seeing cash beside my name. Makes me feel like I actually have money for a change. LOL

Too bad I don't have any cash.
Well I am not sure on the difference right now but i am gonna keep trying to save up and get me something off here lol
I agree Dirty30.
I have almost 10000 points, but no cash. Id really like for someone to get on here and explain how you get cash.
We are going by points not cash. QQ will turn the cash off...
Yes, I talked to QQ and he said that the Cash was just a glitch from the switch from cash to points. He is taking it off and everyone will now go by BGRPoints instead of cash.
Thank You Thank You Thank YOu.

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