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Fleming Vs. Estill Predictions
Play At Fleming
Fleming Definately
Fleming by 10
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Fleming by 25+
Fleming will win this game easily...i will say 49-14
Fleming but alot
Fleming By 14
fleming by at least 3 tds
As much as they want
49-6 Flemming
Fleming had a pretty evenly matched game with East Carter yesterday so I am just wondering how focused and prepared they will be for this game. I know it is hard to concentrate on what needs to be done on a short week. Especially when district ratings are on the line.
Fleming, by a landslide.
Fleming by 20+.
What Is Flemings record anyways
FC by 30

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