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Pikeville vs Phelps -- Predictions
phs1986 Wrote:FIRST off... I don't play the number card... WHATEVER you think that is... and secondly, I don't have to MAKE excuses for the kids at Phelps... people like YOU do it for them! BY reading the stuff that is posted (ALWAYS negative) about them! As for the "amount" of kids at PHS.... I bet there are more than 55 in the senior class over there aren't they?? I don't knock ANY child.. and these kids are just that... KIDS... be it from Phelps, Pikeville, Belfry, PC, or SV... it's NOT the kids.. BUT the adults who tear the kids down!!! Kids can sling trash at each other but adults shouldn't throw it back!! THAT was my point!!!!!! I don't condone a losing attitude BUT you play with WHAT you have! PERIOD!!!!!! Your pride can get the best of ya and some of these kids wear it on their sleeve! I only pray that the adults can contain themselves during the game and let the kids be kids and play the game! (HOW is that for some NUMBERS????)

Sorry, but you DID say that 'Phelps doesn't have 500 students' and 'they dont dress out 75'....maybe you didnt mean it as 'an excuse' but thats sure how it sounded....and noone ever doubted the fact that 'Phelps works as hard as other teams'
Thank you!
Phelps will never compete with Pikeville in Football.

There are no if ands or buts about that comment.
Hey Train calm down you and phs 1986 are gettin to rowdy

NA.... you would have to know me... it takes WWAAYYYYYY more than this to "push my buttons" and OH... BTW... NO one said they could complete with them... DID THEY???? I basically said they are good kids who don't deserve to be dissed at every waking moment!!! See..... that wasn't so bad now was it??
phs1986 Wrote:NA.... you would have to know me... it takes WWAAYYYYYY more than this to "push my buttons" and OH... BTW... NO one said they could complete with them... DID THEY???? I basically said they are good kids who don't deserve to be dissed at every waking moment!!! See..... that wasn't so bad now was it??

you talk about all the negativity towards kids at phelps, then you turn around and agree with someone from pikeville that your kids at phelps cant compete with them. i think someone needs to take a step back and reevaluate what is being said. i have nothing against phelps, heck im friends with someone that is closely connected to their team and he is a great guy. but that doesnt dispute the fact that phelps just cant compete with pikeville, or in some of your alls words i keep hearing, watch out pikeville your gonna get stung on friday night. i know its trash talk between every team that plays every friday, but instead of whining about a schools enrollment do something about it on friday night.
LET'S THE KIDS PLAY!!!!!! Personally, I could care less who wins AS LONG as it's a clean game and the kids are doing what they love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND oh... re-read my statement.... did I say they COULDN'T compete??>>>> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't say either way!!!! Gosh, will you quit ridin my A$$ already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your right you didnt say compete.... you said complete. i re-read your statement. im sure the folks over at pikeville care who wins since it is a district game. they want to get better every game and try to not only go deep into the playoffs but compete for state. isnt this your goal? just curious. you must care who wins because you used 53 exclamation points in your thread! also you said " i dont condone a losing attitude". then you said you didnt care who wins, which in my book would constitute that if they dont care who wins they would rather lose. quite a contradictory statement if i do say so myself. and i did just say so, because it was myself. hahahah
thanks 1986 for the laugh this morning its all in fun and i appreciate your insight. haha
Good Grief...It's Phelps and Pikeville for goodness sake, not the Steelers and Bengals.
Let the kids play.
Good luck to both teams...hope there are no injuries.
phs1986 Wrote:FIRST off... I don't play the number card... WHATEVER you think that is... and secondly, I don't have to MAKE excuses for the kids at Phelps... people like YOU do it for them! BY reading the stuff that is posted (ALWAYS negative) about them! As for the "amount" of kids at PHS.... I bet there are more than 55 in the senior class over there aren't they?? I don't knock ANY child.. and these kids are just that... KIDS... be it from Phelps, Pikeville, Belfry, PC, or SV... it's NOT the kids.. BUT the adults who tear the kids down!!! Kids can sling trash at each other but adults shouldn't throw it back!! THAT was my point!!!!!! I don't condone a losing attitude BUT you play with WHAT you have! PERIOD!!!!!! Your pride can get the best of ya and some of these kids wear it on their sleeve! I only pray that the adults can contain themselves during the game and let the kids be kids and play the game! (HOW is that for some NUMBERS????)
You dont? Just about every post Ive ever seen you make on here regarding phelps has something to do with numbers and what you guys dont have. In reality according to KHSAA numbers you guys have more students than Paintsville does and they are competitive with us.
they shouldnt be competitive with us this year pantherpride68.
Pikeville will win inna blowout.
TRAIN85 Wrote:if you are willing to put some money on it, ill take this bet all day long. your quote is the funniest thing to be posted on here all year long.

:thatsfunn this is me laughing at you.
I AGREE 100%!!!!!!!
Train and PHS....I think you 2 should kiss and makeup...Smile
:insane: Confusedmoke: :football: :igiveup:

I think this one is self explanatory!!!! LOLOLOL..... (OH..I only used 4 exclamation marks in this one)
no way will pikeville beat phelps
phatcat Wrote:no way will pikeville beat phelps

ARE YOU SERIOIUS:thatsfunn :thatsfunn
phatcat Wrote:no way will pikeville beat phelps

somebody is off their meds.:thatsfunn
TRAIN85 Wrote:they shouldnt be competitive with us this year pantherpride68.
Youre right but you missed my point altogether as usual. Paintsville usually gives us a better game than Phelps does and they have fewer kids in theyre school(and possibly the same or less amount of kids on the team) than Phelps does which kinda shoots PHS1986s theory out of the water.
ok.. both teams will play hard tonite ....
phelps and pikeville players want the respect from each other...phelps hornets are just as dedicated to the game as pikeville panthers....and will play to the best of their ability.
and with that said , shouldn't their be respect from the fans??
but wait... pikeville has no respect for any school in the COUNTY !!! but that's fine with me ..but i wonder now as to why all the COUNTY SCHOOLS supported the panthers when they were winning THEIR championships a few years back?? and believe me there are quite a few more COUNTY people out here then in the city limits!!
and now that the show of suppport goes over the hill to the belfry pirates and phillip haywood.. might be just a little bit of pressure on the panthers.... so i write this as to show that we hornet fans show respect and support for all the COUNTY teams that play to the best of their ability.
sorry panthers i haven't been on the "bandwagon" so to speak...for awhile ..BUT you are not the hottest team of OUT of the city limits!!!..:howdy:
Yes, both teams will play hard tonight and deserve alot of respect for putting on the pads and going out there.
Phelps IS just as dedicated as the Panthers.
However, You saying that "Pikeville has no repect for any school in the COUNTY"
is completly unfair and UNTRUE.
How sad that it's a county v city thing...will the county schools ever get over this???
The city school has.
Hope you are there tonight, maybe you'll be shown some well deserved respect from some very respectful people, whether they are from the city or county.
Pikeville by as much as they wont, but if they beat them 60 some to 0 i wanna hear how they have no class. Like everyone said about Valley.
To say that Pikeville has NO respect for the county schools is just crazy. We have supported Belfry through their championship runs. Guess that it is just hard to face the facts when Pikeville fans point out the obvious that most county schools arn't up the par. Phelps can't compete with Pikeville this year, the reason, I don't know. If the county people don't want to support the Panthers then so be it. Respect has to be earned on the field, and Phelps hasn't proved anything in a while.

Sorry for the cold, hard facts.
UVA_Wise_Football Wrote:Pikeville by as much as they wont, but if they beat them 60 some to 0 i wanna hear how they have no class. Like everyone said about Valley.
60-0 running the football with the JV and freshman in the game is VERY different than 79-6 throwing the football with starters in the game.
I can't believe you even brought SV up. It's a Pikeville/Phelps thread, but since you brought it up, the difference is Pikeville's coach has alot of class.
And just for you UVA Wise...Good Luck Golden Wave and Wildcats...I hope there are no injuries!!!
How can Pikeville really be considered a city? We're all country teams around here. There aren't really any cities in Ky until you get out to the middle and western part of the state. We're all country here and I for one am proud of it.
Theyre just saying some Pikeville Panthers mis represent the school and atheletics by stating that they are better..I have nothing against any of them myself...there are people like that from every school.
PantherPride68 Wrote:Youre right but you missed my point altogether as usual. Paintsville usually gives us a better game than Phelps does and they have fewer kids in theyre school(and possibly the same or less amount of kids on the team) than Phelps does which kinda shoots PHS1986s theory out of the water.

WHATEVER.... you say.. PP68... whatever.... I'm done here.. good luck to both teams and I hope it goes well tonight!
UVA_Wise_Football Wrote:Pikeville by as much as they wont, but if they beat them 60 some to 0 i wanna hear how they have no class. Like everyone said about Valley.

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