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Backyard Barbecues
(03-18-2021, 07:05 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 05:04 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I have yet to actually hear a Trump supporter apologize for having done so.

I find one thing to be unfathomable, the Democrat's Party line. After Obama served for his 8; unrealistic Dems sent him off by rejecting the results of the 2016 election as being illegitimate. Let that soak for just a sec. Their own charges of illegitimacy seem to be beyond question even though the findings of the umpteen investigations and faked impeachment proceedings could find amounted to zero with which to even smear DJT, much less send him to the hoosecgow.  ALL Dems ever had to support the claim of illegitimacy were their own false charges of Russian interference, which have been thoroughly debunked. And that under oath, off the very lips of those who led at the time, the famed 17 US intelligence agencies involved.

But the Trump Administration's charges of election fraud were automatically (I guess) 100% lies from a 100% liar. It wasn't just Trump's face on the inconsistencies noted during the election. Thousands of people to include the media's faces were on there as well. People who have a lot to lose for lying BTW. Those people took quite a lot of risk to assert their claims. But to account for the phenomenon of near 80 million voters/supporters, the best the left could come up with was to make the asinine claim that they were all under a spell, all cultists.

But I digress. So on the heels of O's departure, Dems start off vowing allegiance to "the resistance" and by boycotting the inauguration of the people's choice for President. They denied picks for his cabinet and other posts, and by various other means stalled the President's picks to run the offices of government for 4 years. And made a living calling Trump a liar. Everything was supposedly a lie. Leaving the issue of 2020 election interference aside for the time being, now we're suffering under a government, (Obama 2.0) which like Obama's in the highest tradition of fundamental transformation, blames it's own absurdities on the Trump Administration as well. 

Ironically, the Biden administration has chosen to use liberal ice that was considered so thin that even Mr Obama feared to tread, as their foundation for the coming years. Slamming the door on fossil fuels, supporting teacher's unions for going off on vacations around the globe instead of teaching students, border chaos which will ultimately equate to neighborhood chaos, the rabid chipmunks are once again at the helm of the lunar schooner.
Once again with the 80 million votes you keep throwing out that you claim Dear Leader got is a lie. Trump(Dear Leader) got 74,222,958, 232 electoral votes or 46.8%
Now President Biden did get over 80 million votes 81,283,098, 306 electoral votes or 51.3% 
In today's climate that's a what you can call a landslide
As far as your so called stalling of Dear Leader's cabinet pick's again don't see it

Confirmation process overview for Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees - Ballotpedia

Joe Biden's Cabinet - Ballotpedia

nce Again after the 2016 election Hillary after winning the popular vote by over 3 million votes did concede on nov. 9th to this day Dear Leader has not there was NO Democrat Senators objected to the certifying of electoral votes 5 members of the house objected NO SENATORS

Once again there was 6 senators and 121 house members objected to the over whelming landslide of 2020 election
And a Republican terrorist attack to Stop The Steal the Dear Leader Mastermind 

Once again, vector come in there sideways with 100% talking point tripe.
(03-18-2021, 07:05 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 05:04 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I have yet to actually hear a Trump supporter apologize for having done so.

I find one thing to be unfathomable, the Democrat's Party line. After Obama served for his 8; unrealistic Dems sent him off by rejecting the results of the 2016 election as being illegitimate. Let that soak for just a sec. Their own charges of illegitimacy seem to be beyond question even though the findings of the umpteen investigations and faked impeachment proceedings could find amounted to zero with which to even smear DJT, much less send him to the hoosecgow.  ALL Dems ever had to support the claim of illegitimacy were their own false charges of Russian interference, which have been thoroughly debunked. And that under oath, off the very lips of those who led at the time, the famed 17 US intelligence agencies involved.

But the Trump Administration's charges of election fraud were automatically (I guess) 100% lies from a 100% liar. It wasn't just Trump's face on the inconsistencies noted during the election. Thousands of people to include the media's faces were on there as well. People who have a lot to lose for lying BTW. Those people took quite a lot of risk to assert their claims. But to account for the phenomenon of near 80 million voters/supporters, the best the left could come up with was to make the asinine claim that they were all under a spell, all cultists.

But I digress. So on the heels of O's departure, Dems start off vowing allegiance to "the resistance" and by boycotting the inauguration of the people's choice for President. They denied picks for his cabinet and other posts, and by various other means stalled the President's picks to run the offices of government for 4 years. And made a living calling Trump a liar. Everything was supposedly a lie. Leaving the issue of 2020 election interference aside for the time being, now we're suffering under a government, (Obama 2.0) which like Obama's in the highest tradition of fundamental transformation, blames it's own absurdities on the Trump Administration as well. 

Ironically, the Biden administration has chosen to use liberal ice that was considered so thin that even Mr Obama feared to tread, as their foundation for the coming years. Slamming the door on fossil fuels, supporting teacher's unions for going off on vacations around the globe instead of teaching students, border chaos which will ultimately equate to neighborhood chaos, the rabid chipmunks are once again at the helm of the lunar schooner.
Once again with the 80 million votes you keep throwing out that you claim Dear Leader got is a lie. Trump(Dear Leader) got 74,222,958, 232 electoral votes or 46.8%
Now President Biden did get over 80 million votes 81,283,098, 306 electoral votes or 51.3% 
In today's climate that's a what you can call a landslide
As far as your so called stalling of Dear Leader's cabinet pick's again don't see it

Confirmation process overview for Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees - Ballotpedia

Joe Biden's Cabinet - Ballotpedia

nce Again after the 2016 election Hillary after winning the popular vote by over 3 million votes did concede on nov. 9th to this day Dear Leader has not there was NO Democrat Senators objected to the certifying of electoral votes 5 members of the house objected NO SENATORS

Once again there was 6 senators and 121 house members objected to the over whelming landslide of 2020 election
And a Republican terrorist attack to Stop The Steal the Dear Leader Mastermind 

Once again, vector comes in there sideways with 100% talking point tripe. You can keep repeating all the made up statistics the far left post on the internet, till you turn even bluer. My post was an accurate summation of the recent past.

(03-18-2021, 07:15 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 07:05 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 05:04 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I have yet to actually hear a Trump supporter apologize for having done so.

I find one thing to be unfathomable, the Democrat's Party line. After Obama served for his 8; unrealistic Dems sent him off by rejecting the results of the 2016 election as being illegitimate. Let that soak for just a sec. Their own charges of illegitimacy seem to be beyond question even though the findings of the umpteen investigations and faked impeachment proceedings could find amounted to zero with which to even smear DJT, much less send him to the hoosecgow.  ALL Dems ever had to support the claim of illegitimacy were their own false charges of Russian interference, which have been thoroughly debunked. And that under oath, off the very lips of those who led at the time, the famed 17 US intelligence agencies involved.

But the Trump Administration's charges of election fraud were automatically (I guess) 100% lies from a 100% liar. It wasn't just Trump's face on the inconsistencies noted during the election. Thousands of people to include the media's faces were on there as well. People who have a lot to lose for lying BTW. Those people took quite a lot of risk to assert their claims. But to account for the phenomenon of near 80 million voters/supporters, the best the left could come up with was to make the asinine claim that they were all under a spell, all cultists.

But I digress. So on the heels of O's departure, Dems start off vowing allegiance to "the resistance" and by boycotting the inauguration of the people's choice for President. They denied picks for his cabinet and other posts, and by various other means stalled the President's picks to run the offices of government for 4 years. And made a living calling Trump a liar. Everything was supposedly a lie. Leaving the issue of 2020 election interference aside for the time being, now we're suffering under a government, (Obama 2.0) which like Obama's in the highest tradition of fundamental transformation, blames it's own absurdities on the Trump Administration as well. 

Ironically, the Biden administration has chosen to use liberal ice that was considered so thin that even Mr Obama feared to tread, as their foundation for the coming years. Slamming the door on fossil fuels, supporting teacher's unions for going off on vacations around the globe instead of teaching students, border chaos which will ultimately equate to neighborhood chaos, the rabid chipmunks are once again at the helm of the lunar schooner.
Once again with the 80 million votes you keep throwing out that you claim Dear Leader got is a lie. Trump(Dear Leader) got 74,222,958, 232 electoral votes or 46.8%
Now President Biden did get over 80 million votes 81,283,098, 306 electoral votes or 51.3% 
In today's climate that's a what you can call a landslide
As far as your so called stalling of Dear Leader's cabinet pick's again don't see it

Confirmation process overview for Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees - Ballotpedia

Joe Biden's Cabinet - Ballotpedia

nce Again after the 2016 election Hillary after winning the popular vote by over 3 million votes did concede on nov. 9th to this day Dear Leader has not there was NO Democrat Senators objected to the certifying of electoral votes 5 members of the house objected NO SENATORS

Once again there was 6 senators and 121 house members objected to the over whelming landslide of 2020 election
And a Republican terrorist attack to Stop The Steal the Dear Leader Mastermind 

Once again, vector comes in there sideways with 100% talking point tripe. You can keep repeating all the made up statistics the far left post on the internet, till you turn even bluer. My post was an accurate summation of the recent past.
And Once Again you keep telling the lie Dear Leader got 80 million votes and he didn't
And Again you claimed the democrats held up Dear Leader's cabinet picks and actually Dear Leader had his cabinet in place before the Real President Biden
And once again you lie that democrats objected to Dear Leaders election when in Fact the Truth shows Hillary concede after the media called on November 9th and NO democrat senators objected to the certifying on january 6th
While you have overlooked the truth that 6 republican senators and 121 republican house members objected to the certifying of the Real President Biden Victory not only the popular vote but also the electoral vote which by the way is a clean sweep
But now that your Dear Leader behavior has normalized the election by not conceding and a trying attempted coup
^^^Difference in Electoral College is very tiny fraction of % of total "votes" cast and the "winning" "votes" came in at 4 in the morning in swing states after they all shut down the counting simultaneously for no reason. Popular vote is idiot stuff from people who can't spell gub-ment and think the Electoral College is playing in the NIT, and want Cali and NY liberal sh!tholes to pick our president from now on.

Millions of illegal votes cast and millions of fake ballots conjured up.
(03-18-2021, 08:38 PM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Difference in Electoral College is very tiny fraction of % of total "votes" cast and the "winning" "votes" came in at 4 in the morning in swing states after they all shut down the counting simultaneously for no reason. Popular vote is idiot stuff from people who can't spell gub-ment  and think the Electoral College is playing in the NIT, and want Cali and NY liberal sh!tholes to pick our president from now on.

Millions of illegal votes cast and millions of fake ballots conjured up.
Where's your Proof Jet ?
Dear Leader could of used it 
And don't say i heard it somewhere
Or did catturd tell you
(03-18-2021, 06:38 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: For people who doth protest to never watch Faux News you boys sure are parroting what I watched last night. 

Maybe you guys will have a nice crow on your bbq this summer. I hope that crow is kind to you. Big Grin
Fake lazy post made up to not have to debate. I hardly ever watch Fox, and I doubt your ultralib TV allows a dissenting opinion to enter your living room. But just for fun, take a moment and tell us who on Fox said anything that you see on this thread last night...
You watch Fox about like the Maddow dude, Anderson and Lemon are my heroes/heroines/herowhatevers.

And I never stopped having barbecues when the weather is nice, I'm not a government sheep.
(03-18-2021, 08:47 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:38 PM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Difference in Electoral College is very tiny fraction of % of total "votes" cast and the "winning" "votes" came in at 4 in the morning in swing states after they all shut down the counting simultaneously for no reason. Popular vote is idiot stuff from people who can't spell gub-ment  and think the Electoral College is playing in the NIT, and want Cali and NY liberal sh!tholes to pick our president from now on.

Millions of illegal votes cast and millions of fake ballots conjured up.
Where's your Proof Jet ?
Dear Leader could of used it 
And don't say i heard it somewhere
Or did catturd tell you
Haha catturd is a funny account and just happens to have some sense. You have The View and a president that doesn't know what planet he's on.
Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?
Why would Putin challenge Dear Leader when he has sided with Putin every chance he could

"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be,"
Hell he helped Dear Leader last 2 elections 

(03-18-2021, 08:51 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:47 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:38 PM)jetpilot Wrote: ^^^Difference in Electoral College is very tiny fraction of % of total "votes" cast and the "winning" "votes" came in at 4 in the morning in swing states after they all shut down the counting simultaneously for no reason. Popular vote is idiot stuff from people who can't spell gub-ment  and think the Electoral College is playing in the NIT, and want Cali and NY liberal sh!tholes to pick our president from now on.

Millions of illegal votes cast and millions of fake ballots conjured up.
Where's your Proof Jet ?
Dear Leader could of used it 
And don't say i heard it somewhere
Or did catturd tell you
Haha catturd is a funny account and just happens to have some sense. You have The View and a president that doesn't know what planet he's on.
Don't know about the view but we do have a Real President Now
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?

Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
(03-18-2021, 09:29 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?

Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
(03-19-2021, 08:36 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 09:29 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?

Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Joe Biden cannot help the fact that he is an imbecile whose stupidity has been compounded by dementia. I would like to think that the Biden voters are the laughingstocks but the truth is the Biden voters have made the United States a laughingstock by allowing such an idiot to occupy the White House.
(03-19-2021, 11:07 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 08:36 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 09:29 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?

Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:07 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 08:36 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 09:29 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 08:54 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Charlie Kirk

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a live, unscripted debate

Biden’s weakness is then laughing stock of the world.

I wonder why this never happened when Trump was president?

Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • jetpilot
^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. :D
[-] The following 1 user Likes TheRealThing's post:
  • jetpilot
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:07 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 08:36 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 09:29 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: Shows how much fear Uncle Joe threw into Russia when he warned that their election interference would not go unchallenged. I'm sure the specter of a Thor's hammer toting Biden has them lined up for refills for their panic medication. But I guess among the many things Ol Joe has forgotten, is the fact that the Russians know what they actually did or didn't do, or say.
Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town

(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:07 AM)jetpilot Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 08:36 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Russia and China are mad because they have had there way with the USA last 4 years 
Putin needs to let his own people have a debate with him instead of poison them if they speak out
Jet you and TRT need to stop taking advice from a 27 year old but i will give Mr Kirk credit for making money off fools
Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:07 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Agree with that but has nothing to do with him making Biden look ridiculous.
Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting. And he may be young buts he's way smarter than those nuts on The View who get their same talking points from ultralib media that you do.
Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us

From us? I'm sorry, remind me again when you served. Because if you didn't there is no 'us' from your side of the argument.

AFTR-- Hoot covered that base in his post, quote  "or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020." But I'm sure he appreciates your bearing out his observations of your reading skills.
(03-19-2021, 03:14 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us

From us? I'm sorry, remind me again when you served. Because if you didn't there is no 'us' from your side of the argument.
So to be a American citizen you have to serve in the military ? Is that what you are saying
That would mean approximately around 300 million of us are not correct me if i am wrong which i am sure you will
And let's be honest if you did serve i believe i seen it on here somewhere thank you

(03-19-2021, 03:14 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us

From us? I'm sorry, remind me again when you served. Because if you didn't there is no 'us' from your side of the argument.

AFTR-- Hoot covered that base in his post, quote  "or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020." But I'm sure he appreciates your bearing out his observations of your reading skills.
There is no debate about the Russians helping Dear Leader that's been settled
(03-19-2021, 03:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 03:14 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us

From us? I'm sorry, remind me again when you served. Because if you didn't there is no 'us' from your side of the argument.
So to be a American citizen you have to serve in the military ? Is that what you are saying
That would mean approximately around 300 million of us are not correct me if i am wrong which i am sure you will
And let's be honest if you did serve i believe i seen it on here somewhere thank you

Oh no, I would never say that. But I would say shooting your mouth off about any sort of military response when such response involves only other brave folks, is out of line.

And thank you for being so gracious in mentioning my service. It was a thrill, and certainly one of he highlights of my life. I would add, I have never judged those who chose not to serve. But I can tell you, sitting on board that aircraft circling the field at Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam, and knowing you're getting ready to be dropped off on a combat assignment; it makes you pucker. You don't feel better than other people for having served, you feel privileged and your eyes are forever opened.

If Russia did try to help Trump that would say an awful lot considering Hillary had just helped Russia buy off US uranium assets.
(03-19-2021, 03:36 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 03:23 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 03:14 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us

From us? I'm sorry, remind me again when you served. Because if you didn't there is no 'us' from your side of the argument.
So to be a American citizen you have to serve in the military ? Is that what you are saying
That would mean approximately around 300 million of us are not correct me if i am wrong which i am sure you will
And let's be honest if you did serve i believe i seen it on here somewhere thank you

Oh no, I would never say that. But I would say shooting your mouth off about any sort of military response when such response involves only other brave folks, is out of line.

And thank you for being so gracious in mentioning my service. It was a thrill, and certainly one of he highlights of my life. I would add, I have never judged those who chose not to serve. But I can tell you, sitting on board that aircraft circling the field at Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam, and knowing you're getting ready to be dropped off on a combat assignment; it makes you pucker. You don't feel better than other people for having served, you feel privileged and your eyes are forever opened.

If Russia did try to help Trump that would say an awful lot considering Hillary had just helped Russia buy off US uranium assets.
And once again I didn't say military response i said response let's get that clear
The draft was over by the time i turned 18 but my dad and 5 of his brothers did serve 1 WW2, 2 Korea, and 3 Vietnam all was drafted all answered the call I remember 1 uncle who said he tried to volunteer and turned him down some medical issue and then got a good job then they drafted him 
There are no "Did" Russia help Trump they did in fact help him in 2016 and 2020 that's been settled

My dad said he would do it again made a man out of him he said you grow up fast
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 11:37 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Ridiculous it couldn't get any Ridiculous than Dear Leader getting on a World Stage and taking Putin's words over our own intelligence agencies

This is who you guys support the truth will come out on this guy
"Kirk is just reporting what tons of other people are reporting." Other people ?
You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
(03-19-2021, 04:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You mean the intelligence agencies that began spying on Trump before the 2016 elections and participated in the Russian collusion hoax? It's funny how it was "Trump's intelligence agencies" for four years and now its "our intelligence agencies." You and the other BGR commies have the "my party is never wrong" attitude that have been so loved by tyrants since the days of Karl Marx.
And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

(03-19-2021, 12:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ vector your attempt is asinine.

Biden's handlers will never allow him to appear beside Vladmir Putin taking questions and/or making statements. They just can't take that great a chance because nobody, including Joe,  knows what he'd say. That and the fact that Putin would very likely take such opportunity to make Joe look as bad as possible.

The real world example is happening at this very moment out in Alaska. If Trump was the imbecile of your assertion, why pray tell is China so eager to get out from under the trade agreement reached under his Administration? Because it's favorable to the US and not China so much; that's why. And vector, what does it say when "tons of other people" report the same thing? All Kirk said was that Putin challenged Biden to debate. I will refrain from holding my breath until Biden shows up. That is about as likely as your being in the intellectual position to rightfully call anybody else a fool. Big Grin
I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 election that has been settled 
Now did Dear Leader work with Russia more than likely We know Russia hacked DNC emails gave them to wikileaks they colluded with Roger Stone to release the timing of the emails did Dear Leader know ? That has yet to be settled that's why he pardoned Stone before he was sentenced so he wouldn't squeal. The truth will come out one of these days
And No i am not drawing a check for mental disability but you would make a great candidate
(03-19-2021, 04:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 election that has been settled 
Now did Dear Leader work with Russia more than likely We know Russia hacked DNC emails gave them to wikileaks they colluded with Roger Stone to release the timing of the emails did Dear Leader know ? That has yet to be settled that's why he pardoned Stone before he was sentenced so he wouldn't squeal. The truth will come out one of these days
And No i am not drawing a check for mental disability but you would make a great candidate
Thanks, but I am not running for office. Repeating a lie never results in that lie becoming the truth.
(03-19-2021, 04:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 12:59 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And the Russians helped Dear Leader in 2020 the only thing absence was Comey helping Dear Leader 
I think they didn't open the investigation on Dear Leader until after he fired Comey and it was his people who did it
Russia did in FACT helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 that's settled 

They asked President Biden a question is Putin a killer and he answered YES and you guys want him to debate Putin ?

I think he debated Dear Leader and held his own
Why would you give a killer a chance to even be in same room with the President of the United States until he quits meddling in our elections ? Or you like which side he has chosen last 2 elections
China has been left a lone now for last 4 years Dear Leader has buddy up to there Leader NO more new Boss in town
You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 election that has been settled 
Now did Dear Leader work with Russia more than likely We know Russia hacked DNC emails gave them to wikileaks they colluded with Roger Stone to release the timing of the emails did Dear Leader know ? That has yet to be settled that's why he pardoned Stone before he was sentenced so he wouldn't squeal. The truth will come out one of these days
And No i am not drawing a check for mental disability but you would make a great candidate

Then please explain why the DNC refused to give up their sever, because if what you're saying were true; it could have been thusly proven by the evidence on the server. Everybody knows the DNC never gave up the server because it contained a lot of stuff that they couldn't let out there. AND, that the evidence that actually was on the server, would not have backed what the DNC put out on the news.
(03-19-2021, 04:38 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 election that has been settled 
Now did Dear Leader work with Russia more than likely We know Russia hacked DNC emails gave them to wikileaks they colluded with Roger Stone to release the timing of the emails did Dear Leader know ? That has yet to be settled that's why he pardoned Stone before he was sentenced so he wouldn't squeal. The truth will come out one of these days
And No i am not drawing a check for mental disability but you would make a great candidate

Then please explain why the DNC refused to give up their sever, because if what you're saying were true; it could have been thusly proven by the evidence on the server. Everybody knows the DNC never gave up the server because it contained a lot of stuff that they couldn't let out there. AND, that the evidence that actually was on the server, would not have backed what the DNC put out on the news.
So what you are saying the DNC turned over there emails to Wikileaks and the Russians didn't hack them ?
What did the DNC put out on the news

(03-19-2021, 04:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 04:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-19-2021, 02:00 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You are an idiot. You obviously do not read any better than you write. There was never any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians or that the Russians helped him get elected in either 2016 or 2020. The only evidence available was manufactured and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, which was used to illegally obtain FISA wiretap warrants.

I think your mangled English posts must be part of a ploy to support a mental disability claim. It reminds me of the mafia mobster who faked a mental disability by always showing up in public in his bath robe. Is pretending that Trump was not fully exonerated just part of the act? The pieces all fit. I see no signs of intelligent life.  Big Grin
Quooter you are a idiot and a liar I didn't say Dear Leader colluded with Russia i said Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020
Get the Sh!t out of your ears 
The days of letting Putin get away with interfering in our elections is over without any response from us
Liar. You and every liberal on BGR were aboard that Trump colluded with Russia train and everybody here knows that to be a fact. Are you drawing a check for a mental disability? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question.
Russia helped Dear Leader in 2016 and 2020 election that has been settled 
Now did Dear Leader work with Russia more than likely We know Russia hacked DNC emails gave them to wikileaks they colluded with Roger Stone to release the timing of the emails did Dear Leader know ? That has yet to be settled that's why he pardoned Stone before he was sentenced so he wouldn't squeal. The truth will come out one of these days
And No i am not drawing a check for mental disability but you would make a great candidate
Thanks, but I am not running for office. Repeating a lie never results in that lie becoming the truth.
Who said anything about you running for office ? But you would fit right in with some of your colleagues Quooter
What lie ?

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