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NO minimum wage increase
What does everyone think of the minimum wage increase getting voted down?
It's a bunch of crap!! Some people barely scrape by on the meger wages our fine government sees fit to give us...
Boys, we are headed for harder times, with all this war stuff, gas prices. It is getting ugly.
Ridiculous... all Bush is concerned with is the rich getting richer
Sad very sad!
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i don't see how people do it.. i make about 20 bucks an hour and work 12 hours a day, and i have trouble getting by
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:Ridiculous... all Bush is concerned with is the rich getting richer
Good line there. Last I checked Bush isn't in Congress therefore he doesn't get a vote on this issue.

On another note, I thought that the Senate passed it and the House just hasn't voted on it yet. They are supposed to after their August break. Am I wrong here?
crazytaxidriver Wrote:i don't see how people do it.. i make about 20 bucks an hour and work 12 hours a day, and i have trouble getting by
Those women will do it to ya Smile
So you can honestly say Bush was for the increase?
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:So you can honestly say Bush was for the increase?
Can you say that he was the one that stopped it because he just wanted to get richer?

No, I can't say if he was for it or against it. My whole point was that he doesn't have control over that (at least at this point). It has to get through Congress before Bush has a say in it. So since there wasn't a Veto, then there is nothing that Bush did wrong. People go around trying to place the blame of all the worlds problems on Bush, yet most of the time he is not at fault.
I didn't say he did stop it.. I just don't feel he is for it or would pass it if it was up to him
Well, this line just made it sound as if it was all his fault:

"all Bush is concerned with is the rich getting richer"

Does that not seem to imply that Bush was the cause?
I was saying just saying I don't think he would be for it.. because, he is rich.. he is getting richer.. and if he was concerened about it passing it would have
I really don't know about this issue, because the increase would help me and a lot of other people out. But what about people like CTD and my parents that make good money but aren't rich. Wouldn't the cost of living increase as well? And leave the people such as these behind? I may be way off on this subject, someone please enlighten me.
Beef, I have to agree with you. Folks you have to remember if the wage goes up, so do the prices to compensate for that increase. Do you really think business' will make less money so they can pay us more? No, they'll jack up the prices of everything worse than what it is now. Im not aganist the wage increase but I just wanted to give you all a little something else to ponder on. Action, Reaction.
THUNDERCHILD Wrote:Beef, I have to agree with you. Folks you have to remember if the wage goes up, so do the prices to compensate for that increase. Do you really think business' will make less money so they can pay us more? No, they'll jack up the prices of everything worse than what it is now. Im not aganist the wage increase but I just wanted to give you all a little something else to ponder on. Action, Reaction.

:thumpsup: I agree, a business will raise their prices to make their profit margin.
Old School Wrote::thumpsup: I agree, a business will raise their prices to make their profit margin.

Have you went to a Speedway or Superamerica or any establishment and got gas lately. Prices have gone up, and has went up for the past 10 years, including the pay of the members of the house and senate, the min. wage hasnt. With gas at 3 bucks a gal. How do the middle and lower income afford to go to their 5.25 hour job? Cant... and yes, look at Bushs history including this stupid war, he is for the rich. I saw a clip of him giving a speach at a Rep. dinner (which was 1,000 bucks a plate) and made a comment like "we are all the well to doers here". So, yep, he is for the big ole companies. Ever heard of Haliburton? By the way, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We are heading for a depression, and possibly a WW111.
Beef Wrote:Can you say that he was the one that stopped it because he just wanted to get richer?

No, I can't say if he was for it or against it. My whole point was that he doesn't have control over that (at least at this point). It has to get through Congress before Bush has a say in it. So since there wasn't a Veto, then there is nothing that Bush did wrong. People go around trying to place the blame of all the worlds problems on Bush, yet most of the time he is not at fault.

You are so wrong my friend. I don't blame him. I blame the party that he belongs to. The Republican party has played the biggest role in preventing this from happening. I loved the fact that they were willing to help the top 7,500 richest in the US if this was to pass. What a joke and a sad one at that.
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
BelfryJustice Wrote:You are so wrong my friend. I don't blame him. I blame the party that he belongs to. The Republican party has played the biggest role in preventing this from happening. I loved the fact that they were willing to help the top 7,500 richest in the US if this was to pass. What a joke and a sad one at that.

Blackcat75 Wrote:I really don't know about this issue, because the increase would help me and a lot of other people out. But what about people like CTD and my parents that make good money but aren't rich. Wouldn't the cost of living increase as well? And leave the people such as these behind? I may be way off on this subject, someone please enlighten me.
Sad thing is that the cost of living has increased but wages haven't. If it weren't for commission then I would barely get by. Which right now I'm struggling making around 13/hr. I wish they would raise it just so we could afford gas to get us to work.
By the time people in Eastern Kentucky have to drive to work, most go out to eat, and then get paid minimum wage or very little above that you have to bust your ass just to come out to the good. Most people don't realize it but you really bring in ALOT less than you think you do after paying for everything during the day. I know that my mom is planning on writing down all of her expenses to and from work for the period between one pay check to see how much she actually comes out to the good.

I think it's bull also but after some really boring reading as far as minumun wage goes it has been decreasing since the early 90's or late 80's mostly because fast food companies are seeking to employ teens that are just looking to make a little money that they dont have to train or illegal immigrants or something. If they raise the minimum wage rate for fast food workers they also have to raise it for the suppliers, slaughterhouses, farmers... it goes all the way down and far as I see it... our government isn't too considered with making stricter food safety regulations so why would they increase they pay for everyone? But more than likely thats why minimum wage isn't getting increased...
BCF4L Wrote:Sad thing is that the cost of living has increased but wages haven't. If it weren't for commission then I would barely get by. Which right now I'm struggling making around 13/hr. I wish they would raise it just so we could afford gas to get us to work.

If you make 13/hr, how would a minimum wage raise help you man? Or do you make minimum wage and the comission takes you to 13/hr?
DTfan Wrote:I think it's bull also but after some really boring reading as far as minumun wage goes it has been decreasing since the early 90's or late 80's mostly because fast food companies are seeking to employ teens that are just looking to make a little money that they dont have to train or illegal immigrants or something. If they raise the minimum wage rate for fast food workers they also have to raise it for the suppliers, slaughterhouses, farmers... it goes all the way down and far as I see it... our government isn't too considered with making stricter food safety regulations so why would they increase they pay for everyone? But more than likely thats why minimum wage isn't getting increased...

Fast food restraunts are not the only min wage jobs. look around you.....
Blackcat75 Wrote:If you make 13/hr, how would a minimum wage raise help you man? Or do you make minimum wage and the comission takes you to 13/hr?
I make 6.25/hr. Commission helps me tramendously, but if minimum wage increased then they would have to increase my hourly wage to at least over minimum wage.
BlueBells Wrote:Fast food restraunts are not the only min wage jobs. look around you.....

I never said they were, all I was saying was that I knew of the stuff with fast food I never said it was the only minimum wage job. Hell IK don't even know what the pay is for minimum wage... I get $7 an hour but I don't know if thats considered minimum wage I thought only like $5.15 or something was. So don't get your panties all up in a wad.
BlueBells Wrote:Fast food restraunts are not the only min wage jobs. look around you.....

Thanks for informing us of that but I think she already knew
Actually according to the minimum wgae pay rate in Ky is the same asthe federal which is $5.15 an hour it also states that an employee to works a 7th day in one pay week is subject to premium pay which is more than the minimum wage. Therefore anything over $5.15 ISN'T considered minimum wage.

The only reason I brought up fast food restaurants is because there's so many of them that pay $5.15 and 9/10 times when you ask someone what comes to their mind first when minimum wage is mentioned it is a fast food place, sorry but they ARE more common that what you would probably like to think and that is why I picked to talk on that particular subject.

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