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Virigie wins first night in Lexington Tourney!
:lol: [flash width=100 height=100] Virgie won tonight -- not sure of the score -- but playing tomorrow at 2 --- GO EAGLES![/flash]
Good job eagles any idea on who they play

and did SF win
Go Thin Man ....Go!!!!!!
Clarification.....THIN MAN ....You catch the minnows & we'll go fishin'.
Well best of luck to them. any stats please post them..
Good luck to the Eagles! It's good to see them goin' down there and takin' care of business. Smile
I think they might have a chance to make some big noise down there.....I listed to them on the radio the other night and seems they have played well all season across the state!
They really have a good chance at winning this from what I've heard... goodluck guys!
r they playing today
Do you know if either Dorton or South Floyd won?
Dorton and Virgie are still in the tournament . Virgie plays tomorrow at 10:00 am. I am not sure about Dorton. I don't know if SF is still in the game or not. I know the Eagles are a talented team, and can play with the best of them. I hope they come home with a title......I know they can do it!

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