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Former N'Sync star Lance Bass...
Has gone public and said that he is gay. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, at least it isn't to me...I wonder which one will be next?
I saw that this morning on VH1. I wonder how many, if any, of the others are.
One down, four to go.
not a shocker here... he always acted like he was to me anyways
I heard that last night and I definitely urinated myself
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:I definitely urinated myself

not a shocker
Didn't surprise me at all
tribe told me about it last night....not a shocker at all...I suspect at least Joey and Chris to be too.
Well we know Justin isnt..He is getting ready to get married.
I heard that Kelly Clarkson was a lesbian ! Correct me if I'm wrong !
haha like BCF4L said 1 down 4 to go cause if eveyrone would of listened to all the guys when they first came out then it woudlnt of been such a shocker lol cause we all said they r gay but the girls went wild
BCF4L Wrote:One down, four to go.

lance is gay????? you've got to be joking.. cause like.. i don't know.. surely with all the girls he was surrounded by he could have found one that .............

well nvm..

i'm shocked lol
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
baller25 Wrote:Well we know Justin isnt..He is getting ready to get married.
It's just a cover-up. He's really queer too. You think that Lance didn't mess around with them all while they were on tour? I bet they had like queer gang bangs with each other. Smile
And the girls all thought we were just jealous
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I was thinking Justin would be the first one to come out. Wrong again
Ya know, I always thought Kenny Chesney played on the other side of the fence too.
BCF4L Wrote:It's just a cover-up. He's really queer too. You think that Lance didn't mess around with them all while they were on tour? I bet they had like queer gang bangs with each other. Smile


this doesn't shock me one bit!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
BCF4L Wrote:It's just a cover-up. He's really queer too. You think that Lance didn't mess around with them all while they were on tour? I bet they had like queer gang bangs with each other. Smile
They alll
im suprised that all of them aren't gay
I was trying to crop a picture of Lance and insert it in a picture with the Village People, but it got too hard and I gave up
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Prime example when metrosexual turns into homosexual.

I guess I will be the first to say that I applaud him for having the balls about him to say anything about it. I'm sure it would be one of the last things that someone of his stature would want to leak to the public but he took a stand for what he believed in regardless of it would ruin his career forever or not. Make fun if you want but I can't name many of you who would do it.

THUNDERCHILD Wrote:Ya know, I always thought Kenny Chesney played on the other side of the fence too.

lol I had actually heard that before.

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