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Madden 07
Here is a quick look at the new Madden 07. Looks pretty good to me.
I don't see enough of a change to spend the kind of money that it will cost for a while after it comes out
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Looks good to me, Ive bought every one thats come out so far no need to stop
BurntTires Wrote:Looks good to me, Ive bought every one thats come out so far no need to stop

That's what I've thought so far, but, with all the new stuff they tried to do in 06, it seems like they might push the new one over the edge of fun and to the point of too hard and too stupid. I'm just so used to playing Madden in one style with all the same buttons, that change seems to ruin it (I know you can change the controller configuration, but you get my point)
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I'll buy it because I love Madden, but what I'm really excited about is the new NFL Coach game. I mean it allows you to sign players create an in depth playbook. For me its not just about the gameplay, I like to use alot of strategy and put alot of thinking into how I play. This game sounds perfect for me.
madden is the samr thing over
and over
Hey anyone who has madden 07 on 360 hit me up for a game.
stud i got it on 360 whats ur gamertag
hey I got it havent plaed it online yet by love the new lead blocker mode added its great
i play it but on ps2 i'm not rich enoguh for 360 yet lol and reggie bush is the man!! he's tied for the fastest back in the game and has the highest agility well he's the best other than Shaun alexander which is just unfair kinda like Ray Lewis in 05
superstar mode makes me really angry sometimes. .lol.. but i love this game...
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Has anyone realized how you can actually get a good player that's not about to retire in free agency on this one? I was able to sign Sean Taylor last night after my first season.
i haven't made it through a season yet..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
i just realized i have xbox live.. so if you got a 360 then give me a yell.. from 6-10 p.m. i'm crazytaxidriver.. yay..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Im thinking about buying it, but can't make up my mind yet. Would you all recommend it?
I'm a Madden fanatic so of course I say yes. I guess it depends more on which games you typically enjoy.
is anyone goin to be playing this on live for the 360 tonite?? if so send me a message
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Madden 07 For Xbox 360 Is Awesome
alfus21 Wrote:Im thinking about buying it, but can't make up my mind yet. Would you all recommend it?

For 360 i would say 100%. and for playstation2 it is not as good as the 360 but still a awesome game
Its a good game but don't care to much for the superstar mode.
I love it.
I have an XboX, so I might go out and see if I can get it used somewhere around here this week.
I just got it and the superstar mode is crazyother than that I like it
Is there ANYWAY YOU CAN TURN QB vison off when you play online???
isn't qb vision optional all the time on 07
t-cat50 Wrote:isn't qb vision optional all the time on 07

For rookie, pro, and all-pro, QB vision can be either set to on, off, or optional. On all-madden, QB vision MUST be on.
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Yeah but can you turn it off to play online??
Madden is a great game. The graphics for 360 are unreal. I think the gameplay is alot better on 07 than on 06.
Please answer this someone if u do know the answer to the question?

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