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A Pox on Both Their Houses
(10-14-2024, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-14-2024, 09:30 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-14-2024, 09:27 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-14-2024, 09:16 PM)jetpilot Wrote: No more Trump discussion with you Hoot. If I want to hear that horse sh!t I can just click on any libtard Twitter account.
Nobody is forcing you to participate, Jet. Given your contributions to this thread, you won't be missed.

I didn't say I wouldn't be posting. Read it again.
Well, I will be here. Feel free to ignore my posts, but do not expect me to reciprocate. It is a discussion forum.
I will.
[-] The following 1 user Likes jetpilot's post:
  • Hoot Gibson
(10-14-2024, 06:37 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(10-14-2024, 06:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-14-2024, 05:46 PM)jetpilot Wrote: "Cult" is a word dumb people regurgitate because their libtard TV tells them to.
"Former Trump officials" are the establishment DC lifers who hate us and dumb libtards are clueless about it like everything else.
OSH is another who never talks policies because he is just programmed to call names and "orange man bad"
Unfortunately, in many cases "former Trump officials" are people who Trump hired and then fired, who hold a grudge. Trump likes to fire and humiliate people he fires publicly, which I see as one of his greatest weaknesses.

Rest assured, I don't use the word "cult" because libtards on TV tell me to. I no longer watch political opinion shows very often. I catch an episode of Gutfeld occasionally, but that is for laughs not news or opinions.

Trump has a lot of good points, such as his courage when faced with hostile interviewers, debate moderators, and audiences. He can speak better without a teleprompter than either Harris or Biden can read a teleprompter. Harris recently got caught reading from a teleprompter at a Townhall event. Imagine how the media would respond if Trump distributed a script to reporters and then read his answers from a teleprompter. I wish that Trump were more articulate, like Vivek Ramaswamy, but I like the fact that he is not afraid to take questions from the media or audience with no advanced preparation.

I honestly cannot think of anything good to say about Kamala or Biden, and I don't recall any liberals touting their strengths in this forum. If Kamala were elected, there are some serious questions about whether she would be the first black woman to be elected president because she may have fabricated her family tree. Think about that. She was the first woman of Indian ancestry to be elected to the U.S. Senate, but she claims that she would be the first black female president if she is elected. Trump made this point in front of an audience consisting primarily of black members of the media. That kind of courage is part of the reason that Trump's support among black males is soaring.

I don't feel bad about not being able to think of anything good to say about Kamala. Maga Nuts can't think of anything positive to say about her either. Maybe OSH can come up with something.

Here's one of Trumps recent gems.  And to think, Trump supporters were fixated on dementia with regards to Biden:

This man clearly has something wrong with his mind.

“Many countries, they do that, and then all of a sudden you hear that they’re leaving Milwaukee, or they’re leaving wherever they may be located. It’s very sad to see it… and it’s so simple. I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land, or he gets the engines back.”

“That was the first I realized. I said, ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming — cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle, boom.”

“Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles, and he couldn’t fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. It was so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did that was the best thing about… that level of that circle was great, but they couldn’t get people.”

“So they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. Now we’re never going to let that happen again, but we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries.”

Tens of millions of troubled Americans , and dozens of BGR members , are gonna vote for that man to be president again. Explain that to me, someone.

This is why they won't allow him to do any more debates or interviews with real journalists.  His focus is really declining at a faster rate than Biden's, which is scary.  This wouldn't be as troubling if he had picked someone like Haley or Rubio as his VP to take over as President after a few months or so, but Vance is possibly as dangerous as Trump.
Anybody who has seen Biden wandering around lost on multiple occasions until somebody leads him to the stairs like a seeing eye dog or fall repeatedly trying to climb a flight of stairs; and anyone who has watched Kamala Harris try to compose coherent sentences when asked softball interview questions, and then questions Trump's mental acuity is showing some serious political bias.

Harris will finally make her first appearance on Fox News today for an interview with Brett Baer, in an act of desperation. She is also begging Trump to debate her again after dodging interviews and avoiding holding press conferences for nearly her entire campaign. Why? Because both her internal polls and Trump's polls show that she is trailing Trump in nearly every battleground state and that Trump has the momentum. As long as she continues to bomb even softball interviews the way that she has been doing, her gap in the polls is only going to get worse.

If she manages to avoid looking foolish during today's interview, it will be a major improvement. Baer is a fair interviewer and if she can't handle the predictable questions that he will ask her, then the next three weeks are going to be the longest ones of her life. Is it too late for Democrats to send in a pinch hitter for the pinch hitter that they inserted for Biden? Yes it is too late. They had one do-over and they blew the opportunity.
I don't blame Kamala for wanting to debate Trump again. He was doing great on issues, but when she personalized the attack, he acted like a child!

I wonder how she would do against Vance. He throttled Tim.
(10-16-2024, 08:48 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: I don't blame Kamala for wanting to debate Trump again.  He was doing great on issues, but when she personalized the attack, he acted like a child!

I wonder how she would do against Vance.  He throttled Tim.
Trump always acts like a child during debates. That "strategy" has worked for him in the past. I don't understand the appeal of a candidate behaving as Trump does during debates and tagging potential future political allies with nicknames like "Lyin' Ted" Cruz, "Little Marco" Rubio, "Krispy Kreme" Christie, and "Ron DeSanctimonious" DeSantis, will never make sense to me.

Even giving demeaning names to political opponents, with whom you may be negotiating in the future and using those names in public makes no sense to me. I believe that it is part of the reason that Trump did not have many legislative wins as president, even during the two years that his own party controlled Congress. He had trouble working with "Broken Old Crow" Mitch McConnell to get his agenda through the Senate.

I believe that Vance would make Kamala look like the complete fool that she is in a debate, without making himself look petty in the process.
(10-16-2024, 08:48 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: I don't blame Kamala for wanting to debate Trump again.  He was doing great on issues, but when she personalized the attack, he acted like a child!

I wonder how she would do against Vance.  He throttled Tim.

Vance would destroy her. Not a fair fight.
I'm still amused by people trashing Trump for air quotes *talking mean* after all Democrats and RINOs have done to him. Clips of Biden saying he wants Trump in jail all over the internet today. Good for Trump, F these people and the donkeys they rode in on. They deserve everything they get and 100x more. And save your responses, talk to the hand...
I'm amused that anybody would think that Trump began calling people names as a reaction to things that RINOs and Democrats did to him. The childish name calling began early in the 2016 campaign, before anybody thought Trump had any chance of becoming president. The problem is not "mean" talking, the problem is the image that a president projects by referring to potential allies  and political enemies by nicknames that a third grader might use. It's unprofessional and just plain dumb.
^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
(10-16-2024, 11:09 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
You would probably be a perfect fit in a Trump administration, but who knows, Steve Bannon was a Trump yes man and he lasted less than a year before he was forced out.
(10-16-2024, 11:15 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 11:09 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
You would probably be a perfect fit in a Trump administration, but who knows, Steve Bannon was a Trump yes man and he lasted less than a year before he was forced out.

Thanks. I would be honored to have a position in my dream world lol. If he asked me anything I would always tell him what I thought no matter if he liked it or not, and I would wake up every day knowing it could be my last day on the job. One of Trump's weaknesses IMO is he doesn't know who to listen to and who to ignore sometimes. It's caused him a ton of trouble.
(10-16-2024, 07:30 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Anybody who has seen Biden wandering around lost on multiple occasions until somebody leads him to the stairs like a seeing eye dog or fall repeatedly trying to climb a flight of stairs; and anyone who has watched Kamala Harris try to compose coherent sentences when asked softball interview questions, and then questions Trump's mental acuity is showing some serious political bias.

Harris will finally make her first appearance on Fox News today for an interview with Brett Baer, in an act of desperation. She is also begging Trump to debate her again after dodging interviews and avoiding holding press conferences for nearly her entire campaign. Why? Because both her internal polls and Trump's polls show that she is trailing Trump in nearly every battleground state and that Trump has the momentum. As long as she continues to bomb even softball interviews the way that she has been doing, her gap in the polls is only going to get worse.

If she manages to avoid looking foolish during today's interview, it will be a major improvement. Baer is a fair interviewer and if she can't handle the predictable questions that he will ask her, then the next three weeks are going to be the longest ones of her life. Is it too late for Democrats to send in a pinch hitter for the pinch hitter that they inserted for Biden? Yes it is too late. They had one do-over and they blew the opportunity.

I'm not a fan of Harris, so she has nothing to do with Trump's state of decline.  Did you see his interview with Bloomberg yesterday?  He could not answer a single question without rambling on incoherently on things that did not pertain to the questions.  When Micklethwait kept reminding him what the questions were about, Trump eventually got mad and did his usual routine of trying to belittle.  It was sad and also scary to think that he could possibly win the Presidency.  What happened at the town hall the night before is a very telling sign as well.

This is a choice between someone not ready for the job and someone who is not mentally well enough to hold the job in my opinion.  Both Parties have let the voters down. Dislike
(10-16-2024, 03:01 PM)SEKYFAN Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 07:30 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Anybody who has seen Biden wandering around lost on multiple occasions until somebody leads him to the stairs like a seeing eye dog or fall repeatedly trying to climb a flight of stairs; and anyone who has watched Kamala Harris try to compose coherent sentences when asked softball interview questions, and then questions Trump's mental acuity is showing some serious political bias.

Harris will finally make her first appearance on Fox News today for an interview with Brett Baer, in an act of desperation. She is also begging Trump to debate her again after dodging interviews and avoiding holding press conferences for nearly her entire campaign. Why? Because both her internal polls and Trump's polls show that she is trailing Trump in nearly every battleground state and that Trump has the momentum. As long as she continues to bomb even softball interviews the way that she has been doing, her gap in the polls is only going to get worse.

If she manages to avoid looking foolish during today's interview, it will be a major improvement. Baer is a fair interviewer and if she can't handle the predictable questions that he will ask her, then the next three weeks are going to be the longest ones of her life. Is it too late for Democrats to send in a pinch hitter for the pinch hitter that they inserted for Biden? Yes it is too late. They had one do-over and they blew the opportunity.

I'm not a fan of Harris, so she has nothing to do with Trump's state of decline.  Did you see his interview with Bloomberg yesterday?  He could not answer a single question without rambling on incoherently on things that did not pertain to the questions.  When Micklethwait kept reminding him what the questions were about, Trump eventually got mad and did his usual routine of trying to belittle.  It was sad and also scary to think that he could possibly win the Presidency.  What happened at the town hall the night before is a very telling sign as well.

This is a choice between someone not ready for the job and someone who is not mentally well enough to hold the job in my opinion.  Both Parties have let the voters down. Dislike
I agree with your last sentence, which is why I started the thread. Anybody who fears a Trump presidency but does not fear a Kamala Harris presidency, and anybody who does not recognize the existential thread that having Joe Biden still serving as a president is not thinking clearly. Not only is Kamala Harris not ready for the job, she is not smart enough to ever be ready for the job. What has she been doing the last four years if she has not been training for the presidency? I watch very few of Donald Trump's interviews and I only watch Kamala Harris speak for entertainment purposes.
I just finished watching Bret Baier's interview of Kamala Harris. It was 30 minutes of Harris filibustering and trying to avoid answering his questions. The questions were fair and the type of questions that I would have asked. Overall, it was a horrible interview by Harris, IMO. Baier had a tough assignment because she left him no choice but to interrupt her to try to redirect her to answer the question that he had asked.

The upcoming election is going to be a trainwreck for Democrats.
(10-16-2024, 10:42 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I'm amused that anybody would think that Trump began calling people names as a reaction to things that RINOs and Democrats did to him. The childish name calling began early in the 2016 campaign, before anybody thought Trump had any chance of becoming president. The problem is not "mean" talking, the problem is the image that a president projects by referring to potential allies  and political enemies by nicknames that a third grader might use. It's unprofessional and just plain dumb.

Really well said Hoot. This sensible take will not be well received by guys like Jetpilot.

Edit: Welp... just read Jet's response. Like I said, not well received.

(10-16-2024, 11:15 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 11:09 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
You would probably be a perfect fit in a Trump administration, but who knows, Steve Bannon was a Trump yes man and he lasted less than a year before he was forced out.

Jet would be just the kind of sycophant that Trump likes to surround himself with. Trump wouldn't like you at all, Hoot. He has no time or place for anyone that dares to question him about some of the things he says or does.
(10-16-2024, 09:51 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:42 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I'm amused that anybody would think that Trump began calling people names as a reaction to things that RINOs and Democrats did to him. The childish name calling began early in the 2016 campaign, before anybody thought Trump had any chance of becoming president. The problem is not "mean" talking, the problem is the image that a president projects by referring to potential allies  and political enemies by nicknames that a third grader might use. It's unprofessional and just plain dumb.

Really well said Hoot. This sensible take will not be well received by guys like Jetpilot.

Edit: Welp... just read Jet's response. Like I said, not well received.

(10-16-2024, 11:15 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 11:09 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:51 AM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Dumb dumb dumb. 1000x dumb. Infinity dumb. Fight fire with fire. "looking presidential" is a midwit phrase at this point. Biden and Harris look less presidential than anyone on the planet but their over the top rhetoric and hate speech not only doesn't hurt them, it gives them an advantage. And playing nice just lets them win. Not arguing with you today Hoot. You were 1000% wrong in 2016 and didn't learn a thing. Last response to you today, total waste of my time.
Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
You would probably be a perfect fit in a Trump administration, but who knows, Steve Bannon was a Trump yes man and he lasted less than a year before he was forced out.

Jet would be just the kind of sycophant that Trump likes to surround himself with. Trump wouldn't like you at all, Hoot. He has no time or place for anyone that dares to question him about some of the things he says or does.
The best leaders listen to their subordinates before making decisions. The best followers don't hesitate to speak up and give their advice, but support the leader's decision once it has been made. The only exceptions are if you are given illegal or unethical marching orders.

Otherwise, as a former manager once told me, as a manager, you make decisions and if other employees don't like the decisions, then they have two choices - they can get mad and leave or they can get mad and stay. Great leaders do not delegate important, tough decisions but they recognize the value of listening to honest advice.
(10-16-2024, 10:25 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 09:51 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:42 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I'm amused that anybody would think that Trump began calling people names as a reaction to things that RINOs and Democrats did to him. The childish name calling began early in the 2016 campaign, before anybody thought Trump had any chance of becoming president. The problem is not "mean" talking, the problem is the image that a president projects by referring to potential allies  and political enemies by nicknames that a third grader might use. It's unprofessional and just plain dumb.

Really well said Hoot. This sensible take will not be well received by guys like Jetpilot.

Edit: Welp... just read Jet's response. Like I said, not well received.

(10-16-2024, 11:15 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 11:09 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(10-16-2024, 10:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Somehow, you have gotten the impression that you have some say in the content of my posts. You need to understand that is not the case. Calling me dumb and calling me a Hillary supporter because I dare disagree with you is just not going to win any debates with me. You should have learned that lesson by now.  Big Grin

On the contrary. I would be embarrassed if anyone thought your posts reflected my thinking when it comes to politics. You do seem very smart in other areas though lol...
You would probably be a perfect fit in a Trump administration, but who knows, Steve Bannon was a Trump yes man and he lasted less than a year before he was forced out.

Jet would be just the kind of sycophant that Trump likes to surround himself with. Trump wouldn't like you at all, Hoot. He has no time or place for anyone that dares to question him about some of the things he says or does.
The best leaders listen to their subordinates before making decisions. The best followers don't hesitate to speak up and give their advice, but support the leader's decision once it has been made. The only exceptions are if you are given illegal or unethical marching orders.

Otherwise, as a former manager once told me, as a manager, you make decisions and if other employees don't like the decisions, then they have two choices - they can get mad and leave or they can get mad and stay. Great leaders do not delegate important, tough decisions but they recognize the value of listening to honest advice.

The bolded would keep my friend, Jet, from rising to the level of a great leader.
What are the MAGA cultists thoughts on Trump tariffs that the psychotic, narcissist says he will impose again and "they will be paid for by the exporters, not the U.S. consumers", which is a 100% lie, but not just the "10% across the board" bs, but the "upwards of 60% on China imports". At least in 2016, he only got us for 25%.
(10-16-2024, 10:57 PM)Ring'Em Up Wrote: What are the MAGA cultists thoughts on Trump tariffs that the psychotic, narcissist says he will impose again and "they will be paid for by the exporters, not the U.S. consumers", which is a 100% lie, but not just the "10% across the board" bs, but the "upwards of 60% on China imports".  At least in 2016, he only got us for 25%.
For the record, I used the cultist verbage to try an lighten the mood and not seem like an ass, lol ....... seems like it's a popular term around here anymore. Smile
Harris appearance on Fox was yet another unmitigated disaster lol. In a sane world she wouldn't win one state but like Trump says, the biggest threat to this country is stupid people. Harris is demonstrably a moron and a dangerous one at that and they can't hide it anymore.
"........Let me make this perfectly clear"


Stop interrupting me.......
[-] The following 2 users Like Granny Bear's post:
  • Hoot Gibson, jetpilot
(Yesterday, 05:40 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: "........Let me make this perfectly clear"


Stop interrupting me.......
Great recap of her performance last night. Kamala was the first woman of Indian heritage to win a seat in the U.S. Senate. Now she is attempting to become America's first black female to become president.

Her campaign reminds me of the movie scene when a drunk NY cabbie told Mick Dundee that the lady flirting with him was a guy dressed up as a woman. Mick was skeptical, so he checked for himself and declared, "That's a guy dressed up as a shela!"

When a candidate struggles to convince black voters that she is one of their own, well... that summarizes Kamala's messaging problem in this campaign.
Political analysts are praising Baier for his performance last night.

I am NO political expert or analyst, but he didn't get one straight answer from her and he didn't hold her feet to the fire.

I think I'm going to stop watching anything political, if I can find something like that. I don't seem to agree with anybody. I DO have an idea though. Those microphones that can be muted remotely that they used during the debate; hook those up to whatever candidate is being interviewed. Ask the question, and if within two sentences the candidate is not directly answering the question, mute them.
(Yesterday, 10:43 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: Political analysts are praising Baier for his performance last night.

I am NO political expert or analyst, but he didn't get one straight answer from her and he didn't hold her feet to the fire. 

I think I'm going to stop watching anything political, if I can find something like that.  I don't seem to agree with anybody.  I DO have an idea though.  Those microphones that can be muted remotely that they used during the debate; hook those up to whatever candidate is being interviewed.  Ask the question, and if within two sentences the candidate is not directly answering the question, mute them.
Which "Political analysts are praising Baier for his performance last night." Please explain a little more Granny?
If you muted the microphones, it would definitely be silence on Trump. I don't know if he has ever answered a tough question without lying.
I may have exaggerated a bit when I used the word "praising". The comments I heard were so opposite of what I thought. I didn't think he did a good job at all. But this morning Gayle King said he did a good job and after the interview was over, Fox News was talking about what a good job he did.

I would love to put the muted microphone on Trump, Harris and any other candidate up for election.

I don't agree that Trump lied about all his questions, but at least he answered. Harris went on an emotional dissertation about anything that wasn't close to the question that was asked.
(Yesterday, 12:16 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: I may have exaggerated a bit when I used the word "praising".  The comments I heard were so opposite of what I thought.  I didn't think he did a good job at all.  But this morning Gayle King said he did a good job and after the interview was over, Fox News was talking about what a good job he did.

I would love to put the muted microphone on Trump, Harris and any other candidate up for election.

I don't agree that Trump lied about all his questions, but at least he answered.  Harris went on an emotional dissertation about anything that wasn't close to the question that was asked.
"Fox News was talking about what a good job he did." That shouldn't surprise anyone Granny.
Now give me a example of a question Trump hasn't lied about?
The day before the interview Trump danced for 39 minutes Hell fire if that had been a democrat done that you would be pulling your hair.
Did Trump LIE when he said jan. 6th was "peaceful and lovely day" I know what I saw on that day and it was a long way off for being a  "peaceful and lovely day".
His only answer is drill baby drill or tariffs. That won't work once oil gets around $60 a barrel oil companies lose money. And all the tariffs will do is raise the price of goods even more.

Remember 2020 when Trump begged Russia and OPEC to stop production putting US oil producers out of business I do.
Trump calls on Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production - POLITICO
Remember when has was MUCH CHEAPER when Trump was president? I do.
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