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Guess Who Got A NEW Job!!!!
ME! lol.... I'm quitting Shoe Show since they cut my hours from 39 per week to 5... I went to ACS yesterday and done everything there and well in short my training classes start Wednesday from 9-5:30 and I get 6.50 per hour for them and then afterwards I'll be working from 10:30am-7;00pm making 7.00 per hour. It seems easy enough...all you do is sit in a semi-comfortable chair with a headset on and wait for people to call you with cell phone problems...I think I can do that for 5 days a week making 7.00 to just sit there and talk to people. After my training is over and I start my shift I get Sunday's and Tuesday's off so Balla if you can tyr to get your days off the same as mine and we'll go do something... I'm not sure how often I get paid though...I still need to find that out....I'm excited!
How does a place cut your hours from 39 to 5 with no reason?
Congrats on the new job DT
Congrats on the new job DT hopefully it works out better than the other did!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
congrats and good luck with the new job!!
Hope you let us know whether you like it or not I was going to put my app. in alot of my friends work there some like it, but some don't. Let us know how it goes.Please.
Alright I will.... If anyone puts in an application put my name as a employee reference....
PC_Cheermom just form what I know as of irght now it seems to be a okay place to get as many hours as you wants and all you have to do is sit in front of a computer and answer calls when people call with cell phone problems and you help them fix it...other than that you don't do anything.... it's alot different that what I'm use to so it'll take a couple days for me to adjust but in all actuality I think I'll like it better than my last job because you don't have to be on your feet all dya and you can do whatever you want between calls so maybe I'll find some time there to do some reading...I have 7 books to get through this summer not counting one I"ll be getting from EKU at orentation.
98NCCalum Wrote:How does a place cut your hours from 39 to 5 with no reason?

The manager said something about it being slow and he had to cut everyones hours and give the people thats been there longer the most hours which is a lie because this one boy hasn't been there 4 full months (he quits every month) and this girl has been there for two years and the boy is getting WAY more hours than the then again the boy is the managers that kinda explains it for me which is another thing I don't liek about that place...I put in my two weeks yesterday and I'm getting ready to call and get my schedule for this week..... hopefully I don't have to work.
Hopefully you dont, but I'm trying to get my days off like that!
DTfan Wrote:Alright I will.... If anyone puts in an application put my name as a employee reference....
PC_Cheermom just form what I know as of irght now it seems to be a okay place to get as many hours as you wants and all you have to do is sit in front of a computer and answer calls when people call with cell phone problems and you help them fix it...other than that you don't do anything.... it's alot different that what I'm use to so it'll take a couple days for me to adjust but in all actuality I think I'll like it better than my last job because you don't have to be on your feet all dya and you can do whatever you want between calls so maybe I'll find some time there to do some reading...I have 7 books to get through this summer not counting one I"ll be getting from EKU at orentation.
Sounds like you have your hands full. Good Luck in all you do..
DT you don't have to read that book for EKU. Lol they tell you that, but you never use it.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Congrats DT.

Note: I know a girl that works at ACS and she says that there isn't much downtime at all between calls. Soooo don't plan too much.

ACS ROCKS!!! Smile
It depends on the days... some days there isn't any downtime at all and then days like today you just sit there for like 10 minutes between calls. All I did today was sit in the training room from 9-5 and talk and then walk around on breaks...listen in with people.... sign my name a couple times eat lunch and then sit around some more... of course there was alot of sitting around between everything. As far as the calls goes it also depends on more experience and quality of work.

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