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What wins big Games???
What wins the big ones??? Is it Talent,coaching or just plain luck. Some will say all of the above which is true but I like the talent factor above all. What's your thoughts????
From what I have seen over the years, it talent alone can win games. But to win the big games, such as tourney, it takes more than talent. It takes a good coach and disipline from the players. Athletes will only take you so far, but there has to be a game plan and a good coach. Players have to have respect and confidence in their coaches to get the job done in the long run though.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Psychology. Players have to have someone that can keep their heads screwed on the right way, with no distractions.
uh..offense and defense is what wins the games
what wins games is HEART!!!!!! you have all the talent in the world and get by someone who has more heart than you!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel that the players have to have the determination to win and the coach also has to use his head and choose the right plays to win big games. (a little bit of talent helps too)
1. Heart
2. Discipline
3. Confidence
4. Defence
5. Talent
6. Offence
In that order
What wins games is all 11 ppl play 100% if u mess up do it full speed. U gotta have HEART and what to win the game. Discipline is a big part of winning, Confidence u always have to have that.
I'm gonna say a little heart along with alot of chemistry, I'll take that as a coach over just talent anytime.
How about
and lots of em!
being 6'8" that can shoot the rock doesnt hurt
i agree with everyone on this, being 6'8 and shooting the lights out would be great, having all the talent in the world, being in great shape out running the other team down there court ..but what wins games is Heart!
Staying together the whole game, and playing big in the 4th quarter.
Defense is a must. Teams that play great defense will win games. Offense will be off some nights, but defense needs to always be there. Teamwork is another. Playing together is very important in every ball game.
heart, and dedicatin to the sport will win ball games
I agree with Godspeed and with Powell Fan 1 also need to listen to what the coach tells you to do...because most of them know what they are talking about because they have been in that postion before.
Defense, Heart, and doing the little things is what wins ball games. Diving on the floor, Blocking out, going so hard you cant go anymore. Powell Fan 1 is right, offense is off some nights, but if you play defense, go hard, and do the little things you will definitely win ball games.
Having more points than your opponent?
To win big games you need leadership from seniors and heart. If you have the will to win and the experience you'll win most of the big ones
i agree with everyone on here that has said that it takes heart and that is well said but no one is saying very much about defence thats what in my opion what wins ya the ball games you can only score 2 points in a game and win if you hold the other team to 1 or none a team has just gotta play defence with heart

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