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15th Region
Who does you think will win the 15th Region Tourny???
Shelby Valley
Pburg has a good shot at it
Pburg, Valley, or Belfry
i think it will be one of these teams... unless they dont make it to the region
Shelby Valley is my top choice.
IF Valley gets beat, it could go to anyone in the 15th. Some teams are better than others but in tourney time they'll even out.
P-burg, Valley, or Belfry is also my choice.
Prestonsburg, Valley, Belfry, and Johnson Central are my top choices right now.
those look good to me 15thRC
I think Shelby Valley has the best chance..but Belfry, Pburg, or JC could just as easily get outta the 15th.
My money would go on SV or P-Burg. However, Belfry has a good shot, and soo does PC(IF they can pull it together)
Betsy Layne is looking pretty good right now and they are getting hot at the right time.
"NothingButNet" Wrote:Betsy Layne is looking pretty good right now and they are getting hot at the right time.
Who has Betsy Layne played? They just got stomped by Prestonsburg no more than a week and a half ago. I don't see how you can say they are getting hot and looking good. :roll:
They are on a 3 or 4 game winning streak and Coach Rose has his team getting hot goin into tourney team so i would watch out.
P-burg is my favorite...., & I have my own reasons for that .....
Could there be another party at the "Mouth" of Caney this year?????
I don't have a dog in the race any more....however , the winner can party at my house.
I think I'm going to exclude Belfry from my list and just say it's going to be between Valley and Prestonsburg. These two will play each other in the regional tournament sometime or another and whoever wins between these two will win region.
I agree BCF4L.. I think it will be Prestonsburg or Shelby Valley also
Central, Valley, or P-Town.
I think that Central has a good chance if they play like a team.

Otherwise, Valley.
Hey if u remember last year when P-Burg upset Valley P-Burg was picked to beat Central but central came in and i wouldnt say distroyed but beat them very convencingly but this game is played at Valley with 2 diff teams. Im going to have to go with Valley they play to well at home and havent been beaten at home this season.
Valley I think will come out rusty. To my knowledge, they haven't played a real team in like 3 weeks. The Piarist game was their last game which was sometime last week, but actual competition had to be what? Lex Cath? They could come out flat in district tourney and may have trouble with Pikeville. You never know how that could turn out.
I also think it will be between Valley and Pburg. The 15th region has drawn one of the toughets regions in the state. So good luck in the regional to all the teams, hopefully whoever wins can put on a good show against some Lexington teams.

P-burg, Valley, or Central, one of these teams will win it.
Ill say Valley or Central
not that bold of a prediction tho cuz i havent got to see either team play too much...

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