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Phelps at Allen Central.
Does anyone have the scores for last nights games. Also heard there was a confrontation after the games , does anyone know what that was about.

Oversite06 Wrote:Does anyone have the scores for last nights games. Also heard there was a confrontation after the games , does anyone know what that was about.

:popcorn: Lady hornets game ,,vs. paintsville---------21-17 & 21-12
the girls were beaten by paintsville,, 21-16 & 21-10 ..
i think..(LOL)
as for a "confrontation??? :argue: LOL that's why i'm always "fetching" the bus after games!!!!!

LMAO.... way to keep yourself outta trouble Sue-Katt!!! Smile
what happened
it stems from using time and hurt feelings.
head coaches' responsibility is to handle the parents AND the players..but yet these go hand in hand..don't ya think???can it be figured out as to who comes first??? and the head coach has final say so no matter what.
So an Irate Mommy or Daddy confronted the Coach?
Listen guys - I have read all the posts and I think what most is forgetting is maybe some of the kids get on this site. I have yet to see a post on some of the good spikes or plays some of the players made during the game. I think we all need to remember that it is a game and these kids are giving their all. It seems more adults are too worried over missing some "after game action" than on the game itself. If people is really interested - then we should see more fans in the stands. Then you would not have to get second hand accounts and scores. The coaching staff is doing their best. Rules and regulations have changed since some of us were in school. I appreciate everyone being interested in Phelps but please be interested for the right reasons - the kids!!!!!! I am a parent of one of the kids playing and also a wife to one of the asst. coaches. (this should let everyone know who I am) Playing time is decided by the head coach for "A" team but the asst. coaches decide for "B" team and they try their best to play every girl. I just wonder if the season was a winning season would so many judgements be made in the negitive? You know the old saying "Everyone loves a winner". And remember some of the "B" team girls do have their own season comming up in the spring with the junior high volleyball. Every parent and every child is not going to be pleased with every game - that is totally impossible. All I'm asking is to give the kids credit for a change.
:howdy: At least a solid opinion , exactly what i was hopeing for, someone else to speak out what is important so everyone else would think about it, not just one person , not just one player, but all the kids, it should fun and not frustrateing , wanted to see if someone would touch the right thoughts and how long it would take . i hope everyone else now will think along those lines and enjoy the games left , and the kids too, winning is just a small part of it. Thank you for the comments . This is my last one as i leave you all to think about it.
I'm Sue-Katt... one of the asst. coaches for phelps volleyball(and no i'm NOT married to exterra) Smile that's the other coach.
well said "Exie"!!! lol
We have a great bunch of girls on the volleyball team, and they love the game so much.. we do try our best to play each and everyone of them that are on the b-team..and yeah we've won a few and we have also lost a few but either way i am very proud be a part of it. some say that b-team isn't important to winning, but just look at these girls and tell them it doesn't matter whether you win or lose and you talk about hurt pride! and they wonder as to why even try if it doesn't matter? it matters to us !!!
True we do not decide the starters or playing time for varsity that is up to the head coach and she does what she feels is right.sure some are going to get upset when their taken out but that goes with the frustration of having a bad game and the player knows this ..but sometimes parents just don't understand.
so everyone come to a game and support the lady hornets volleyball...We have the best popcorn this side of the state thanks to "EXIE"!!!
So think positive not the negative .......
Nice post by all three of you.
Kids should come first. Unfortunatly most of the time Parents think of their child only.
A JV coach has one responsibility to get those kids ready for A team play. I have been blessed with a great JV coach, and I have been cursed in the past as well.
I love watching Volleyball for many reasons the biggest one is that most fans have no clue as to what is being called or why certain moves are made or not made.
I saw phelps play last year and I watched them a couple of weeks ago at Belfry and I think they are on the right track. Give them some time allow the kids to grow mature and the coachs the same opportuinty.
WOW!!!!! I am shocked!! This has turned into a GREAT thread!!! Sue/Exterra3... I'm proud of you girls!!! Smile..... I AGREE with yas 100% as we do have kids reading this stuff. Give our babies a little bit of time and they will be "doin their thang"... LOL.... Nice posts to those 2 and the last four total!! and OH... if my baby wants to stay with me tomorrow call... your sis-in-law has the #.....
Doc Holliday Wrote:Nice post by all three of you.
Kids should come first. Unfortunatly most of the time Parents think of their child only.
A JV coach has one responsibility to get those kids ready for A team play. I have been blessed with a great JV coach, and I have been cursed in the past as well.
I love watching Volleyball for many reasons the biggest one is that most fans have no clue as to what is being called or why certain moves are made or not made.
I saw phelps play last year and I watched them a couple of weeks ago at Belfry and I think they are on the right track. Give them some time allow the kids to grow mature and the coachs the same opportuinty.

Well stated Doc...sometimes coaches can't get players in the game. Phelps coach (last year) set their program back two years. They do have a nice athlete who is injured and will make a good setter next year. Glad to see a renewed interest there.

Most fans don't even know out calls.


Thanks for recent kind words...they were greatly appreciated.
Doc Holliday Wrote:Nice post by all three of you.
Kids should come first. Unfortunatly most of the time Parents think of their child only.
A JV coach has one responsibility to get those kids ready for A team play. I have been blessed with a great JV coach, and I have been cursed in the past as well.
I love watching Volleyball for many reasons the biggest one is that most fans have no clue as to what is being called or why certain moves are made or not made.
I saw phelps play last year and I watched them a couple of weeks ago at Belfry and I think they are on the right track. Give them some time allow the kids to grow mature and the coachs the same opportuinty.

Doc, you're right on target, it's all for the KIDS. Parents raise, Coaches coach, Fans support. Our Kids are what we teach them. Look for the good in the matches, not the negatives. When a team is loosing, a Coach will try anything to get on track. Make the right decision and you're a Hero, make the wrong decision and you're everybody's goat. Phelps has a good program, just time to mature. Besides the Popcorn, the Hot Dogs are great, too.:popcorn:

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