09-23-2006, 10:48 PM
Pburg should win by as much as they want !
09-23-2006, 10:51 PM
This might be a better game than some think! I will still have to take Prestonsburg in this match up!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
09-23-2006, 11:10 PM
Prestonsburg by alot!!!
09-23-2006, 11:16 PM
blackcat_student Wrote:Pburg should win by as much as they want !
Lets hope its not that much because Pburg might get bashed on here like Shelby Valley did that one time
09-23-2006, 11:17 PM
Pburg by 3 or 4 TD's
09-23-2006, 11:32 PM
Prestonsburg will win. They are still stronger than alot of teams in the area.
09-23-2006, 11:56 PM
Prestonsburg :1:
09-24-2006, 03:13 AM
Maggoffin- a little
Prestonsburg- As much as Coach Derossett wants
Prestonsburg- As much as Coach Derossett wants
09-24-2006, 03:52 AM
pburg big!!
09-24-2006, 10:09 AM
dfblackcat53 Wrote:Maggoffin- a little
Prestonsburg- As much as Coach Derossett wants
Magoffin might not win, but they will give them a better games than last year. They would have to though, wouldn't they? I mean Prestonsburg would never run the score up now would they!!! UH OH let's revisit last year's game a second...P-burg 83 MC 12 no running up the score there!:Angry07: In 2004 it was P-burg 61 MC 12, no running up there ....as much anyway. :Angry07: In 2003 MC lost big, but was given the win 2-0, due to P-burgs forfeit. My point and sarcism to this , is because Prestonsburg seems to love to run the score as high as they can, anytime they can, well against MC anyway. Yes MC is not a powerhouse, but no team needs to lose 83-12. Belfry could have 2 weeks ago, but Coach Haywood wouldn't allow it. 83 points in a game is just a direct action from one team to make the other team look as bad as they can. That is not sportmanship in my book! :booo:
09-24-2006, 10:13 AM
09-24-2006, 11:02 AM
P'burg will win by as much as they can. They will run the score up as far as they can.
Good Luck Magoffin
Good Luck Magoffin
09-24-2006, 01:01 PM
yeah i agree P-Burg will run the score up anytime they got the chance to im goin to say
09-24-2006, 01:01 PM
yeah i agree P-Burg will run the score up anytime they got the chance to im goin to say
09-24-2006, 05:46 PM
I honlestly think that magoffin might make this game better than it sounds.
magoffin co:28
magoffin co:28
09-24-2006, 06:29 PM
the voice Wrote:Magoffin might not win, but they will give them a better games than last year. They would have to though, wouldn't they? I mean Prestonsburg would never run the score up now would they!!! UH OH let's revisit last year's game a second...P-burg 83 MC 12 no running up the score there!:Angry07: In 2004 it was P-burg 61 MC 12, no running up there ....as much anyway. :Angry07: In 2003 MC lost big, but was given the win 2-0, due to P-burgs forfeit. My point and sarcism to this , is because Prestonsburg seems to love to run the score as high as they can, anytime they can, well against MC anyway. Yes MC is not a powerhouse, but no team needs to lose 83-12. Belfry could have 2 weeks ago, but Coach Haywood wouldn't allow it. 83 points in a game is just a direct action from one team to make the other team look as bad as they can. That is not sportmanship in my book! :booo:
I played in all of these games you mention. Last year was my senior year, I played the first quater, half of the second, and the first series in the third, as well as the other starters, then we were benched. Becuase Magoffin Counties program was weak, I missed over half of a game my senior year, who should complain, me or you? One of our tds was even scored by a defensive linemen. The rest of the game was played by freshman. One freshman broke like 8 tackles in about a 40 yard run before hitting pay dirt. What else do you want Prestonsburg to do? Punt on second down?
Good Luck this week P-burg. Smack 'em in the mouth.
09-24-2006, 10:24 PM
P-Burg 42
Magoffin 6
Magoffin 6
09-25-2006, 12:25 AM
anyone can loose on any given night just remember. If MC comes out and plays with all their heart then that is all the MC fans can ask for and i will be proud of the team no matter what the numbers is on the board. We are building our program and i for one have always like starting from the bottom and then move to the top and i'm sure with our new coach its not going to take long to get to the top. I just hope and pray that not one player on either team gets hurt. Good Luck to both teams.
09-25-2006, 12:28 AM
p-burg by a touchdown
09-25-2006, 01:41 AM
BC75 Wrote:I played in all of these games you mention. Last year was my senior year, I played the first quater, half of the second, and the first series in the third, as well as the other starters, then we were benched. Becuase Magoffin Counties program was weak, I missed over half of a game my senior year, who should complain, me or you? One of our tds was even scored by a defensive linemen. The rest of the game was played by freshman. One freshman broke like 8 tackles in about a 40 yard run before hitting pay dirt. What else do you want Prestonsburg to do? Punt on second down?
Good Luck this week P-burg. Smack 'em in the mouth.
09-25-2006, 04:09 AM
BC75 Wrote:I played in all of these games you mention. Last year was my senior year, I played the first quater, half of the second, and the first series in the third, as well as the other starters, then we were benched. Becuase Magoffin Counties program was weak, I missed over half of a game my senior year, who should complain, me or you? One of our tds was even scored by a defensive linemen. The rest of the game was played by freshman. One freshman broke like 8 tackles in about a 40 yard run before hitting pay dirt. What else do you want Prestonsburg to do? Punt on second down?
Good Luck this week P-burg. Smack 'em in the mouth.
Its ok you can be classless with us Valley people. P-burg by as much as they want!
09-25-2006, 12:10 PM
sportsfan Wrote:anyone can loose on any given night just remember. If MC comes out and plays with all their heart then that is all the MC fans can ask for and i will be proud of the team no matter what the numbers is on the board. We are building our program and i for one have always like starting from the bottom and then move to the top and i'm sure with our new coach its not going to take long to get to the top. I just hope and pray that not one player on either team gets hurt. Good Luck to both teams.
Good Post.
09-25-2006, 12:11 PM
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:Its ok you can be classless with us Valley people. P-burg by as much as they want!
Might as well, it seems that I have to wear that label because I was a blackcat.
09-25-2006, 06:14 PM
P-Burg by 2 touchdowns goodluck Magoffin do your best
09-25-2006, 08:36 PM
Pburg by as much as they want
09-25-2006, 10:23 PM
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:Its ok you can be classless with us Valley people. P-burg by as much as they want!
Yup come on Pburg be like us lol..

Pbugh by as many as 40
09-25-2006, 11:22 PM
the voice Wrote:Magoffin might not win, but they will give them a better games than last year. They would have to though, wouldn't they? I mean Prestonsburg would never run the score up now would they!!! UH OH let's revisit last year's game a second...P-burg 83 MC 12 no running up the score there!:Angry07: In 2004 it was P-burg 61 MC 12, no running up there ....as much anyway. :Angry07: In 2003 MC lost big, but was given the win 2-0, due to P-burgs forfeit. My point and sarcism to this , is because Prestonsburg seems to love to run the score as high as they can, anytime they can, well against MC anyway. Yes MC is not a powerhouse, but no team needs to lose 83-12. Belfry could have 2 weeks ago, but Coach Haywood wouldn't allow it. 83 points in a game is just a direct action from one team to make the other team look as bad as they can. That is not sportmanship in my book! :booo:
ok..first of all prestonsburg didnt try to run up the ball..the whole fourth quarter, the freshmen team was in, and ran RUN PLAYS..what do you expect us to do, take a knee?
09-26-2006, 07:07 AM
p-burg wins by 3-4 tds
09-26-2006, 12:56 PM
warriorpride Wrote:I honlestly think that magoffin might make this game better than it sounds.
magoffin co:28
Magoffin has only scored 26 points there last two seasons playing Prestonsburg ! And if they score 28 that will be when we but our Adams's middle school B team in !
09-26-2006, 02:34 PM
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