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Fire Rich Brooks
Can we please fire this idot, he by far is the dumbest coach in the land. Has no clue how to coach a little league team.:argue:
Why? You are playing one of the top teams in the nation with only 6 recruited seniors on the team.
Way too early for this thread, but I expect nothing more or less from Kentucky fans.
How is Micah Johnson not on the field????? Reminds me of Curry making Couch sit! Just like basketball..really, Tubby and Brooks are JUST ALIKE in there coaching ways!
I have never like the guy, what has he done since he's been there, nothing, it doesnt matter if they were playing pee-wee ball they still suck, 350+ yards rushing come on, you dont give up that amount without something being wrong. They had the same problem last year and still havent fixed it. And then you give up 58 points and 7 rushing TDs there is a big problem.
right..and that is against a throw first offense!
UL is a throw first offense?
Batpuff Wrote:I have never like the guy, what has he done since he's been there, nothing, it doesnt matter if they were playing pee-wee ball they still suck, 350+ yards rushing come on, you dont give up that amount without something being wrong. They had the same problem last year and still havent fixed it. And then you give up 58 points and 7 rushing TDs there is a big problem.

This is a young defense. It was the first game of the year. It was against one of the top 5 offenses in college football. I didn't expect Louisville to run for 350 yards this game either, but I wasn't expecting us to shut them down either. Way too early to be throwing out "fire Rich Brooks", especially with this young team that he is just starting to mold.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:right..and that is against a throw first offense!

What are you talking about? They have been a lead rushing team for the last 3 years. Bush lead the nation in rushing touchdowns last year. At least know what you're talking about before you come in here throwing around stuff like that.
alfus21 Wrote:This is a young defense. It was the first game of the year. It was against one of the top 5 offenses in college football. I didn't expect Louisville to run for 350 yards this game either, but I wasn't expecting us to shut them down either. Way too early to be throwing out "fire Rich Brooks", especially with this young team that he is just starting to mold.

Its the same every year with them, and I am not just taling about the UL game. Yea the corners were ok, but they still gave up almost if not 300 yards passing. They did put alot of heat on QB but that could have been with them tring to stop the run which they didnt do, it didnt matter who had the ball in there hand they had almost a 8 yard gain each time they touched the ball. burton and Lyons was the two bright spots, They move Jones to offense and then they dont even put him on the field until its late in the game and throw to him twice. They really need to find out what they are doing there.
I could understand not having this thread if he had more than one "great" year at Oregon in 18 years...
Ky Football

2003- to date Brooks record drops to 9 and 26

2001-02 Morriss was 9 and 14
97-2000 Mumme was 20 and 26
1990-96 Curry was 26 and 52
1982-89 Claiborne 41 and 46
1973-81 Curci 47 and 51
1969-72 Ray 10 and 33
1962-68 Bradshaw 25 and 41
1954-61 Collier 41 and 36
1946-53 Bryant 60 and 23
UK Football is much like the the film JFK. It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma!
Another long year for the Cats....
BurntTires Wrote:Another long year for the Cats....

Gee, you must be a psychic or the best football minded person in the nation knowing that after 1 game against a top team in the nation.
we will win against texas state, and all will be better.
Yea we may win against Texas State but how does thatmake us a better team than we have been in the past. ?
i'm 2 mad 2 even talk about it...
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:How is Micah Johnson not on the field????? Reminds me of Curry making Couch sit! Just like basketball..really, Tubby and Brooks are JUST ALIKE in there coaching ways!
Micah Johnson and David Jones were suspended for the first half against Louisville due to violations of team rules.
Maybe we should know the facts before trashing the coach in their "coaching ways".
They both, Johnson and Jones, played in the 2nd half.
I applaud Brooks for having the guts to bench players for breaking team rules.
Batpuff Wrote:Can we please fire this idot, he by far is the dumbest coach in the land. Has no clue how to coach a little league team.:argue:
IMO, This thread is much too early in the season.
A season opening loss to one of the top offenses in the country at their home stadium does not justify being fired.
Who really thought UK could beat Louisville this year???

I'm not a huge Brooks supporter, but I think this topic is much too premature.
It is an opinionated thread starter isn't it? Don't we all have our own thoughts and opinions on this?
Wonder what it would be like today if UK had given Bryant the Caddy instead of the gold watch?
Exactly what I was thinking Old School. I for one was thrilled that UK was able to get 28 points.

I mean like the records that Doc posted you can look at that and see we shouldn't expect to much. Granted if we had been a top 40 team even and Brooks had came in here and had the record that he does now I would say fire him in a heart beat but when you only have mud and not clay its hard to mold a program. I don't like Brooks and didn't want them to hire him when they did but we can't blame it all on him look at the records of the past UK FOOTBALL SUCKS and until we get someone with a good football pedigree that wants to do it RIGHT and not violate anything we won't have a good program other than a year or so. UK just needs to decide if thats what they want and if not then I would be for UK going Division 1AA because that is where we belong.
Fire Rich Brroks in the first week of the season? Come on. It was against one of the top teams in the nation for god sakes. We wouldn't have did any better if we had another new coach this year. I still feel that we have gotten better since last season. Our offense passing game showed signs of greatness with Keenan Burton and Lyons Jr. but our offenseive line dosen't know the meaning of the word block. And our defense is terrible. Also, I did think that their was a few bad play calling by the coaches. I still feel that we will win 6 this season!!!!!
Did anyone see the graphic on the scholarships?

Brooks had done a good job building depth and getting talent, he should get this year and next to see what these recruiting classes could do.

I am concerned that we cannot get a QB
JD...You say your concerned that we cant get a good QB?....Ok put your self in a situation if you was an all american QB...went to Trinity High School or any other big named school and UK recrutied you and Louisville also recruited you and both schools told you that you would be starting which school would you choose?

My self I am a big UK fan but I would have to choose UL if I knew I was going to be starting b/c you have a lot better chance playing on sunday if you went to UL....thats my opinion
I love UK, but I quit giving to the Alumni Association a few years ago when I saw that the we were going to continue to flounder while other schools went after upper tier talent (Coachs) and players. I was not in favor of Brooks being hired, not a fan of Archer and Joker, well I think people need to review backgrounds, records and experience.
UK is a SEC school the Mecca of college football conferences and each year I think well we can at least beat Vandy. I know that if UK were a corporation, and an audit were done to evaluate the athletic programs (football) Someone would be called before the MAN. However as long as we continue to settle for a 2nd tier program we will continue to be stuck in the muck that is Kentucky football.
football05 Wrote:JD...You say your concerned that we cant get a good QB?....Ok put your self in a situation if you was an all american QB...went to Trinity High School or any other big named school and UK recrutied you and Louisville also recruited you and both schools told you that you would be starting which school would you choose?

My self I am a big UK fan but I would have to choose UL if I knew I was going to be starting b/c you have a lot better chance playing on sunday if you went to UL....thats my opinion

Perhaps UK could have made Brohms Dad an assistant AD (Alvis) or QB coach (Jeff).
I'm going to quit talking on this thread by saying that this really could be one of the most ridiculous attempts at a serious thread I've ever seen. 1 game against a top team at their place and people are bitching. I don't know what you all expected. If you expected for UK to go into Papa Johns Stadium and beat the #13 team in the country then you have more problems that I ever thought possible. Brooks finally has the scholorships to work with, and is coming off a great recruiting year. These recruits don't start paying off right away, they have to mature and learn the speed of college football. It's not rocket science but to some of you it must be. Patience is a virtue, and Brooks came to a school hit extremely hard by violations. Last year they were the most injured team in college football. Did anybody else see that stat that said there were 31 surgeries after the season was over? Playing nothing but 2nd and 3rd string guys last year, and a lot of first and 2nd year players this year. Give it time. And if you don't want to go root for another team. It's not hard to do.
Seven wins are the most they have had at UK since about 1952 when they were in the Bear Bryant era and that time period is not going to happen again. UK has managed to win 7 in a season a few more times since but no more than that. They have for the most part over the years struggled and this season will probably continue the norm. I have been aware of how they normally do each year but do not get excited one way or the other to the point of rooting for someone else. I don't think Brooks is the savior of Kentucky football and don't know if anyone out in the coaching ranks could do any better than what he has been able to do. I personally do not think it will matter when they get their players back or if they have several injured and not healthy enough to play they still will struggle on getting consistency in the win category year in and out. How can they recruit players against Tennessee, West Va., Ohio State, and even Louisville within the state and land what they want? Alot of fans have given it plenty of time( over fifty years ) and still root for them. Welcome to what Kentucky football is and that usually is mediocre at best. Look at their record for the past fifty.

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