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How many Reds will make the Allstar team?
How many will make the roster and which ones.

I say possible three.

1) Ken Griffey Jr.
2) Bronson Arroyo
3) Adum Dunn (sleeper pick)

Coffey has a really outside chance
2 maybe 3
Griffey and Arroyo...Anybody else would be pretty amazing if you ask me
Griffey, Arroyo and Dunn. I know he doesn't have a chance. But, there is something about that Ross kid. I love him.
I don't know why Adam Dunn would make it. He's batting .220 which for you non-baseball buffs, is NOT good. He's not a good fielder, not a smart hitter, and just not that good.
I wouldn't think Dunn would make it. I mean if he's not hitting home runs then he's striking out. He's probably batted over 1000 times this year and has like 23 HR's. So that makes about 977 strikeouts.

Griffey and Arroyo I think will make it. I'd like to see Phillips make it. He's gonna be a great player.
2 or 3
For sure- Jr.
1 Red made it a Pitcher.
12 Teams are sending only one player, while the Blue Jays, Yanks, Red Sox, White Sox, and Mets are sending a combined 25

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