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The "Hard" Right & Teen Pregnancy
Well more than 3/4 of the south have the highest teen pregnancy cases in the country and , as a result, the US has higher teen pregnancy rates than most anyone in the modernized world.

Top 10 Highest Rates of Teen Pregnancy
Arkansas 30.0
Mississippi 29.1
Louisiana 27.8
Oklahoma 27.4
Alabama 25.6
West Virginia 25.2
Kentucky 24.9
New Mexico 24.4
Texas 24.0
Tennessee 23.7


Top 10 Lowest Rates of Teen Pregnancy
New Hampshire 6.6
Massachusetts 6.9
Vermont 7.6
Connecticut 7.7
Maine 9.1
Rhode Island 10.0
New Jersey 10.0
Minnesota 10.1
New York 11.4
Utah 12.0


The "Hard"  right  (pun very much intended)  doesn't want your kids reading and learning about how to protect themselves from becoming another woeful statistic when it comes to teen pregnancy & sex.  They would rather ban such learning. Keep them uneducated on such things. By not allowing a full discussion you guarantee more idiots like Lauren Boebert who,  by the way,  is about to become a  grandma at age... 37 !!!
Another day, another dishonest thread. Teen pregnancy and births to teenage mothers are not synonymous. An accurate presentation of teenage pregnancies would by definition include the pregancies that end with the murders of the unborn children.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • jetpilot
There once was an Old School Hound,
Whose thread titles were quite unsound,
With clickbait galore,
And lies by the score,

Truth and accuracy were never found.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • jetpilot
He forgot to include the Left's solution - kill all the babies, problem solved. An unhinged moron.
Hound thinks it's an abomination to be a grandmother at 37 because she chose life for her kids and her kids chose life for theirs. He thinks the smart and proper thing to do is kill the babies to remove what he believes is a stigma. This is what liberalism does to people, makes them mentally ill or even worse, evil.
[-] The following 1 user Likes jetpilot's post:
  • Hoot Gibson
Verily, JetPilot doth speak truth about Old School Hound. 

The threads he creates and partakes in are evidence of evil's existence. 

Abortion holdeth not contraceptive virtue; nay, 'tis but murder most foul. 

Births unto teenage mothers are verily blessings, not curses upon the land. Villains doth employ statistics to lead astray and conceal the truth from sight.

- William Shakespeare on the tradgedy of abortion and slaughtered American generations
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • jetpilot
Im just wondering who you get statistics for a year thats only 25% complete at this point.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

10 and with all the deceit of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,
12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Across the board the left are desperately committed to anything other than truth. End of story as outlined clearly in the Bible. The left's argument is not with Republicans, it is with God, and no election could ever cure that ill.

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