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Trump's shameless money grab: Donald's anticipated 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT'...
I find it highly doubtful that Trump's campaign would have ever got off the ground without the wall-to-wall coverage of free airtime he received right after announcing his candidacy. I think it was a publicity stunt by Donald that turned into a cult following that turned into a failed presidency, a double impeachment, and a Trump-led government insurrection that put our democracy at risk. 

Anyone who looks, retrospectively,  at the failed Trump experiment  and still believes that Hillary was not a better alternative than Donald Trump(and my mom is one of those people), then I'm really at a loss of words. Many, many good and principled conervatives admitted that they voted for Hillary because she was the ONLY choice.  

Former President George H.W. Bush was one of those who said he voted for Hillary. Many others came out in support of Hillary as well. I can't remember them all but long-time Republicans like Meg Whitman, Hank Paulson, Frank Lavin, William Milliken, Mark Salter were among them that saw Clinton as the only logical choice. Unfortunately, logic does not alway win in elections.

Btw, there’s been a lot of debate in media industry circles about whether the media helped create the Donald Trump phenomenon by constantly writing about him and putting him on television in an attempt to drive traffic and ratings.  There's a study from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that came up with some fairly compelling ammunition to support this view.  I might not be too bright but those Harvard folks are pretty smart.
^^Talking point word salad devoid of any basis in fact.

There is a difference between developing an opinion, or better a belief, based on what one hears versus what one observes.
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(12-20-2022, 11:10 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: I find it highly doubtful that Trump's campaign would have ever got off the ground without the wall-to-wall coverage of free airtime he received right after announcing his candidacy. I think it was a publicity stunt by Donald that turned into a cult following that turned into a failed presidency, a double impeachment, and a Trump-led government insurrection that put our democracy at risk. 

Anyone who looks, retrospectively,  at the failed Trump experiment  and still believes that Hillary was not a better alternative than Donald Trump(and my mom is one of those people), then I'm really at a loss of words. Many, many good and principled conervatives admitted that they voted for Hillary because she was the ONLY choice.  

Former President George H.W. Bush was one of those who said he voted for Hillary. Many others came out in support of Hillary as well. I can't remember them all but long-time Republicans like Meg Whitman, Hank Paulson, Frank Lavin, William Milliken, Mark Salter were among them that saw Clinton as the only logical choice. Unfortunately, logic does not alway win in elections.

Btw, there’s been a lot of debate in media industry circles about whether the media helped create the Donald Trump phenomenon by constantly writing about him and putting him on television in an attempt to drive traffic and ratings.  There's a study from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that came up with some fairly compelling ammunition to support this view.  I might not be too bright but those Harvard folks are pretty smart.
LOL your mind is so hijacked. You will literally believe anything. Trump famously called Jeb Bush "Low Energy Jeb" and put an end to the Bush family political  dynasty in a huge way. Those people are swamp creatures voting for a fellow swamp creature. Hillary is hopelessly corrupt and incompetent and a horrible human being to boot. You come up with some of the craziest sh!t OSH. Bless your heart lol.
George H W Bush may have voted for Hillary; I'm not sure because I haven't researched that. BUT George W Bush was so sickened by both candidates, that he wrote in a vote for Condoleeza Rice.

IMO, Hillary is a sociopathic parasite.
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(12-21-2022, 09:00 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: George H W Bush may have voted for Hillary; I'm not sure because I haven't researched that.  BUT  George W Bush was so sickened by both candidates, that he wrote in a vote for Condoleeza Rice.

IMO, Hillary is a sociopathic parasite.

Yeah, H.W. voted for her. I heard him say it. I don't know if Bar' admitted to voted for Hil but I suspect she did. I wish Hil had done the Howard Stern interview prior to the election. That interview totally softened the image many perceived of her as having. Definitely showed her softer, warmer, personable side. Her campaign was pretty bad. Her advisors should never work again in politics. 

I have a friend was doing some secret service detail work in the Lexington and Louisville areas a few years ago. In fact, he is a cousin of Alison Grimes.  He worked an event where Hillary was to be in town for a campaign event. His mother , who was dying of terminal cancer, was a huge Hillary fan. Somehow, Hillary found out about my friend's mother(maybe through Alison, but I don't know) and placed a surprise phone call in to her. My friend said that Hillary talked to his mom for about ten minutes an he said his mom talked about that conversation up until the day she died.

It's easy for us rustic reactionaries to portray politicians like Hil as evil and group them in with true villains like Pol Pot, Robespierre, and Caligula but it's entirely probable that they have a caring side. Respectfully, I believe that "sociopathic parasite" might be a bit harsh and uninformed. But, then again, I, like the rest of you, don't know Ms. Clinton personally.

I do wish some of Hillary's detractors would watch her appearence on the Hpward Stern Show. Insightful look into Mdme. Secretary Clinton's personality, when she's not on the campaign trail. A lot of people hate her for no reason other than their own biases. If she would have done the Stern Show before the election she would have won handily and history would have been changed for the better, imo. 

^^^You are brainwashed by her just like you are brainwashed by every other liberal shoved down your throat. Textbook liberal mind virus. Then you try to say we don't like her because we don't know her lol. Frankly it makes you sound dumb at worst and full of sh!t at best. And I like you OSH, I really do. I know 10x more about Hillary than I need to know, to know GB summed her up perfectly.
When you only trash people who don't share your worldview, you are the problem and not them. That's common sense 101 and you are powerless to realize it. That is you in a nutshell OSH. Even though I like you I would never believe a word you say. If you told me the sun was out I would have to look and see for myself lol.
Well OSH, you have the absolute right to brand me as harsh and uninformed, but neither is true.
I watched a documentary on the Clintons, and the trail of thousands of suspicious activities that have followed them since college. I didn't believe everything that was presented, but with all the smoke....well you know the old saying.

I'll give you another piece of information that spoke volumes to me. I'm sure you'll find this ridiculous, but what the hey. Hillary is very talented and manipulative. Any kind of interview that she participates in is highly scripted and made to show her in a positive light. Otherwise, she wouldn't do it. BUT when she presented Chelsea's first child to the press, she didn't even know how to hold it. And I'm not kidding. How can ANY mother not know how to hold a baby? But she surely didn't.
(12-21-2022, 05:07 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: Well OSH, you have the absolute right to brand me as harsh and uninformed, but neither is true.
I watched a documentary on the Clintons, and the trail of thousands of suspicious activities that have followed them since college.  I didn't believe everything that was presented, but with all the smoke....well you know the old saying.

I'll give you another piece of information that spoke volumes to me.  I'm sure you'll find this ridiculous, but what the hey.  Hillary is very talented and manipulative.  Any kind of interview that she participates in is highly scripted and made to show her in a positive light.  Otherwise, she wouldn't do it.  BUT when she presented Chelsea's first child to the press, she didn't even know how to hold it.  And I'm not kidding.  How can ANY mother not know how to hold a baby?  But she surely didn't.

Was it the documentary that Jerry Falwell peddled a few decades back?   That was fair and balanced.  LOL

Btw, Gran, when I said "uninformed,"  I didn't mean that you fail to keep up on political matters and lack insight and knowledge.  Not at all. You, Jet, and Hoot are all very engaged in the issues of the day. I just meant uninformed in the sense that we are all (myself included) pretty uninformed about the intimate detailings of someone's personality.  Hillary may be a monster; she may be one of the kindest human beings to have ever lived. None of us know that for sure.  I just pointed out one instance where she did something nice for a dying woman. It wasn't scripted and it never made a headline. Republicans have made her out to be the antiChrist(whatever that is) but I think she probably has some true humanity about her.

She has worked hard and true for women and children ever since she graduated from law school. But it wouldn't matter if she cured cancer, she would still be a monster to the MAGA crowd. Most of her colleages in Congress(Republicans included ) liked working with her, from most accounts. Former SOS , Kissinger, was effusive in his praise for her. My mother used to LOVE her. Then mom started reading Facebook and watching right-wing "documentries" like you mentioned and now mom's Christ is Trump and the Clinton's are Satan. Just like that.
(12-21-2022, 03:20 PM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^You are brainwashed by her just like you are brainwashed by every other liberal shoved down your throat. Textbook liberal mind virus. Then you try to say we don't like her because we don't know her lol. Frankly it makes you sound dumb at worst and full of sh!t at best. And I like you OSH, I really do. I know 10x more about Hillary than I need to know, to know GB summed her up perfectly.
When you only trash people who don't share your worldview, you are the problem and not them. That's common sense 101 and you are powerless to realize it. That is you in a nutshell OSH. Even though I like you I would never believe a word you say. If you told me the sun was out I would have to look and see for myself lol.

There you go again, as RWR told Mondale.  I'm not going to reciprocate the insults. Can't we all dicuss issues with name-calling? If not, I'll just stick to the sports forum. I like to think we all genuinely believe the things we do but just have differences of opinion on what's best for the country. That's all.

Also. I thought I had heard every criticism ever levied at Hillary by the right-wing crowd. But the "she doesn't know how to hold a baby" was a new one for even me. That was really funny and made me genuinely laugh out loud. I love to laugh. It's a good thing and it's healthy. Made my day. LOL If you can find a video of that I'd love to watch it. Hoot posted something a year or so ago about his Satan(Biden) touching little girls. I watched his videos for thirty minutes and not once could I detect anything inappropriate. People see what they want(or expect) to see, I guess.
I'll play along OSH. First thing is you saying Hillary called a sick a sick lady who was a fan and an interview with a fellow rich liberal idiot where they pumped each other up is mind-numbingly dumb. So here is my challenge to you. Instead of that idiot propaganda sh!t that everyone knows better than, tell us what Hillary's top 5 accomplishments are. Simple as that. We will get crickets but I will wait. What has she done that has helped anyone.

Do that and I will post all the terrible stuff she has one.

You have a low bar to clear, everything she has ever touched has went to sh!t. List her accomplishments please and not a phone call to a sick fan or an idiot interview with an ultra liberal idiot shock jock.

Crickets coming I'm sure but I'm all ears...
Mondale huh?

(12-21-2022, 11:00 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: ^^^ Post above;   There you go again, as RWR told Mondale.  I'm not going to reciprocate the insults. Can't we all dicuss issues with name-calling? If not, I'll just stick to the sports forum. I like to think we all genuinely believe the things we do but just have differences of opinion on what's best for the country. That's all.

Also. I thought I had heard every criticism ever levied at Hillary by theright-wing crowd. But the "she doesn't know how to hold a baby" was a new one for even me.  That was really funny and made me genuinely laugh out loud. I love to laugh. It's a good thing and it's healthy. Made my day. LOL  If you can find a video of that I'd love to watch it. Hoot posted something a year or so ago about his Satan(Biden) touching little girls. I watched his videos for thirty minutes and not once could I detect anything inappropriate. People see what they want(or expect) to see, I guess.

right wing  (crowd)
/ˌrīt ˈwiNG/

  1. the section of a political party or system that advocates for free enterprise and private ownership, and typically favors socially traditional ideas; the conservative group or section
Right wing. The concept is terrifying, I can see how you lose sleep at night worrying about free enterprise and private ownership there Hound.
Nothing but the expected crickets on the Hillary accomplishments, anyone else want to give it a shot?
(12-24-2022, 03:24 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Nothing but the expected crickets on the Hillary accomplishments, anyone else want to give it a shot?
Okay, I will get the ball rolling. Hillary did a magnificent job in her role as a fixer throughout Bill Clinton's political career. Without Hillary, Bill may have spent his prime years behind bars, as a victim of multiple "bimbo eruptions." She successfully intimidated an indeterminable number of Bill's victims and willing "other women" to maintain their silence and when that did not work, she enlisted the help of media allies to turn Bill into the innocent victim of "false" allegations.

Even more impressive is the fact that Hillary accomplished all of this without spending a single night behind bars herself. Just because a person is wicked to the core does not mean that person has no accomplishments to her credit. It must be frustrating to have so many accomplishments and not be able to claim them without exposing one's self to criminal prosecution.
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