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Just what I thought Dodgy

The spectacular collapse of Afghanistan’s military that allowed Taliban fighters to walk into the Afghan capital Sunday despite 20 years of training and billions of dollars in American aid began with a series of deals brokered in rural villages between the militant group and some of the Afghan government’s lowest-ranking officials.
The deals, initially offered early last year, were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and a U.S. official.

Over the next year and a half, the meetings advanced to the district level and then rapidly on to provincial capitals, culminating in a breathtaking series of negotiated surrenders by government forces, according to interviews with more than a dozen Afghan officers, police, special operations troops and other soldiers.”
The Chief Village Idiot was as clueless about the situation in Afghanistan as the BGR village idiots.  Now he, like his underling village idiots, says that the situation is Trump's fault. This is the worst first year of a presidency that I can recall - and it is only mid-August.

Quote:Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal predictions return to haunt him
President Joe Biden and members of his administration have spent weeks downplaying the likelihood that a swift withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan would precipitate a Taliban takeover.

Their predictions about the drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan have proven woefully inaccurate, with the Taliban sweeping through Kabul over the weekend in the final stages of the country’s complete collapse into chaos.

Biden sought to defend that outcome Monday during an address to the nation in which he acknowledged the country fell “more quickly than we anticipated,” while placing blame for the situation on the Trump administration and on Afghan leaders who misrepresented the willingness of Afghan forces to fight.

But the Biden administration’s effort before the fall of Kabul to paint a very different picture of what would happen after the withdrawal has eroded the White House’s credibility on the biggest foreign policy crisis of Biden’s presidency.

REPORTER: Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling —
PRESIDENT BIDEN: None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken. The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.
Biden was asked directly during a July 8 speech about the troop withdrawal whether the outcome could be similar to what unfolded after the U.S. left Vietnam in 1975 — and Biden unequivocally denied it was a possibility.
Regardless of what the village idiots believe, the total botching of the Afghanistan withdrawal by the Biden administration has delivered a propaganda bonanza to the Chinese Communist Party. China could not have imagined that its heavy investment in the Biden family would deliver such tremendous returns so quickly.

Quote:China Celebrates ‘Complete Humiliation’ of U.S. in Afghanistan
China’s state-run [i]Global Times[/i] newspaper celebrated the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban jihadist organization Sunday as a “complete humiliation” for the United States, shortly before the Foreign Ministry hinted it would be open to friendly ties with a new Taliban regime.

Taliban fighters surrounded Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on Sunday following a months-long campaign to sweep control of most of the rest of the nation out of the hands of the former government of the country. The Taliban launched its military campaign in April, after President Joe Biden announced he would break a deal brokered by predecessor Donald Trump last year that would have seen American troops fully withdraw from the country by May 1 in exchange for Taliban fighters abstaining from attacks on Americans and breaking ties with al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups.

In response to the Taliban’s arrival at the outskirts of the city, President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. His whereabouts remain unknown at press time. In a press conference late on Sunday, the Taliban, from the Afghan presidential palace, announced it had become the ruling government of the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” and essentially marked the end of the 20-year Afghan War.

[i]Global Times[/i] deployed columnist Martin Jacques to declare the fall of Kabul “a complete humiliation for the U.S.,” noting the Taliban was in power when America invaded in 2001 and the objective of that mission eventually morphed into propping up a legitimate alternative government to the radical Islamist terrorists. At press time, Biden has ordered 7,000 troops back into Afghanistan to help U.S. citizens trapped in Kabul while the Taliban builds its government, calling into question if he will meet his own August 31 deadline to withdraw troops from the country.
I knew when you started this thread you were just trying to get ahead of the situation in Afghanistan.  As Hoot pointed out this is all about giving liberals another opportunity to drag everybody through the same old lefty lunacies.

The Biden admin drew up a withdrawal plan of sorts, kinda like putting Mister Rogers in charge of the world's (as yet) only superpower. And have him set out the plan using alphabet lettered blocks and modeling clay. And of course we certainly wanted to keep our Taliban buddies over there up to speed as to our every move complete with dates and logistical data. I mean the American people might not deserve to hear the first word of truth, but full transparency as to our military plans will certainly be forthcoming to Armad the strangler.

Nobody's impressed by MR Biden's toothless scowling squint except people like you there CF. The Arab World, Putin, Xi, Kim... MR Biden's threat to take them all out behind the gym MIGHT not mean a lot, just saying. There are hundreds of thousands of ex-military who never dreamed they'd go from the impregnable fortress model of a US Air Base; neat and trim with watches around the clock, bristling with the world's premier fighting men and equipment, to Afghans hanging off the landing gear and running along side of a US military transport aircraft taxiing down the tarmac.

I would tell you that you should keep quiet about things you don't know about but then what would you ever talk about, right?
Hooter, if you knew that the Afghans were gonna tuck and run why didn’t you pass it along?

More evidence that all this defense spending needs put under a microscope.
(08-17-2021, 01:51 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Hooter, if you knew that the Afghans were gonna tuck and run why didn’t you pass it along? 

More evidence that all this defense spending needs put under a microscope.
That's where the investigation should start where did we waste our money and who got it and who gave it to them. $2 trillion could of built a lot bridges and roads but i guess the Taliban needs it more than us.
(08-17-2021, 01:51 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: I knew when you started this thread you were just trying to get ahead of the situation in Afghanistan.  As Hoot pointed out this is all about giving liberals another opportunity to drag everybody through the same old lefty lunacies.

The Biden admin drew up a withdrawal plan of sorts, kinda like putting Mister Rogers in charge of the world's (as yet) only superpower. And have him set out the plan using alphabet lettered blocks and modeling clay. And of course we certainly wanted to keep our Taliban buddies over there up to speed as to our every move complete with dates and logistical data. I mean the American people might not deserve to hear the first word of truth, but full transparency as to our military plans will certainly be forthcoming to Armad the strangler.

Nobody's impressed by MR Biden's toothless scowling squint except people like you there CF. The Arab World, Putin, Xi, Kim... MR Biden's threat to take them all out behind the gym MIGHT not mean a lot, just saying. There are hundreds of thousands of ex-military who never dreamed they'd go from the impregnable fortress model of a US Air Base; neat and trim with watches around the clock, bristling with the world's premier fighting men and equipment, to Afghans hanging off the landing gear and running along side of a US military transport aircraft taxiing down the tarmac.

I would tell you that you should keep quiet about things you don't know about but then what would you ever talk about, right?
Ahead of the situation? Your news must be few days behind.  Makes sense. 

Oh yeah they all were terrified of the tangerine menace. Big Grin 

TRT, you know this was the Pentagon’s plan that they drew up under Trump and Biden approved it.

Turns out the top brass gonna have to go back to the drawing board and do more than throw money around the world.  Hell, the last time we messed around in Afghanistan they took our money and used it against us a few decades later.  

I love how you conservatives are the ultimate experts.  No one else knows anything unless you spent most of your time in Trump’s rear.
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  • vector#1
By the way TRT and Quooter are still their
(08-17-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(08-17-2021, 01:51 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: I knew when you started this thread you were just trying to get ahead of the situation in Afghanistan.  As Hoot pointed out this is all about giving liberals another opportunity to drag everybody through the same old lefty lunacies.

The Biden admin drew up a withdrawal plan of sorts, kinda like putting Mister Rogers in charge of the world's (as yet) only superpower. And have him set out the plan using alphabet lettered blocks and modeling clay. And of course we certainly wanted to keep our Taliban buddies over there up to speed as to our every move complete with dates and logistical data. I mean the American people might not deserve to hear the first word of truth, but full transparency as to our military plans will certainly be forthcoming to Armad the strangler.

Nobody's impressed by MR Biden's toothless scowling squint except people like you there CF. The Arab World, Putin, Xi, Kim... MR Biden's threat to take them all out behind the gym MIGHT not mean a lot, just saying. There are hundreds of thousands of ex-military who never dreamed they'd go from the impregnable fortress model of a US Air Base; neat and trim with watches around the clock, bristling with the world's premier fighting men and equipment, to Afghans hanging off the landing gear and running along side of a US military transport aircraft taxiing down the tarmac.

I would tell you that you should keep quiet about things you don't know about but then what would you ever talk about, right?
Ahead of the situation? Your news must be few days behind.  Makes sense. 

Oh yeah they all were terrified of the tangerine menace. Big Grin 

TRT, you know this was the Pentagon’s plan that they drew up under Trump and Biden approved it.

Turns out the top brass gonna have to go back to the drawing board and do more than throw money around the world.  Hell, the last time we messed around in Afghanistan they took our money and used it against us a few decades later.  

I love how you conservatives are the ultimate experts.  No one else knows anything unless you spent most of your time in Trump’s rear.

Sullivan drew it up. But I'll tell you one thing, compared to you I am history's premier military strategist pal.

PS-- And please explain to Chester that I could care less what he says. Fake hillbilly brogue or whatever gibberish he can come up with.
So what did he draw up, General MacArthur? Big Grin 
Where did it differ from the Trump administration’s plan?

I find it hard to believe the Biden administration stuck Sullivan in a room and said “Buddy, you got 6 months.  We don’t care if the rest of these idiots have had 20 years; you will get us out in 6 months!”  Then they just went with whatever he said.

Doesn’t that sound absurd even for this administration you hate so much?

The Taliban had over a year to hammer on the Afghanistan army and govt after the Doha agreement.  Then Trump and Pompeo legitimized the Taliban with meetings and calls leaving the Afghani govt. out in the cold.  That was 9 months ago … everybody knew which way the wind was blowing.  Only the American warhawks didn’t see it , or they lied to the public. 

I’m not sure what you guys wanted to do.
Did you want another Surge and another 2-3 years fighting and sacrificing soldiers and taxpayer money? 

  I have a hard time believing you Trumpies are wanting to load down planes with Afghani refugees and bring them here. 

do you just want to bitch?

Maybe you’re jealous that a hardline conservative group of zealots could rise up and conquer their country and the American right can’t do that! Big Grin

  (I think it’s c and d.) 

I would like a Congressional investigation into the entirety of the Afghanistan War after we finish with the investigation of the insurrectionists traitors.
This thread is exactly what I said it would be. Yet another Trump-bashing thread brought to us by our very own village idiots. Biden is living proof that it takes a village idiot to raise village idiots. Will our village idiots turn on Biden when Democrats decide that it is time to throw him under the bus like they did Andrew Cuomo? That time is quickly approaching.

I cannot imagine a better time for China to invade Taiwan from the CCP's perspective. There is no good potential Commander-in-Chief anywhere near the top of the chain of succession. Elections have consequences. The consequence of the rigged election that gave us Joe Biden was a disaster, with nearly 3-1/2 years of disasters yet to come. He was a horrible U.S. Senator, a terrible Vice President, and an even worse president. 

It is little consolation that by 2024, Americans will be eager to take the keys to Washington away from the Democrat Party.
^^ Oh so right Hoot.

What I think CF, is you're a soap-opera majoring girly-man who doesn't know straight up about what he's talking about. And I think you will defend Dems no matter how badly the President botches this whole thing up, to include the very likely importation of committed terrorists (rather than those who actually helped the US), from Afghanistan. And as the result who will now forego the need to sneak over the unprotected and wide open border, and just be flown directly to a US Air Force base on US soil. Problem solved.
This will turn into another Benghazi Biden gave them a gift even though just about everybody wanted out except the ones making all the money. They will politicize this just like they did Benghazi it's all ready started.
(08-17-2021, 06:23 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: This thread is exactly what I said it would be. Yet another Trump-bashing thread brought to us by our very own village idiots. Biden is living proof that it takes a village idiot to raise village idiots. Will our village idiots turn on Biden when Democrats decide that it is time to throw him under the bus like they did Andrew Cuomo? That time is quickly approaching.

I cannot imagine a better time for China to invade Taiwan from the CCP's perspective. There is no good potential Commander-in-Chief anywhere near the top of the chain of succession. Elections have consequences. The consequence of the rigged election that gave us Joe Biden was a disaster, with nearly 3-1/2 years of disasters yet to come. He was a horrible U.S. Senator, a terrible Vice President, and an even worse president. 

It is little consolation that by 2024, Americans will be eager to take the keys to Washington away from the Democrat Party.
Another FOS post.  

was this any different than Trump’s plan,Hooter, or is this all conjecture that you’re pulling out of Trump’s arse? 

There are 30k US troops in Taiwan along with nearly 300k of their own troops. These folks will fight, so don’t expect the same result.  

Nonsensical phrases galore—-you must copy and paste those in.  

Biden is getting us out of Afghanistan. As long as we don’t lose any American lives in I don’t care how it happens. 

Big Grin we will see.  Funny how you are losing your mind over Afghanistan and didn’t give one sh!t about the destruction of the nation during 2020 and the attempt at destroying democracy.  Maybe you should move over there and enjoy that authoritarian govt.

(08-17-2021, 06:46 PM)vector#1 Wrote: This will turn into another Benghazi Biden gave them a gift even though just about everybody wanted out except the ones making all the money. They will politicize this just like they did Benghazi it's all ready started.

not sure I agree.  1. Nobody is as hated as much as HRC.  2. Most of America wants us out and could care less about Afghanistan.  

3. A good portion of the people whose hair is on fire right now supported an insurrection in our own country.  They can’t escape that to make Biden a sideshow.  

I still support a bipartisan look at the war in Afghanistan though.  We need to know our failures and the waste in American lives and American money.
Village idiots doing what village idiots do - making fools out of themselves and making sure that everybody knows. (H/t to Jetpilot. Village idiot is a perfect description for these fools.)

The Biden administration estimates that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 American civilians remaining in Afghanistan. Think about that for a moment. They do not know how many Americans are in the country and have no idea where they are.

This is a far more dire situation than the Iranian hostage crisis was under Jimmy Carter's administration. At least Carter knew how many Americans were held hostage and where they were being held.

How many Americans will be taken hostage in Afghanistan? So far, the administration's message to their fellow citizens is to "shelter in place" or make their way to the airport. 

The idiots who are blaming Trump for this disaster need to do a reality check. Regardless of how much you want this catastrophe to be Trump's fault, that dog will no longer hunt. Biden's job approval rating was already plummeting before the latest disaster struck. The latest Rasmussen poll has 45 percent strongly disapproving of Biden's job performance.

Politicians in elected office have to deliver a minimal level of competency, even if they are blessed with puppet media. Biden has failed to meet that requirement. The media will not be able to suppress the news of missing Americans day after day. If the American media fails to report on the plight of Americans and others left behind with the Taliban, the foreign media will be reporting on their predicament. Biden has put himself into an untenable position through his own incompetence and corruption.
(08-17-2021, 09:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Village idiots doing what village idiots do - making fools out of themselves and making sure that everybody knows. (H/t to Jetpilot. Village idiot is a perfect description for these fools.)

The Biden administration estimates that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 American civilians remaining in Afghanistan. Think about that for a moment. They do not know how many Americans are in the country and have no idea where they are.

This is a far more dire situation than the Iranian hostage crisis was under Jimmy Carter's administration. At least Carter knew how many Americans were held hostage and where they were being held.

How many Americans will be taken hostage in Afghanistan? So far, the administration's message to their fellow citizens is to "shelter in place" or make their way to the airport. 

The idiots who are blaming Trump for this disaster need to do a reality check. Regardless of how much you want this catastrophe to be Trump's fault, that dog will no longer hunt. Biden's job approval rating was already plummeting before the latest disaster struck. The latest Rasmussen poll has 45 percent strongly disapproving of Biden's job performance.

Politicians in elected office have to deliver a minimal level of competency, even if they are blessed with puppet media. Biden has failed to meet that requirement. The media will not be able to suppress the news of missing Americans day after day. If the American media fails to report on the plight of Americans and others left behind with the Taliban, the foreign media will be reporting on their predicament. Biden has put himself into an untenable position through his own incompetence and corruption.
Quooter got to look at the silver lining in this we are over 3 years from the next president election. A lot of time.
(08-17-2021, 09:18 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Village idiots doing what village idiots do - making fools out of themselves and making sure that everybody knows. (H/t to Jetpilot. Village idiot is a perfect description for these fools.)

The Biden administration estimates that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 American civilians remaining in Afghanistan. Think about that for a moment. They do not know how many Americans are in the country and have no idea where they are.

This is a far more dire situation than the Iranian hostage crisis was under Jimmy Carter's administration. At least Carter knew how many Americans were held hostage and where they were being held.

How many Americans will be taken hostage in Afghanistan? So far, the administration's message to their fellow citizens is to "shelter in place" or make their way to the airport. 

The idiots who are blaming Trump for this disaster need to do a reality check. Regardless of how much you want this catastrophe to be Trump's fault, that dog will no longer hunt. Biden's job approval rating was already plummeting before the latest disaster struck. The latest Rasmussen poll has 45 percent strongly disapproving of Biden's job performance.

Politicians in elected office have to deliver a minimal level of competency, even if they are blessed with puppet media. Biden has failed to meet that requirement. The media will not be able to suppress the news of missing Americans day after day. If the American media fails to report on the plight of Americans and others left behind with the Taliban, the foreign media will be reporting on their predicament. Biden has put himself into an untenable position through his own incompetence and corruption.
Still a pretty good dog. Trump undermined the Afghani govt.for nearly two years.  He made it easy to recruit the Afghan troops to the Taliban.  

it is the Biden administration’s fault that they had no idea how fast the country would fall. 

i don’t know what Americans were doing knowing the handover is coming, but Biden may as well deal with the Taliban to ensure their evacuation. 

since when do political hacks like you care about poll ratings?  Trump dredged the bottom of the toilet bowl everyday after his inauguration. 

The plight of Afghanistan won’t hunt while America is in a Pandemic.  Hooter, if you want Americans to be outraged you better get your Falsebook friends vaccinated and masked.

Hooter, you never did tell us what the difference in the Trump and Biden withdrawal was…
Quote:Vice President Kamala Harris vanished from public view for five days as President Joe Biden and his administration tackled their worst foreign policy blunder to date.

Her last solo public appearance was on August 12, as she met with business leaders to discuss the importance of childcare and paid leave benefits.

Harris last appeared publicly with President Joe Biden on August 10 as they celebrated the president’s proposed infrastructure deal passing the Senate with a bipartisan majority.

The vice president was spotted in a photo released by the White House over the weekend showing President Biden attending a video conference from Camp David with Harris and other administration officials.

Officially, Harris was expected to remain in Washington, DC, during the August recess. But she has completely vanished from public view.

Curiously, White House reporters were told that Harris would attend President Joe Biden’s speech defending his actions during the disastrous fall of Afghanistan.

But she did not appear that night, instead watching the president’s speech from the green room, aides told reporters.
It is unclear why Harris has distanced herself from the president in recent days.

The vice president is on the record defending Biden’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan in an interview with CNN on April 25th.

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go.

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Quooter and TRT are part of the resistance. What I would want to know is did the Military or the Intelligence people tell Biden the Afghanistan would stay and fight. Don't think we will never know that it's not going to be made public.

Here is one of Quooter and TRT Hero talking about Afghanistan

(08-18-2021, 11:21 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Quooter and TRT are part of the resistance. What I would want to know is did the Military or the Intelligence people tell Biden the Afghanistan would stay and fight. Don't think we will never know that it's not going to be made public.

Here is one of Quooter and TRT Hero talking about Afghanistan
The Taliban have taken who knows how many hostages. They control all movement within Afghanistan. Therefore nobody goes to ANY base or airport unless they allow it, which they aren't. My guess is those who helped the US will never see a time in their life should many of them survive this, that they will ever come remotely close to the mortal jeopardy they now face. The whole mess is like rolling up Saigon and the Iranian hostage situation into one lump, according to Stuart Varney.

All liberals are like soap opera actors on steroids, and that includes the ones in the US military. They cannot so much as define by contrast, the glorious life they are permitted to live here, much less begin to understand it. They spend all their time denying US heritage, revising same along with the characters and intentions and the sacrifice of both the founders whose vision and sacrifice brought it all about, and those foregone who gave their lives in our defense. 

But on the other side of the coin and even more incredibly after all of that, they act and talk like nothing could ever bring America down. These morons actually don't believe America really has enemies. Such is why in their believing such polar opposites simultaneously, I say they are soap-operish.
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.

This is how it always goes with you. You start off in seemingly innocuous fashion in the thread starter so that later, you can take a run-n-go at it with something like you just wrote. China mocks the Biden administration in what they wrote. Well, the Biden adm and people like Cardfan. Because they know what we had and watch daily as the mushrooms of the left celebrate every time we throw another piece of America away.

Hoot was being a gentlemen in calling you out early. You deserved far worse.
There is lots of blame to go around in this mess, although you have to start with Biden since he is the one in charge and his administration has obviously handled it poorly.  Trump is far from being free from blame, especially in light of his Taliban dealings last year, plus he had vowed to have the military out in May if reelected and likely the scenario would have changed very little. 

I guess at least the Afghan people were able to experience a better life for several years due to US involvement, but that also makes it sadder in a way.
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  • Cardfan1
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Pitiful. Any idiot can see right through this Chinese propaganda. Wait...check that, obviously not any idiot. Add Chinese propaganda spreader to the dumb, brainwashed and lying non-entity that is Cardfan1.

You can search the planet high and low and not find anyone more stupid than someone who equates Afghanistan with 1/6. Your dog, cat or houseplant is actually more intelligent.
(08-18-2021, 11:30 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: The Taliban have taken who knows how many hostages. They control all movement within Afghanistan. Therefore nobody goes to ANY base or airport unless they allow it, which they aren't. My guess is those who helped the US will never see a time in their life should many of them survive this, that they will ever come remotely close to the mortal jeopardy they now face. The whole mess is like rolling up Saigon and the Iranian hostage situation into one lump, according to Stuart Varney.

All liberals are like soap opera actors on steroids, and that includes the ones in the US military. They cannot so much as define by contrast, the glorious life they are permitted to live here, much less begin to understand it. They spend all their time denying US heritage, revising same along with the characters and intentions and the sacrifice of both the founders whose vision and sacrifice brought it all about, and those foregone who gave their lives in our defense. 

But on the other side of the coin and even more incredibly after all of that, they act and talk like nothing could ever bring America down. These morons actually don't believe America really has enemies. Such is why in their believing such polar opposites simultaneously, I say they are soap-operish.
TRT are they American hostages and how do you know that ?
Well TRT we did see first hand what could bring America down it happened on January 6th and is still on going 
Time to get out of their wasted enough money on that Sh!t Hole Ragheads not going to fight if you are concern so much put your boots on and grab your gun and I will pay for the plane ticket take Jet and Quooter with you. $2 trillion dollars wasted and over 2,000 Americans killed don't want to say for nothing because i respect what those men and women have done over their for the last 20 years.
(08-18-2021, 11:38 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.

This is how it always goes with you. You start off in seemingly innocuous fashion in the thread starter so that later, you can take a run-n-go at it with something like you just wrote. China mocks the Biden administration in what they wrote. Well, the Biden adm and people like Cardfan. Because they know what we had and watch daily as the mushrooms of the left celebrate every time we throw another piece of America away.

Hoot was being a gentlemen in calling you out early. You deserved far worse.

TRT, was so worried about what the Chinese would do.  I thought I’d share what’s going around over there.  

I didn’t write it. Awful touchy must hit close to home for you too. Big Grin 

I’ve said this earlier in the thread but the care for Afghanistan and it’s govt. when you hoopleheads don’t care about our own people nor our own govt is beyond ironic.  

Not to mention some conservatives now want to load planes of Muslims and resettle them here.  My how times change for political hacks.

(08-18-2021, 12:03 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Pitiful. Any idiot can see right through this Chinese propaganda. Wait...check that, obviously not any idiot. Add Chinese propaganda spreader to the dumb, brainwashed and lying non-entity that is Cardfan1.

You can search the planet high and low and not find anyone more stupid than someone who equates Afghanistan with 1/6. Your dog, cat or houseplant is actually more intelligent.
It’s from Chinese state media. It’s obviously propaganda. That’s why I posted it. 


Going have to work on those reading skills, Jet.
(08-18-2021, 12:31 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 11:38 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.

This is how it always goes with you. You start off in seemingly innocuous fashion in the thread starter so that later, you can take a run-n-go at it with something like you just wrote. China mocks the Biden administration in what they wrote. Well, the Biden adm and people like Cardfan. Because they know what we had and watch daily as the mushrooms of the left celebrate every time we throw another piece of America away.

Hoot was being a gentlemen in calling you out early. You deserved far worse.

TRT, was so worried about what the Chinese would do.  I thought I’d share what’s going around over there.  

I didn’t write it. Awful touchy must hit close to home for you too. Big Grin 

I’ve said this earlier in the thread but the care for Afghanistan and it’s govt. when you hoopleheads don’t care about our own people nor our own govt is beyond ironic.  

Not to mention some conservatives now want to load planes of Muslims and resettle them here.  My how times change for political hacks.

(08-18-2021, 12:03 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Pitiful. Any idiot can see right through this Chinese propaganda. Wait...check that, obviously not any idiot. Add Chinese propaganda spreader to the dumb, brainwashed and lying non-entity that is Cardfan1.

You can search the planet high and low and not find anyone more stupid than someone who equates Afghanistan with 1/6. Your dog, cat or houseplant is actually more intelligent.
It’s from Chinese state media. It’s obviously propaganda. That’s why I posted it. 


Going have to work on those reading skills, Jet.
You can't even remember your own lies from one minute to the next. You use Chinese propaganda in your fake arguments like it is gospel and never mention that it's obviously propaganda (aka lies).

BTW, still no one charged with sedition in the fake news "insurrection." Also, I sure do miss you in the Gaetz thread lol...
(08-18-2021, 12:03 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Pitiful. Any idiot can see right through this Chinese propaganda. Wait...check that, obviously not any idiot. Add Chinese propaganda spreader to the dumb, brainwashed and lying non-entity that is Cardfan1.

You can search the planet high and low and not find anyone more stupid than someone who equates Afghanistan with 1/6. Your dog, cat or houseplant is actually more intelligent.
I had already posted the Chinese Communists' propaganda directly from the state-owned media. CardFan1 prefers using the Democrat Party's puppet media, in this case, "Business Insider," which repeats Chinese Communist propaganda. China is also conducting live-fire military drills near Taiwan and is encroaching on Taiwan's airspace. The Chinese Communists are not stupid. They recognized Biden as a useful asset years ago and have invested heavily in him and his family. The return on their investment has been astronomical.
(08-18-2021, 11:58 AM)The Outsider Wrote: There is lots of blame to go around in this mess, although you have to start with Biden since he is the one in charge and his administration has obviously handled it poorly.  Trump is far from being free from blame, especially in light of his Taliban dealings last year, plus he had vowed to have the military out in May if reelected and likely the scenario would have changed very little. 

I guess at least the Afghan people were able to experience a better life for several years due to US involvement, but that also makes it sadder in a way.

You can't reason with people like this, even as one is showering glimpses of a better life on them.

But remember, the idea was to fight with them over there... not here. Then we proceded to open up the border. Don't want them any more mad than they already are, right?

Frankly I still say the US would be far better off keeping our troops in Afghanistan. Their influence has only been good and we need a military presence over there. It's largely paid for, we need the real world training because surely people are beginning to understand, Afghanistan is one case where only the stick means a thing.

There are thousands of Americans whose necks are on the line in all of this. Not that the money means much as compared to a life, but they'll never admit how much this will wind up costing the taxpayer.
(08-18-2021, 12:31 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 11:38 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.

This is how it always goes with you. You start off in seemingly innocuous fashion in the thread starter so that later, you can take a run-n-go at it with something like you just wrote. China mocks the Biden administration in what they wrote. Well, the Biden adm and people like Cardfan. Because they know what we had and watch daily as the mushrooms of the left celebrate every time we throw another piece of America away.

Hoot was being a gentlemen in calling you out early. You deserved far worse.

TRT, was so worried about what the Chinese would do.  I thought I’d share what’s going around over there.  

I didn’t write it. Awful touchy must hit close to home for you too. Big Grin 

I’ve said this earlier in the thread but the care for Afghanistan and it’s govt. when you hoopleheads don’t care about our own people nor our own govt is beyond ironic.  

Not to mention some conservatives now want to load planes of Muslims and resettle them here.  My how times change for political hacks.

(08-18-2021, 12:03 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 09:40 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sa...ion-2021-8

Hooter, you love to know what China is thinking here you go. 

“Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, tweeted that "Chinese netizens joked that the power transition in Afghanistan is even more smooth than presidential transition in the US.
Hu was referencing posts made on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.
People made posts saying that the Taliban takeover was "peaceful" compared to the US Capitol riot on January 6, when a pro-Trump mob swarmed the Capitol, sieged the building, smashed and damaged property, and forced lawmakers into lockdown. “

Even our largest adversaries know the most egregious and embarrassing action happened to the US in its own Capitol fomented by its own leaders.
Pitiful. Any idiot can see right through this Chinese propaganda. Wait...check that, obviously not any idiot. Add Chinese propaganda spreader to the dumb, brainwashed and lying non-entity that is Cardfan1.

You can search the planet high and low and not find anyone more stupid than someone who equates Afghanistan with 1/6. Your dog, cat or houseplant is actually more intelligent.
It’s from Chinese state media. It’s obviously propaganda. That’s why I posted it. 


Going have to work on those reading skills, Jet.

After swimming through enough of your idiocy so as to fairly eclipse the library of Alexandria, who could possibly care WHAT you say?
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