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What's wrong with Powell co. football?
I did some research on this today,
Powell county has close to 800 kids in the school, Nice football field, Better weight room than most. They have atheletes over there, Both basketball and baseball teams have went to the state tournaments in the last 5 years. What's the problem? Why is the football team losing to Betsy lane's? No insult intended for Betsy lane, They are getting better.
Powell has 8oo kids and plays in pretty competetive 2a district.
You have got to make a change over there. No way with all their other sports having success can you blame the kids. Their isn't bad kids, There is bad coaches. When players make the same mistakes , Game after game, It's the coache's fault, Bar none. You blow a 22-12 lead to Betsy lane, Lose the game in the final 50 seconds. Can't blame the kids for that one. Powell county has talent, But what in the world is going on over there? How in the world do you even try to prepare for a district that has the likes of Russell, east carter, Morgan, Flemming when you just lost to Betsy lane. I say If your not going to go out and get a solid head coach, Just turn it into a soccer field, Cause right now It's an embarrisment.
In all honesty I think the problem isn't the coaches, facilities or anything like that, I think its the kids. Powell has been down for a little while, and a lot of kids when the going gets tough they quit. It seems to me like they don't take enough pride in their school by getting out there and helping turn things around. If the fortune of the team started to get on an upswing then more kids would come out, but until then most will sit back and let the ones that want to make a difference do the work, and they will just criticize. I, for one, am proud of any kid that plays football or any other sport at a school where they don't have a good winning tradition because they have the guts to get out there and do something most people pass up on. High school football is like nothing else. There is no greater amount of pride that a kid can have, going out under the lights, putting on their school colors, representing their school and the community in which they have grew up in. Just my two cents.
MR.FOOTBALL Wrote:I did some research on this today,
Powell county has close to 800 kids in the school, Nice football field, Better weight room than most. They have atheletes over there, Both basketball and baseball teams have went to the state tournaments in the last 5 years. What's the problem? Why is the football team losing to Betsy lane's? No insult intended for Betsy lane, They are getting better.
Powell has 8oo kids and plays in pretty competetive 2a district.
You have got to make a change over there. No way with all their other sports having success can you blame the kids. Their isn't bad kids, There is bad coaches. When players make the same mistakes , Game after game, It's the coache's fault, Bar none. You blow a 22-12 lead to Betsy lane, Lose the game in the final 50 seconds. Can't blame the kids for that one. Powell county has talent, But what in the world is going on over there? How in the world do you even try to prepare for a district that has the likes of Russell, east carter, Morgan, Flemming when you just lost to Betsy lane. I say If your not going to go out and get a solid head coach, Just turn it into a soccer field, Cause right now It's an embarrisment.

See how easy it is to BLAME the coach after you lose a game....
PHSCARD Wrote:In all honesty I think the problem isn't the coaches, facilities or anything like that, I think its the kids. Powell has been down for a little while, and a lot of kids when the going gets tough they quit. It seems to me like they don't take enough pride in their school by getting out there and helping turn things around. If the fortune of the team started to get on an upswing then more kids would come out, but until then most will sit back and let the ones that want to make a difference do the work, and they will just criticize. I, for one, am proud of any kid that plays football or any other sport at a school where they don't have a good winning tradition because they have the guts to get out there and do something most people pass up on. High school football is like nothing else. There is no greater amount of pride that a kid can have, going out under the lights, putting on their school colors, representing their school and the community in which they have grew up in. Just my two cents.

Great post:thumpsup:

Mr. Football..why in so many of your posts are you down grading Powell Co Coaches? Why just these coaches?
Boyle co. was pathetic until they hired Chuck Smith, Bell was terrible until they hired Dudley Hilton, Bourbon is terrible after Dudley left. It all begins with the head coach.
Kids are kids, If they don't have heart, They wouldn't be out there. I've seen Powell, The players are clueless. As an adult and a coach, You have to be able to take responsibility when you lose. What kind of adult or man blames 15,16,17 year old kids for a loss. Teach them correctly, Which they are not, It's obvious.
Damn right I blame the ole coach, Let's be gutless and blame the kids like a coward when They have got 3 or 4 guys who have never played or coached football on their staff. People in the stands at Berea were even talking about how their assistant coaches had no football background what-so-ever. You don't blame kids for mistakes that we as adults are supposed to correct. Player makes a mistake , Coach corrects it.
Thats pathetic Gold that you say " NONE OF THOSE KIDS HAVE ANY HEART" and that's what you said. Out of the whole team, You say none of them have any heart.
What a lame excuse to cover for your buddy. When it gets to the point you got to start blaming the kids, Your about half a man. You must be the head coach the way you talk. Any great coach will tell " They aint all bad players, only bad coaching.
Dont blame the kids for mistakes the head coach or his staff of football illiterates don't know how to fix.
i agree with mr football on this one, you can't blame the kids, its not their fault. and its true that if you DO BLAME THE KIDS then it just shows who really doesnt have the heart in this game. Because these kids go out there every friday and bust their tails for coaches who could careless
Boyle co. was pathetic until they hired Chuck Smith, Bell was terrible until they hired Dudley Hilton, Bourbon is terrible after Dudley left. It all begins with the head coach.
Kids are kids, If they don't have heart, They wouldn't be out there. I've seen Powell, The players are clueless. As an adult and a coach, You have to be able to take responsibility when you lose. What kind of adult or man blames 15,16,17 year old kids for a loss. Teach them correctly, Which they are not, It's obvious.
Damn right I blame the ole coach, Let's be gutless and blame the kids like a coward when They have got 3 or 4 guys who have never played or coached football on their staff. People in the stands at Berea were even talking about how their assistant coaches had no football background what-so-ever. You don't blame kids for mistakes that we as adults are supposed to correct. Player makes a mistake , Coach corrects it.
Thats pathetic Gold that you say " NONE OF THOSE KIDS HAVE ANY HEART" and that's what you said. Out of the whole team, You say none of them have any heart.
What a lame excuse to cover for your buddy. When it gets to the point you got to start blaming the kids, Your about half a man. You must be the head coach the way you talk. Any great coach will tell " They aint all bad players, only bad coaching.
Dont blame the kids for mistakes the head coach or his staff of football illiterates don't know how to fix.

Please quote in one of my post where I said this. You can't because I didn't and never would. I feel sorry for you that you have to get on a message board and degrade others. Kids read this, so who are you hurting....the kids, and that is sad.
I never said one thing negative about the kids, Not one, My post is stating "You never blame the kids, EVER! MAN, IT'S IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
I said Powell does have some talent and until they bring in someone who will install some pride and teach them how to give their all It will never change. Gold, I want people to know Powell isn't terrible, Their kids aren't terrible, Their coachiNG is TERRIBLE. Read my post, It all starts with the foundation the head coach lays.
Betsy lane isn't that great, But those kids believe in their head coach and would run through a brick wall for the guy. Kids aren't dumb, They know when their coach don't know. Heart comes with believing in what your doing, Believing in what your head coach is doing, Everybody believing in the system. Betsy lane hired a guy who is going to make a difference, The kids believe in him and he believes in them.
Gold, I appologise for any mis-quote and you have been rather supportive of the kids up at Powell. What's it going to take to get somebody in there who can teach these kids a sense of pride, What's it going to take to get a GOOD COACH?
Guys - Gals

Keep expressing your feeling but be sure to follow all the rules of the site. No threats, calling names or trying to identify another member. Let enjoy the site and keep it within the rules.
I can't honestly speak about the coaches at Powell but the fan support is HORRIBLE. Russell has had to travel to Powell for the last 3 years and every year the Russell fans have outnumbered the Powell fans 2-1. Powell seems not to care about the football team. It is my understanding that they were going to forfiet the Russell game last year unless Russell travelled to Powell Co.

Until they get the coaching staff settled in and the fans get behind their team I look for Powell Co football to be down for quite a while.
i think the reason powell is down is because of their O-line ,they are rlly big kids but jus dont know how to block imo
well you know its kinda hard when u have only 17 players out in a 3a school. there isnt much they can do ...there coach is an ok coach but when u lose ur qb rb and fb the week b4 the first game ...its kinda hard to play anybody without a back field..i mean they all were runnin under a 5 40 ...not like 4.6 or anything but like 4.85
n9ne 72 Wrote:well you know its kinda hard when u have only 17 players out in a 3a school. there isnt much they can do ...

Powell county is a AA school that is in Russell's district. I realize that has nothing to do with the fact they only have 17 players but they are AA.
Powell county has been down since 2001 and in 2001 that was the first team Pburg faced in the '01 playoffs and i think pburg defeated them 80-12 ! So they have been down for a long time !
Its not the coaches fault that kids aren't coming out. He is trying to turn the Powell program around so they can start winning. The kids here are just committed to one sport or their parents wont let them play because they might get hurt. I think its the parents fault more than anything...
OKAY !!!!! HERE I GO !!!!!!
Powell Co. has very little support onthe football field from what I have seen in the last 3 years. OUr fans outnumber them at there home. I dont know the coaches or the kids, but if you want to play football - PLAY !!!! The school has to do what is best for the school. If you have a loosing program, the kids do not want to be a part of it.
Make some changes SOMEWHERE!!! If it is true that the coaches do not know football, that is a shame.
My wife tells me-=" If you had the same passion for cleaning the house as you do for football, I would be the happiest woman in the world." My words to her were. "Well Honey, Looks like you will have to settle for the second happiest woman in the world because I am going to a football practice to teach kids how to play football." "I'll cuddle with ya when I get back."
You have to have passion for the sport at all times to make a difference in kids lives. You can't have the attitude, of well we can do next year.... Your seniors don't have a next year. This may be the only time that kid ever plays football in his life. It our responsibility as an adult, coach or parent to provide the best for our kids. If you dont do that............ well... I guess you can start over with another child and throw this one away. Dont live your life as COACH awaiting next years team. Give all you got NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The coaches are in to the program they just dont have the numbers for the team.
Devilologist Wrote:OKAY !!!!! HERE I GO !!!!!!
Powell Co. has very little support onthe football field from what I have seen in the last 3 years. OUr fans outnumber them at there home. I dont know the coaches or the kids, but if you want to play football - PLAY !!!! The school has to do what is best for the school. If you have a loosing program, the kids do not want to be a part of it.
Make some changes SOMEWHERE!!! If it is true that the coaches do not know football, that is a shame.
My wife tells me-=" If you had the same passion for cleaning the house as you do for football, I would be the happiest woman in the world." My words to her were. "Well Honey, Looks like you will have to settle for the second happiest woman in the world because I am going to a football practice to teach kids how to play football." "I'll cuddle with ya when I get back."
You have to have passion for the sport at all times to make a difference in kids lives. You can't have the attitude, of well we can do next year.... Your seniors don't have a next year. This may be the only time that kid ever plays football in his life. It our responsibility as an adult, coach or parent to provide the best for our kids. If you dont do that............ well... I guess you can start over with another child and throw this one away. Dont live your life as COACH awaiting next years team. Give all you got NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well the head coach has won 2 state titles. one coach has helped at lex cath when they won the state, he also helped with uk football. one coach has played football in high school and one coach its his second year and hes does a pretty good job being a two year coach. the coaches do everything in their power to help powell county. but lack of support from pretty much every where except in the field house. this makes it a little hard for kids to have the will to win when so many people are against them. the coaches are not the problem, the kids are not the problem, the problem is tha lack of support from the community and the people, parents that could care less about football and not care whether the program is successful or not. when the basketball and baseball teams win constantly and every parent in powell county has probably played basketball for powell and baseball, they dont want to that tradition to die because of football. to say its the coaches players or what ever, its not. its simply the lack of support and testicular fortitude to play foot ball. nearly 800 student about 500 males and only about 30 has it to even try football.
Originally Posted by Devilologist
OKAY !!!!! HERE I GO !!!!!!
Powell Co. has very little support onthe football field from what I have seen in the last 3 years. OUr fans outnumber them at there home. I dont know the coaches or the kids, but if you want to play football - PLAY !!!! The school has to do what is best for the school. If you have a loosing program, the kids do not want to be a part of it.

If it is true that the coaches do not know football, that is a shame.

[B]"I said IF this is true"- I did not say it was gospel.

Building a tradition takes a while, It is like weight loss...... If you dont see fast results- most people quit. BUilding a quality football program starts in the Junior league. At what age do the kids start playing football There????
Russell starts thier program at 4y/o doing flag.
At 7y/o they are in pads and playing a full game.
We currenlty have around 130 kids in our 7-10 y/o league.
38 -6th Graders playing on 6th Grade team
around 40 playing 7th and 8th grade football.

It takes alot of work at an early age to keep this going, for all parents.
Our JFL is ran by the parents, non-profit organization and we have our own field, bleechers and concessions. The school did not fund the project, the parents volunteered to build it. We probably have over 120,000 in the field total.
All on donation and volunteer time.
This is the start of it and PARENTS have to keep it going.
Thats exactly the way it is here with our youth program...we have about 50 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade players...about 40 7th and 8th graders but the middle school coaches tell the 8th graders moving on that they will get no playing time on varsity or jv games or even freshman games so they dont take the time to play for high school...its complicated
I dont no
What is wrong with them
but the middle school coaches tell the 8th graders moving on that they will get no playing time

So it is a coaching error. The school needs to do something about it then. Get that person out of there, if he is hurting your program.
Whats there record so far
Who have they played so far
They are 1-2

Losses to McCreary Central and Betsy Lane
Win against Phelps
i think that the coaches at powell county are doing a great job and anyone who thinks that dont do the best they possibly can with all the players that come out, those people sound a little jeleous to me. maybe one day you might be that good of a coach.
I think the coach at powell has forgotten more football than most coaches know so its not no ones fault but the 800 kids that dont play and the ones who play are the 25 in the school who has what it takes. Coach is doing everything he can with the cards that he was dealt and he teaches us about life and life after football so imo hes the best of the best
The coaches at Powell are doing a wonderful job there at Powell...its not there fault the kids arent coming out...and I think people are jealous because they were once part of Powell County and something happened to them where they weren't a part of that anymore...quit nagging on Powell
okay, someone is not telling the truth on here about POWELL CO. You have someone saying that the coaches are telling the boys they wont get playing time so dont go out from the 8th graders, and others who are singing the coaches praises. Okay, you guys figure it out. And I am not nagging on Powell just responding to the question posted

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